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Created December 13, 2022 10:06
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Replicache with Suspense
import React, {
} from 'react';
import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom';
import { ReadonlyJSONValue, ReadTransaction, Replicache } from 'replicache';
type Mutators = {};
type Cache = Replicache<Mutators>;
function getCachePromise(path: string): Promise<Cache> {
// should return cache post initial sync
return null as any;
type Result = ReadonlyJSONValue;
type Future<T> = { read: () => T; promise: Promise<T> };
type Callback<T> = (future: Future<T>) => void;
type QueryBody<T> = (tx: ReadTransaction) => Promise<T>;
type KeyedQuery<T> = { key: string; query: QueryBody<T> };
type Query<T> = QueryBody<T> | KeyedQuery<T>;
type Subscription<T> = {
callbacks: Array<Callback<T>>;
future: Future<T>;
let hasPendingCallback = false;
let callbacks: (() => void)[] = [];
function doCallback() {
const cbs = callbacks;
callbacks = [];
hasPendingCallback = false;
unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {
for (const callback of cbs) {
type Status = 'pending' | 'success' | 'error';
function getFuture<T>(promise: Promise<T>): Future<T> {
let status: Status = 'pending';
let result: T;
let error: unknown;
let suspender = promise.then(
(r) => {
status = 'success';
result = r;
(e) => {
status = 'error';
error = e;
return {
read: () => {
if (status === 'pending') {
throw suspender;
} else if (status === 'error') {
throw error;
return result;
function getResult<T>(result: T): Future<T> {
return {
promise: Promise.resolve(result),
read: () => {
return result;
function getError<T>(error: unknown): Future<T> {
return {
promise: Promise.reject(error),
read: () => {
throw error;
export class Model {
path: string;
cache: Promise<Cache>;
subscriptions = new Map<Query<any>, Subscription<any>>();
queries = new Map<string, QueryBody<any>>();
constructor(path: string) {
console.log('new model', path);
this.path = path;
this.cache = getCachePromise(path);
private getKeyedQuery<T extends Result>({ key, query }: KeyedQuery<T>) {
const existing = this.queries.get(key);
if (existing) return existing;
this.queries.set(key, query);
return query as QueryBody<T>;
private getQueryBody<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>) {
if ('key' in query) {
return this.getKeyedQuery(query);
return query;
private getSubscription<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>) {
const body = this.getQueryBody(query);
const existing = this.subscriptions.get(body);
if (existing) {
return existing as Subscription<T>;
let pending = true;
let resolve: any;
let reject: any;
const promise = new Promise<T>((onResolve, onReject) => {
resolve = onResolve;
reject = onReject;
this.cache.then((cache) =>
cache.subscribe(body, {
onData: (value) => {
if (pending) {
pending = false;
this.onResolve(body, value);
onError: (error) => {
if (pending) {
pending = true;
this.onReject(body, error);
const future = getFuture(promise);
const subscription = { callbacks: [], future };
this.subscriptions.set(body, subscription);
return subscription;
getFuture<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>) {
return this.getSubscription(query).future;
getPromise<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>) {
return this.getSubscription(query).future.promise;
subscribe<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>, callback: Callback<T>) {
const subscription = this.getSubscription(query);
return () => this.unsubscribe(query, callback);
private unsubscribe<T extends Result>(
query: Query<T>,
callback: Callback<T>
) {
const subscription = this.getSubscription(query);
const index = subscription.callbacks.indexOf(callback);
if (index > -1) subscription.callbacks.splice(index, 1);
private onResolve<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>, result: T) {
const subscription = this.getSubscription(query);
subscription.future = getResult(result);
for (const callback of subscription.callbacks) {
private onReject<T extends Result>(query: Query<T>, error: unknown) {
const subscription = this.getSubscription(query);
subscription.future = getError(error);
for (const callback of subscription.callbacks) {
// we proxy our mutations here so we can do client specific stuff
async close() {
console.log(`closing ${this.path}`);
await this.cache.then((cache) => cache.close());
type GetModel = (name: string, path: string) => Model;
const ModelContext = createContext<GetModel | null>(null);
// this provides named replicaches for particular paths:
// - we have one space and one deal model for example, but they can
// point at different "spaces" and "deals"
export function ModelProvider(props: { children: ReactNode }) {
const [models] = useState(new Map<string, Model>());
const getModel = useCallback((name: string, path: string) => {
const existing = models.get(name);
if (existing) {
if (existing.path === path) return existing;
const model = new Model(path);
models.set(name, model);
return model;
}, []);
return (
<ModelContext.Provider value={getModel}>
// returns a named model for a particular path
export function useModel(name: string, path: string) {
const getModel = React.useContext(ModelContext);
if (getModel) return getModel(name, path);
throw new Error('no model context');
// this is the equivalent of useSubscribe - we create convenience hooks so we
// can do useDealQuery or orSpaceQuery
export function useModelQuery<T extends Result>(model: Model, query: Query<T>) {
const [future, setFuture] = useState(() => model.getFuture(query));
useEffect(() => {
return model.subscribe(query, (future) => {
callbacks.push(() => setFuture(future));
if (!hasPendingCallback) {
hasPendingCallback = true;
}, [model, query]);
// example usage
type Foo = { name: string };
async function queryFoos(tx: ReadTransaction) {
return (await tx.scan().toArray()) as Array<Foo>;
function Component() {
const model = useModel('space', 'spaces/1234');
const foos = useModelQuery(model, queryFoos);
return (
{ => (
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