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Last active May 29, 2017 18:50
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Render target blit for Gear VR SDK 1.5.0
/// DOVREyeSurface.cpp
/// Created by Davide Pasca - 2017/5/28
/// See the file "license.txt" that comes with this project for
/// copyright info.
#include "DOVREyeSurface.h"
static const char VERTEX_SHADER[] = R"RAW(
in vec3 Position;
in vec2 TexCoord;
out mediump vec2 v_txc0;
flat out int flat_viewID;
uniform mediump vec2 u_scaleST;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4( Position, 1.0 );
v_txc0 = TexCoord * u_scaleST;
flat_viewID = VIEW_ID;
static const char FRAGMENT_SHADER[] = R"RAW(
in mediump vec2 v_txc0;
flat in int flat_viewID;
uniform lowp sampler2D s_texture0;
uniform lowp sampler2D s_texture1;
void main()
if ( flat_viewID == 0 )
gl_FragColor = texture( s_texture0, v_txc0 );
gl_FragColor = texture( s_texture1, v_txc0 );
// geometry
OVR::VertexAttribs attribs;
attribs.uv0.Resize( 4 );
attribs.uv0[0] = { 0, 1 };
attribs.uv0[1] = { 1, 1 };
attribs.uv0[2] = { 0, 0 };
attribs.uv0[3] = { 1, 0 };
attribs.position.Resize( 4 );
attribs.position[0] = { -1, 1, 0 };
attribs.position[1] = { 1, 1, 0 };
attribs.position[2] = { -1, -1, 0 };
attribs.position[3] = { 1, -1, 0 };
OVR::Array< OVR::TriangleIndex > indices;
indices.Resize( 6 );
indices[0] = 0;
indices[1] = 1;
indices[2] = 2;
indices[3] = 2;
indices[4] = 1;
indices[5] = 3;
mGeom.Create( attribs, indices );
// program
static OVR::ovrProgramParm sProgParams[] =
{ "s_texture0", OVR::ovrProgramParmType::TEXTURE_SAMPLED },
{ "s_texture1", OVR::ovrProgramParmType::TEXTURE_SAMPLED },
{ "u_scaleST", OVR::ovrProgramParmType::FLOAT_VECTOR2 },
mProgram = OVR::GlProgram::Build( VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER, sProgParams, 3 );
// surface
mSurfaceDef.surfaceName = "DOVREyeSurface";
auto &gpuState = mSurfaceDef.graphicsCommand.GpuState;
gpuState.blendEnable = OVR::ovrGpuState::BLEND_DISABLE;
gpuState.cullEnable = false;
gpuState.depthEnable = false;
mSurfaceDef.graphicsCommand.UniformData[0].Data = &mTextures[0];
mSurfaceDef.graphicsCommand.UniformData[1].Data = &mTextures[1];
mSurfaceDef.graphicsCommand.UniformData[2].Data = &mTexScaleST;
mSurfaceDef.graphicsCommand.Program = mProgram;
mSurfaceDef.geo = mGeom;
void DOVREyeSurface::UpdateEyeSurface(
const std::array<GLuint,2> &texIDs,
const std::array<float,2> &scaleST )
mTextures[0] = OVR::GlTexture( texIDs[0], 0, 0 );
mTextures[1] = OVR::GlTexture( texIDs[1], 0, 0 );
mTexScaleST[0] = scaleST[0];
mTexScaleST[1] = scaleST[1];
OVR::GlProgram::Free( mProgram );
/// DOVREyeSurface.h
/// Created by Davide Pasca - 2017/5/28
/// See the file "license.txt" that comes with this project for
/// copyright info.
#include <array>
#include "SurfaceRender.h"
class DOVREyeSurface
OVR::ovrSurfaceDef mSurfaceDef;
OVR::GlProgram mProgram;
OVR::GlGeometry mGeom;
OVR::GlTexture mTextures[2];
OVR::Vector2f mTexScaleST = {1,1};
void UpdateEyeSurface(
const std::array<GLuint,2> &texIDs,
const std::array<float,2> &scaleST );
const OVR::ovrSurfaceDef *GetOVRSurfaceDef() const
return &mSurfaceDef;
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