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Last active June 18, 2020 09:25
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Get chat output by month from Zopim API
import requests
import json
from itertools import zip_longest
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
config = {
'username': 'EMAILGOESHERE',
'base_path': ''
#Since we are hitting the same subdomain with same endpoints lets take care of headers and auth just one time and reuse
s = requests.Session()
s.auth = (config['username'], config['password'])
#This is a little helper funciton that will take x of something, and let you chunk through a subset
#Note that 'n' is the chunk size
def _grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
#Since you want a report by month, lets just create a function to get all the chat IDs for a two digit month and 4 digit year
def get_chat_ids_for_month(year, month):
all_chat_ids = []
search_query = "timestamp:[{0}-{1}-01 TO {0}-{1}-31]".format(year, month)
params = {"q":search_query}
url = "{0}/chats/search".format(config['base_path'])
while url:
r = s.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(r.text)
for chat in response['results']:
url = response['next_url']
print("A request failed in the loop")
return all_chat_ids
def build_csv_data(queried_id_list):
all_chats_for_csv = []
for chunk in _grouper(50, queried_id_list):
filtered = [id for id in chunk if id is not None] #Only needed for last set of 50 that will have some sort of remainder filled with 'None' values by the grouper() function
url = "{0}/chats".format(config['base_path'])
stringified_ids = ",".join(filtered)
params = {"ids":stringified_ids}
r = s.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(r.text)
docs = response['docs']
for k in docs:
doc_obj = docs[k] #This is the 'doc' object. Note that some keys may not exist for all items. Duration does not exist for offline messages for example
print("error getting bulk chats")
return all_chats_for_csv
#grab the ids for the specified range NOTE!! This is where you can change the year/month for the date range.
queried_id_list = get_chat_ids_for_month(2016, 10)
#turn those into raw objects
csv_obj_data = build_csv_data(queried_id_list)
#create a list to hold our rows
all_rows_as_obj = []
#turn the raw objects into nice and tasty ones that pandas can digest
for record in csv_obj_data:
response_time = record.get('response_time', {})
count = record.get('count',{})
csv_obj = {
"id": record['id'],
"agent": ",".join(record.get('agent_names', "N/A")),
"visitor": record['visitor']['name'],
"department": record['department_name'],
"url": record.get('webpath', "N/A"),
"missed": record.get('missed', "N/A"),
"resp_first": response_time.get('first', []),
"resp_max": response_time.get('max', []),
"resp_avg": response_time.get('avg', []),
"start timestamp": record['session']['start_date'],
"end timestamp": record['session']['end_date'],
"total messages": count.get('total', 0),
"Agent Msg Count": count.get('agent', 0),
"Visitor Msg Count": count.get('visitor', 0),
"rating": record.get('rating',[]),
"ticket_id": record['zendesk_ticket_id']
except KeyError as e:
print("key error occured for record with id: {}".format(record['id']))
#with prettier objects our column names can just come from a call to the first object's keys
col_keys = all_rows_as_obj[0].keys()
#create the dataframe, list comprehension creates an array of rows based on the column names we got
#Let pandas do the hard part with csvs
csv_frame = pd.DataFrame([[i[j] for j in col_keys] for i in all_rows_as_obj], columns=col_keys)
#coerce ticket_id to be int not float
csv_frame['ticket_id'] = csv_frame['ticket_id'].fillna(0).astype(np.int64)
#fill blank values with the string 'N/A'
csv_frame = csv_frame.fillna("N/A")
#output to a file
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hey ! where can I submit the value of the date request . as example I want the data for today only ?

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