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Last active December 20, 2015 00:58
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Save dpasca/6045159 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My entry for the IndieVault Code Contest 01 ( )
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (ivcc01_thecrib)
if(MSVC) #((((((((((((((((
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "/DNDEBUG /DWIN32 /MD /Ox /Ot /Oi /GL /Ob2 /Oy /arch:SSE2")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "/DNDEBUG /DWIN32 /MD /Ox /Ot /Oi /GL /Ob2 /Oy /arch:SSE2")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "/D_DEBUG /DWIN32 /Zi /MDd /Od /arch:SSE2")
add_definitions( "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /wd4996 /nologo" ) # disable annoying secure CRT warnings
add_definitions( "/GR-" ) # disable RTTI
else() #--------------------
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-D_DEBUG -std=c++0x")
endif() #))))))))))))))))
add_executable (ivcc01_thecrib ivcc01_thecrib.cpp)
/// ivcc01_thecrib.cpp
/// Created by Davide Pasca - 2013/7/15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# include <Windows.h>
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
# include <stdint.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
// program tweaks
#define USED_EOL '\n'
#define MAX_MOVES 24 // must be multiple of 4
#define MAX_MOVE_NAME_LEN 32
#define MAX_MOVE_DEF_LEN 64
#define WRITE_BUFF_SIZE (1024*1024*2)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define USE_MMAP_FOR_READ // Read option (comment to use fread)
//# define USE_MMAP_FOR_WRITE // Write option for memory mapping
# define USE_WIN_ASYNC_WRITE // Write option for async writes
# if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_WRITE) && defined(USE_WIN_ASYNC_WRITE)
# error "Please, define only one or no options for writing"
# endif
// uncomment below to get profiling output
#define PROFBEGIN(_P_,_X_) //QuickProf _prof##_P_; _prof##_P_.Begin(_X_)
#define PROFEND(_P_) //_prof##_P_.End()
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define DFORCEINLINE __forceinline
# define DFORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
static void ExitErr( const char *pMsg )
puts( pMsg );
exit( -1 );
DFORCEINLINE double TimerGetMS()
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
static double coe;
static bool isInitialized;
if ( !isInitialized )
isInitialized = true;
__int64 freq;
QueryPerformanceFrequency( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&freq );
coe = 1000.0 / freq;
__int64 val;
QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER *)&val );
return val * coe;
timeval timeVal;
gettimeofday( &timeVal, NULL );
return (double)timeVal.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (double)timeVal.tv_usec;
class QuickProf
const char *mpMsg;
double mStart;
void Begin( const char *pMsg ) {
mpMsg = pMsg;
mStart = TimerGetMS();
void End() {
double elapsed = TimerGetMS() - mStart;
printf( "%s: %4.2lf ms\n", mpMsg, elapsed );
class ReadBuff
#if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_READ)
HANDLE mhFile;
size_t mSize;
char *mpData;
size_t mIdx;
ReadBuff( const char *pFName, size_t zeroPadLen )
: mSize(0)
, mpData(nullptr)
, mIdx(0)
#if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_READ)
mhFile = CreateFile(
0, NULL,
if ( !mhFile )
ExitErr( "Couldn't open the file for reading" );
mSize = GetFileSize( mhFile, NULL );
HANDLE handle =
CreateFileMapping( mhFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, mSize, 0 );
if ( !handle )
ExitErr( "Couldn't setup the file mapping for reading" );
mpData = (char *)MapViewOfFile(handle,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,mSize);
FILE *fp = fopen( pFName, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
ExitErr( "Couldn't open the file for reading" );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
mSize = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
mpData = (char *)malloc( mSize+zeroPadLen );
if ( mSize != (size_t)fread( mpData, 1, mSize, fp ) )
ExitErr( "Problems reading" );
// zero padding to avoid extra checks
memset( mpData + mSize, 0, zeroPadLen );
fclose( fp );
#if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_READ)
UnmapViewOfFile( mpData );
CloseHandle( mhFile );
free( mpData );
const char *GetDataCur() const { return mpData + mIdx; }
const char *GetDataEnd() const { return mpData + mSize; }
size_t GetSize() const { return mSize; }
const char *NextLine()
size_t staIdx = mIdx;
while ( mpData[ mIdx ] != USED_EOL && mpData[ mIdx ] )
return &mpData[ staIdx ];
static const size_t MEMCPYBLK_PAD = 8;
// limited to 32 bytes.. ideal for the moves' names
DFORCEINLINE void memcpyblk_s( char *pDes, const char *pSrc, size_t len )
auto *pDes64 = (uint64_t *)pDes;
auto *pSrc64 = (const uint64_t *)pSrc;
switch ( (len + 7) >> 3 )
case 4: pDes64[3] = pSrc64[3];
case 3: pDes64[2] = pSrc64[2];
case 2: pDes64[1] = pSrc64[1];
case 1: pDes64[0] = pSrc64[0];
DFORCEINLINE void memcpyblk( char *pDes, const char *pSrc, size_t len )
auto *pDes64 = (uint64_t *)pDes;
auto *pSrc64 = (const uint64_t *)pSrc;
size_t lenblk = (len + 7) >> 3;
for (size_t i=0; i != lenblk; ++i)
pDes64[i] = pSrc64[i];
#if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_WRITE)
// Memory mapped writer
class WriteBuff
HANDLE mhFile;
char *mpData;
size_t mMaxSize;
size_t mCurPos;
WriteBuff( const char *pFName, size_t maxSize )
: mhFile(nullptr)
, mpData(nullptr)
, mMaxSize(maxSize)
, mCurPos(0)
mhFile = CreateFile(
0, NULL,
setFileSize( mMaxSize );
HANDLE handle =
CreateFileMapping( mhFile, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, mMaxSize, 0 );
if ( !handle )
DWORD err = GetLastError();
ExitErr( "Couldn't setup for write" );
mpData = (char *)MapViewOfFile( handle,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,mMaxSize );
UnmapViewOfFile( mpData );
setFileSize( mCurPos );
CloseHandle( mhFile );
DFORCEINLINE void WriteLine( const char *pSta, const char *pEnd )
size_t len = pEnd - pSta;
if ( (mCurPos+len+1+MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxSize )
ExitErr( "Bad size in write !" );
memcpyblk( mpData + mCurPos, pSta, len );
mpData[mCurPos + len] = USED_EOL;
mCurPos += len + 1;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteString( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurPos+len+MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxSize )
ExitErr( "Bad size in write !" );
memcpyblk( mpData + mCurPos, pSta, len );
mCurPos += len;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteStringS( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurPos+len+MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxSize )
ExitErr( "Bad size in write !" );
memcpyblk_s( mpData + mCurPos, pSta, len );
mCurPos += len;
void setFileSize( size_t size )
DWORD ptrLow = SetFilePointer( mhFile, size, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
ExitErr( "Failed to resize the file" );
if ( !SetEndOfFile( mhFile ) )
ExitErr( "Failed to resize the file" );
#elif defined(USE_WIN_ASYNC_WRITE)
// Asynchronous double buffered writer with "overlapped"
class WriteBuff
HANDLE mhFile;
size_t mCurPos;
size_t mMaxBlockSize;
size_t mCurBlockPos;
char *mpData;
char *mpCurData;
size_t mBuffIdx;
WriteBuff( const char *pFName, char *pData, size_t maxSize )
: mhFile(nullptr)
, mCurPos(0)
, mMaxBlockSize(maxSize / 2)
, mCurBlockPos(0)
, mpData(pData)
, mpCurData(pData)
, mBuffIdx(0)
mhFile = CreateFile(
0, NULL,
memset( &mOverlap, 0, sizeof(mOverlap) );
void FlushAndClose()
if ( !mhFile )
// wait for the final flush
CloseHandle( mhFile );
mhFile = nullptr;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteLine( const char *pSta, const char *pEnd )
size_t len = pEnd - pSta;
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len+1 + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk( mpCurData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mpCurData[mCurBlockPos + len] = USED_EOL;
mCurBlockPos += len + 1;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteString( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk( mpCurData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mCurBlockPos += len;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteStringS( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk_s( mpCurData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mCurBlockPos += len;
void Flush()
mOverlap.Offset = (DWORD)mCurPos;
BOOL done = WriteFile( mhFile, mpCurData, mCurBlockPos, NULL, &mOverlap );
if ( !done && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
ExitErr( "Problems writing (W)" );
mCurPos += mCurBlockPos;
mBuffIdx ^= 1;
mpCurData = mpData + mBuffIdx * mMaxBlockSize;
mCurBlockPos = 0;
void waitWrite()
DWORD bytesDone;
if ( !GetOverlappedResult( mhFile, &mOverlap, &bytesDone, TRUE ) )
ExitErr( "Problems writing (O)" );
// Basic writer with fread()
class WriteBuff
size_t mMaxBlockSize;
char *mpData;
size_t mCurBlockPos;
WriteBuff( const char *pFName, char *pData, size_t maxSize )
: mpData(pData)
, mMaxBlockSize(maxSize)
, mCurBlockPos(0)
mFP = fopen( pFName, "wb" );
~WriteBuff() { Flush(); fclose( mFP ); }
DFORCEINLINE void WriteLine( const char *pSta, const char *pEnd )
size_t len = pEnd - pSta;
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len+1 + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk( mpData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mpData[mCurBlockPos + len] = USED_EOL;
mCurBlockPos += len + 1;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteString( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk( mpData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mCurBlockPos += len;
DFORCEINLINE void WriteStringS( const char *pSta, size_t len )
if ( (mCurBlockPos+len + MEMCPYBLK_PAD) > mMaxBlockSize )
memcpyblk_s( mpData + mCurBlockPos, pSta, len );
mCurBlockPos += len;
void Flush()
fwrite( mpData, 1, mCurBlockPos, mFP );
mCurBlockPos = 0;
class MoveDef
size_t mNameLen;
uint8_t mDefLen;
char mName[MAX_MOVE_NAME_LEN];
char mDef[MAX_MOVE_DEF_LEN];
void Init( const char *pLine )
const char *pEndName = strchr( pLine, ':' );
const char *pEndDef = strchr( pLine, USED_EOL );
mDefLen = pEndDef - (pEndName+1);
memcpy( mDef, pEndName+1, mDefLen );
mDef[mDefLen] = 0;
size_t nameLen = pEndName - pLine;
memcpy( mName, pLine, nameLen );
mName[nameLen+0] = USED_EOL; // include EOL in the name
mName[nameLen+1] = 0;
mNameLen = nameLen + 1;
class MinMovIdx
// needs less than 256, but anyway..
static uint8_t msCharToID[256];
static const size_t BITS_N = 4;
// this is a map of the lowest move index matched by the
// an index formed of a string of 4 symbols
uint8_t mMinIdxMap[ 1 << (BITS_N*4) ];
// NOTE: because there are 13 symbols, the smallest map would be
// of 13^4 elements, but for performance reasons we round to 16
// elements, so that an index can be formed with shifts instead
// of muls (still, we could simply allocate 13 * 16^3 instead
// of 16^4, but is has little effect on size (52K vs 64K) and
// none on performance)
msCharToID['d'] = 0;
msCharToID['D'] = 1;
msCharToID['u'] = 2;
msCharToID['U'] = 3;
msCharToID['l'] = 4;
msCharToID['L'] = 5;
msCharToID['r'] = 6;
msCharToID['R'] = 7;
msCharToID['k'] = 8;
msCharToID['K'] = 9;
msCharToID['p'] = 10;
msCharToID['P'] = 11;
msCharToID['#'] = 12;
// initialize to the highest index possible
for (size_t i=0; i != _countof(mMinIdxMap); ++i)
mMinIdxMap[i] = 0xff;
void AddMove( const char *pDef, size_t movIdx )
// update the map with the minimum move index
auto &mapVal = mMinIdxMap[ MakeIdx( pDef ) ];
if ( movIdx < mapVal )
mapVal = (uint8_t)movIdx;
DFORCEINLINE uint16_t GetMinIdx( uint16_t idx ) const
return mMinIdxMap[ idx ];
// progressive index update, one character at the time
// (faster than MakeIdx)
static DFORCEINLINE void UpdateIdx( uint16_t &idx, char ch )
idx <<= BITS_N;
idx |= msCharToID[ ch ];
// full index update, using whole 4 characters
static DFORCEINLINE uint16_t MakeIdx( const char *pStr )
return (uint16_t)(
(u_int)msCharToID[ pStr[3] ] << (0*BITS_N) |
(u_int)msCharToID[ pStr[2] ] << (1*BITS_N) |
(u_int)msCharToID[ pStr[1] ] << (2*BITS_N) |
(u_int)msCharToID[ pStr[0] ] << (3*BITS_N));
uint8_t MinMovIdx::msCharToID[256];
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
PROFBEGIN( total, "Total run" );
PROFBEGIN( read, "Reading" );
const char *pInFName = (argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "input.txt");
ReadBuff read( pInFName, MAX_MOVE_DEF_LEN );
PROFEND( read );
MoveDef moves[MAX_MOVES];
size_t movesN = 0;
MinMovIdx minMovIdx;
// parse the moves
for(const char *pLine = read.NextLine();
pLine[0] != USED_EOL;
pLine = read.NextLine())
auto &mov = moves[ movesN ];
mov.Init( pLine );
minMovIdx.AddMove( mov.mDef, movesN );
movesN += 1;
// setup for writing
const char *pOutFName = (argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "output.txt");
#if defined(USE_MMAP_FOR_WRITE)
// for memory mapping in output we preallocate a file
// that is 1.5 times the one in input.. it seems reasonable
size_t maxOutSize = (read.GetSize() + 1024) * 3 / 2;
WriteBuff write( pOutFName, maxOutSize );
static char writeBuffData[ WRITE_BUFF_SIZE ];
WriteBuff write( pOutFName, writeBuffData, WRITE_BUFF_SIZE );
PROFBEGIN( scan, "Scanning" );
// NOTE: the loop assumes some padding, which is allocated
// in the case of standard read, but potentially problematic
// with file mem mapping.
// It works in practice, but for exact bounding, code would
// become more complex (though just as fast)
const char *pDataSta = read.GetDataCur();
const char *pDataEnd = read.GetDataEnd();
const char *pLastMoveEnd = pDataSta;
auto mapIdx = MinMovIdx::MakeIdx( pDataSta );
for (const char *pCh=pDataSta; pCh != pDataEnd; ++pCh)
size_t fromMovIdx = minMovIdx.GetMinIdx( mapIdx );
// start looking for all moves, starting from the 1st
// possible match..
for (size_t i=fromMovIdx; i < movesN; ++i)
const auto &mov = moves[ i ];
const char *pDefSrc = mov.mDef;
size_t len = mov.mDefLen;
for (size_t j=0; pDefSrc[j] == pCh[j]; ++j)
if ( (j+1) == len ) // found ?
// write out
write.WriteLine( pLastMoveEnd, pCh );
write.WriteStringS( mov.mName, mov.mNameLen );
pLastMoveEnd = pCh + len;
pCh = pLastMoveEnd - 1;
mapIdx = MinMovIdx::MakeIdx( pCh );
i = movesN; // ends the loop, faster than "goto"
MinMovIdx::UpdateIdx( mapIdx, pCh[4] );
PROFEND( scan );
write.WriteString( pLastMoveEnd, pDataEnd-pLastMoveEnd );
#if defined(USE_WIN_ASYNC_WRITE)
// explicitly flush and close the file while the write
// buffer is still allocated (though it should probably
// be ok to leave it to the destructor)
PROFEND( total );
mkdir _cm_build
cd _cm_build
cmake ..
cd ..
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