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Created May 10, 2016 16:47
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  • Save dpb587/37f7f1d188be1cdb7c29930a8bd8f627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dpb587/37f7f1d188be1cdb7c29930a8bd8f627 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

To add a new pull request, make a directory with the PR number. Then run

for PR in $( find . -type d ! -name '.*' ! -name 'z*' ) ; do
PR=$( basename "$PR" )
echo "==> cloudfoundry/bosh#$PR"
set -eu
PR_OFFSET=$2 # used to try and stagger runs; timer uses it to offset and run them overnight during our concourse quiet hours
mkdir -p $PR
[ -e $PR/github.json ] \
|| curl -s "$PR" > "$PR/github.json"
[ -e $PR/config.json ] \
|| jq -n '{"trusted":false}' > "$PR/config.json"
jq -n \
--argfile github "$PR/github.json" \
--argfile pr "$PR/config.json" \
--argfile runtime runtime.json \
--arg offset $PR_OFFSET \
--from-file pipeline.jq \
> "$PR/pipeline.json"
echo 'set-pipeline'
set-pipeline \
--load-vars-from runtime.json \
-p "$pipeline" \
-c "$PR/pipeline.json" \
| cat
# in theory, pause github-status resources since we don't trigger from them
# broken on production ci since it requires auth
echo 'pause-resource'
for resource in $( jq -r '.resources | map(select("github-status" == .type)) | map(.name)[]' < "$PR/pipeline.json" ) ; do
echo $resource
curl -s -X PUT "$CONCOURSE_URL/api/v1/pipelines/$pipeline/resources/$resource/pause"
rm $PR/pipeline.json
"groups": [
"name": "unit",
"jobs": [
"name": "integration",
"jobs": [
"name": "ruby:1.9",
"jobs": [
"name": "ruby:2.1",
"jobs": [
"name": "db:mysql",
"jobs": [
"name": "db:postgresql",
"jobs": [
"jobs": [
"name": "trusted",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "trigger",
"trigger": $pr.trusted
"get": "head"
"name": "unit-success",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"name": "integration-success",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"name": "unit-1.9",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"put": "unit-1.9-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "pending"
"task": "tests",
"file": "head/ci/tasks/test-unit.yml",
"input_mapping": {
"bosh-src": "head"
"params": {
"RUBY_VERSION": "1.9.3"
"on_failure": {
"put": "unit-1.9-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "failure"
"put": "unit-1.9-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "success"
"name": "unit-2.1",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"put": "unit-2.1-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "pending"
"task": "tests",
"file": "head/ci/tasks/test-unit.yml",
"input_mapping": {
"bosh-src": "head"
"params": {
"RUBY_VERSION": "2.1.7"
"on_failure": {
"put": "unit-2.1-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "failure"
"put": "unit-2.1-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "success"
"name": "integration-1.9-postgresql",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"put": "integration-1.9-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "pending"
"task": "tests",
"file": "head/ci/tasks/test-integration.yml",
"input_mapping": {
"bosh-src": "head"
"params": {
"DB": "postgresql",
"RUBY_VERSION": "1.9.3"
"on_failure": {
"put": "integration-1.9-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "failure"
"put": "integration-1.9-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "success"
"name": "integration-2.1-mysql",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"put": "integration-2.1-mysql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "pending"
"task": "tests",
"file": "head/ci/tasks/test-integration.yml",
"input_mapping": {
"bosh-src": "head"
"params": {
"DB": "mysql",
"RUBY_VERSION": "2.1.7"
"on_failure": {
"put": "integration-2.1-mysql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "failure"
"put": "integration-2.1-mysql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "success"
"name": "integration-2.1-postgresql",
"public": true,
"plan": [
"get": "head",
"trigger": true,
"passed": [
"put": "integration-2.1-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "pending"
"task": "tests",
"file": "head/ci/tasks/test-integration.yml",
"input_mapping": {
"bosh-src": "head"
"params": {
"DB": "postgresql",
"RUBY_VERSION": "2.1.7"
"on_failure": {
"put": "integration-2.1-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "failure"
"put": "integration-2.1-postgresql-status",
"params": {
"commit": "head",
"state": "success"
"resources": [
"name": "trigger",
"type": "time",
"source": {
"interval": "15m",
"start": ( ( ( 6 + ( $offset | tonumber ) ) % 24 ) | tostring + ":00 +0000" ),
"stop": ( ( ( 7 + ( $offset | tonumber ) ) % 24 ) | tostring + ":00 +0000" )
"name": "head",
"type": "git",
"source": {
"uri": ( "" + $github.head.repo.full_name + ".git" ),
"branch": $github.head.ref,
"private_key": $runtime.git_private_key
"check_every": "1h"
"name": "unit-1.9-status",
"type": "github-status",
"source": {
"repository": $github.base.repo.full_name,
"access_token": $runtime.github_access_token,
"branch": ( "pull/" + ( $github.number | tostring ) + "/head" ),
"context": "ci/unit/ruby:1.9"
"name": "unit-2.1-status",
"type": "github-status",
"source": {
"repository": $github.base.repo.full_name,
"access_token": $runtime.github_access_token,
"branch": ( "pull/" + ( $github.number | tostring ) + "/head" ),
"context": "ci/unit/ruby:2.1"
"name": "integration-1.9-postgresql-status",
"type": "github-status",
"source": {
"repository": $github.base.repo.full_name,
"access_token": $runtime.github_access_token,
"branch": ( "pull/" + ( $github.number | tostring ) + "/head" ),
"context": "ci/integration/ruby:1.9,db:postgresql"
"name": "integration-2.1-postgresql-status",
"type": "github-status",
"source": {
"repository": $github.base.repo.full_name,
"access_token": $runtime.github_access_token,
"branch": ( "pull/" + ( $github.number | tostring ) + "/head" ),
"context": "ci/integration/ruby:2.1,db:postgresql"
"name": "integration-2.1-mysql-status",
"type": "github-status",
"source": {
"repository": $github.base.repo.full_name,
"access_token": $runtime.github_access_token,
"branch": ( "pull/" + ( $github.number | tostring ) + "/head" ),
"context": "ci/integration/ruby:2.1,db:mysql"
"resource_types": [
"name": "github-status",
"type": "docker-image",
"source": {
"repository": "dpb587/github-status-resource",
"tag": "master"
} as $p | $p + { "groups": ( [ { "name": "all", "jobs": ( $ | map(.name) ) } ] + $p.groups ) }
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