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Created May 13, 2015 15:57
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Dynamic Matrix Controller
import scipy
import numpy
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from scipy.linalg import hankel
from numpy.linalg import inv
class DMC(object):
# P: Prediction Horizon
# M: Control Horizon
def __init__(self, sr, K, P, M):
if P >= sr.size:
raise Exception('prediction horizon must be less than size of unit step response')
self.K = K
self.P = P
self.y = 0 = sr
self.u = 0
# storage for past input
self.numpast = sr.size-P
self.pastinput = numpy.zeros(self.numpast)
# matrix to calculate free response from past input = numpy.subtract(hankel(sr[1:P+1], sr[P:sr.size]), numpy.tile(sr[0:sr.size-P].T, (P, 1)))
# set up Gain Matrix
tmp = numpy.zeros(M)
tmp[0] = sr[0]
B = toeplitz(sr[0:P], tmp)
I = numpy.identity(M)*(K)
# gain matrix
self.G = inv(numpy.add(, I)).dot(B.T)[0]
# y: process output
def calc(self, sp, y):
f = numpy.add(, self.pastinput), y)
ref = numpy.zeros(self.P)
du =, numpy.subtract(ref, f))
self.pastinput = numpy.concatenate([[du], self.pastinput[0:self.pastinput.size-1]])
self.u += du
return self.u, du
#sys_ss = scipy.signal.tf2ss([0.2713],[1,-0.8351])
#sysd_ss = scipy.signal.cont2discrete(sys_ss,1)
#t, y = scipy.signal.dstep(sysd_ss)
sr = numpy.array([0,0,0.271,0.498,0.687,0.845,0.977,1.087,1.179,1.256,1.32,1.374,1.419,1.456,1.487,1.513,1.535,1.553,1.565,1.581, 1.592,1.6,1.608,1.614,1.619,1.632,1.627,1.63,1.633,1.635])
K = 5
P = 10
M = 5
sp = 1
y = 0
steps = 200
Y = numpy.zeros(steps)
U = numpy.zeros(steps)
S = numpy.zeros(steps)
delay = numpy.zeros(3);
d = DMC(sr, K, P, M)
for i in range(0,steps):
if i == 100:
sp = 0.5
S[i] = sp
(u, du) = d.calc(sp, y)
U[i] = u
Y[i] = y
delay = numpy.concatenate([delay[1:3], [u]])
y = 0.8351*y+0.2713*delay[0] #plant output
plt.plot(U, drawstyle='steps-post')
plt.plot(S, drawstyle='steps-post')
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