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Created October 16, 2020 09:50
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React Forms Exit Ticket

Day 17 - React Forms

You should be able to:

  • Explain the difference between controlled and uncontrolled forms.
  • Build a form using React.
  • Explain the difference between local state and application state.

Controlled forms require... (check all that apply)

  • an event handler for change events ☑️
  • a call to preventDefault ☑️
  • the value for one or more inputs to be specified by React ☑️
  • a method and action attribute
  • an event handler for the submit event ☑️

Local state vs. Application state

Note: Each one of these can have an argument for either or.

Pick where each example of state should live, in the local or application state.

local state application state explanation
User data used in almost all components ☑️ This would be better managed higher up on the state tree since this user data is used in many components
The contents of a form to add a todo item ☑️ Usually only the form itself needs to know about the data inside of it
The list of all known Pokémon for a Pokédex app ☑️ ☑️ This app is giving us data on all the known Pokémon, which can affect how different parts of the application will run so that list data should probably be managed higher in the state tree. However, the argument can be made that the answer is "it depends" on what kind of functionality we are looking to have for that list.
Interactions with a chat bot ☑️ The kind of data in here could just be local as the interactions don't necessarily need to be known outside of local state. The interactions can be saved in the database to be used for later, though. However, it could very well be that the bot interactions can help inform other parts of the app, which then it would be more appropriate on application state.
How many carrots you have in your cart when ordering food online ☑️ If we go on any food ordering service and we put something in our cart, that data is maintained everywhere we go on the application.
Your sidebar color preferences in Slack ☑️ Even though it seems like it would be better with local state as this kind of data is not "complicated", it's probably best to be managed higher up in the state tree because all the components in our app depend on this data to make sure our sidebar color preferences are consistent across the app
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