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Created September 24, 2020 19:14
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Given an Azure search resource, this script will discover and reindex all
search indexes. This is necessary as non-soft-deletes do not remove data
from the indexes.
param (
$ApiVersion = "2020-06-30"
$Headers = @{ "api-key" = $ApiKey }
#region Common
$StarLine = "*" * 80
function GetIndexNames {
$GetUri = "$ApiUri/indexes?api-version=$ApiVersion" + '&$select=name'
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $GetUri `
-Method GET `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
$Json = $Response.content | ConvertFrom-Json
return $Json.value | foreach-object { ($ }
function GetIndexerNames {
$GetUri = "$ApiUri/indexers?api-version=$ApiVersion" + '&$select=name'
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $GetUri `
-Method GET `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
$Json = $Response.content | ConvertFrom-Json
return $Json.value | foreach-object { ($ }
function RecreateSearchIndex {
param ($IndexName)
Write-Output $StarLine
Write-Output " RecreateSearchIndex: $IndexName"
Write-Output $StarLine
#region Get Index
$GetUri = $ApiUri + "/indexes/" + $IndexName + "?api-version=" + $ApiVersion
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $GetUri `
-Method GET `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
Write-Output $Response
$StatusCode = $Response.StatusCode
$IndexJson = $Response.Content
if ($StatusCode -ne 200) {
#region Delete Index
$delete_uri = $ApiUri + "/indexes/" + $IndexName + "?api-version=" + $ApiVersion
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $delete_uri `
-Method DELETE `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
Write-Output $Response
#region Create Index
$create_url = "$ApiUri/indexes?api-version=" + $ApiVersion
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $create_url `
-Method POST `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers `
-Body $IndexJson
Write-Output $Response
function ResetAndRunIndexer {
param ($IndexerName)
Write-Output $StarLine
Write-Output " ResetAndRunIndexer: $IndexerName"
Write-Output $StarLine
$ResetUri = "$ApiUri/indexers/" + $IndexerName + "/reset?api-version=" + $ApiVersion
$RunUri = "$ApiUri/indexers/" + $IndexerName + "/run?api-version=" + $ApiVersion
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $ResetUri `
-Method POST `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
Write-Output $Response
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest $RunUri `
-Method POST `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers $Headers
Write-Output $Response
foreach ($IndexName in GetIndexNames) {
RecreateSearchIndex $IndexName
foreach ($IndexerName in GetIndexerNames) {
ResetAndRunIndexer $IndexerName
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