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Created May 14, 2020 18:25
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JPFP Study Guide

Junior Phase Final Project Study Guide

What is the Junior Phase Final Project?

A reasonably large solo project you will work on during week 5 of junior phase.

What is it for?

Determining whether you are ready for what's coming in senior phase: whether you will be able to contribute meaningfully to group projects and whether you are in a place to benefit (instead of flounder) from the senior phase curriculum.


No test specs, only descriptions of what you are supposed to build, including wireframes. All necessary details will be shared with you when you start it.

Time frame

Roughly three days, see your calendar for exact details.

Miscellaneous study tips

  • Redux (especially react-redux and more generally integrating Redux into the frontend of an application) has historically been challenging for people during the project, so we recommend spending some quality study time on that — if you feel you are not finding good study resources, please reach out so that we can help
  • Study Saturdays are a particularly good way to prepare for the JPFP because the format is quite similar
  • We recommend you plan to work on the project out of class, or at least leave that option open; talk to family members / roommates / whomever else about this ahead of time
  • Sleep is still super important! Same with taking breaks. We encourage you to give it your all, but that means working smarter, not just harder

Some resources

  • Study Saturdays: a project-based exercise for practicing our stack with English-instructions, not just specs
  • Weekly Summaries: notes about the major takeaways from all the topics we have covered so far; recommended for those looking to study and solidify by reading

Questions to ask yourself

If there is a question below you cannot answer, you should look back to that part of the curriculum and / or reach out to your fellow or instructor with questions.


  • Do I know how to write CRUD routes?
    • Create / POST with
    • Read / GET with router.get
    • Update / PUT with router.put
    • Delete / DELETE with router.delete
  • Also, do I know how to deal with errors in routes?
    • Detect an error
    • Forward to error handling middleware
    • Define error handlin middleware


  • Do I know how to do CRUD with Sequelize?
    • Model.create()
    • Model.findAll()
    • Model.update()
    • Model.destroy()
  • Do I know how to define a model with db.define?
    • Columns
    • Class methods
    • Instance methods
    • Hooks
  • Do I know how to use associations?
    • What are associations?
    • How does it affect the database and / or my code when I use an association?
    • What is the syntax for defining an association?
    • How can I query with an association (namely, eager loading with include)?


  • Can I define a class component?
  • Can I define functional component?
  • Can I render a component in JSX and pass it props?
  • Can I receive props and render them in my component?
  • Can I set up my state properly?
  • Can I wire up state changes for user events?
  • Can I set up the root of my React view with ReactDOM.render()?
  • Can I work with forms and user inputs?


  • Do I know how to define an action / action creator?
  • Do I know how to define a reducer?
    • Can I wire up logic for handling different action types?
    • Can I update a state without mutating it? Even "nested" state?
  • Do I know how to define a thunk?
  • Do I understand how actions, thunks, and reducers work to update the state?

React Router...

  • Do I know how to define a frontend route?
    • How to associate a component with a particular route path?
    • What props will that component will receive from react router?
    • How to pass in custom props to that component?
  • Do I know how to define a link?
  • Do I know how to use react router's history object to change the current URL?


  • Do I understand connect?
    • What it does?
    • How to use it?
    • Where in my code to use it?
  • Do I understand mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps?
    • What they do?
    • How to write them?
    • Where in the code to write them?
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