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Last active September 3, 2023 01:04
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  • Save dpanter/4bc3f7dd4983f7f990706acd0214e6af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dpanter/4bc3f7dd4983f7f990706acd0214e6af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Check which compatibility tools Steam is configured to use on installed games
# Check which compatibility tools Steam is configured to use on installed games
# What's the point? Steam has no easy way to tell you which compat tools are used where.
# If you delete a custom proton version that is in use, Steam lists those games as not installed
# Created 2020-08-12 - Updated 2020-08-13
# Written for Siduction (Debian sid based distro)
# By dpanter
# kudos to MoistGoat
# default path to steams main game config file, use legacy path for backwards compatibility
# find steam game libraries
CDIR=$(grep "BaseInstallFolder" $CFILE | awk -F'"' '/BaseInstallFolder/ { print $4"/steamapps"}')
IFS=$'\n' array=($(printf "$CDIR"))
# print installed steam games, their appid and currently enabled compatibility tool
for c in "${array[@]}"; do
printf '\n'"Steam library: $c"'\n'
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "-----" "----------" "------------------"
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "Title" "AppID" "Compatibility Tool"
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "-----" "----------" "------------------"
for f in "$c"/*.acf; do
COL5=$(grep -w "appid" $f | awk -F'"' '/appid/ { print $4}')
COL6=$(grep "installdir" $f | awk -F'"' '/installdir/ { print $4 }')
COL7=$(sed -n "/CompatToolMapping/,/SurveyID/p" $CFILE | grep -A 2 -w $COL5 | awk -F'"' '/name/ { print $4 }')
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "$COL6" "$COL5" "$COL7"
# determine if any non-steam games have been installed
CNONS=$(sed -n "/CompatToolMapping/,/SurveyID/p" $CFILE | grep -B 2 -w "name" | awk -F'"' '{ print $2 }' | awk 'length>8' )
IFS=$'\n' array=($(printf "$CNONS"))
# print all detected non-steam games, their compat directory and currently enabled compatibility tool
# this isn't 100% due to how infuriatingly whimsical Valve made this system
# use protontricks to grab the game binary, also not 100%
if [ -z "$CNONS" ] ; then
printf '\n'"Could not find any installed non-Steam games."'\n'
printf '\n'"Non-Steam apps - Note that these compat dirs may no longer exist."'\n'
printf "Default location: $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/"'\n'
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "--------------------------" "----------" "------------------"
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "Protontricks detected game" "Compat dir" "Compatibility Tool"
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "--------------------------" "----------" "------------------"
for n in "${array[@]}"; do
COL2=$(hash protontricks 2>&-&& protontricks -s non-steam | grep $n | awk -F':' '{ print $2}' | awk -F'(' '{ print $1}')
COL3=$(printf $n)
COL4=$(sed -n "/CompatToolMapping/,/SurveyID/p" $CFILE | grep -A 2 -w $n | awk -F'"' '/name/ { print $4 }')
printf "%45s | %-10s | %-10s\n" "$COL2" "$COL3" "$COL4"
# check if protontricks exists in path and nag user to install it if not found
hash protontricks 2>&-|| printf '\n'"Protontricks not installed! Highly recommended utility.\n"'\n\n'
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