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Forked from xfenix/
Last active September 7, 2023 14:39
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Russian pluralize django template tag
@register.filter(is_safe = False)
def pluralize(value, forms):
Подбирает окончание существительному после числа
one, two, many = forms.split(u',')
value = str(value)[-2:] # 314 -> 14
if (21 > int(value) > 4):
return many
if value.endswith('1'):
return one
elif value.endswith(('2', '3', '4')):
return two
return many
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return ''
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Думаю да, можно. Много вариантов есть. Мой метод отличается повышенной читаемостью.

А вот тот, о котором вы говорите. Из библиотеки pytils.numeral:

def choose_plural(amount, variants):
    Choose proper case depending on amount

    @param amount: amount of objects
    @type amount: C{integer types}

    @param variants: variants (forms) of object in such form:
        (1 object, 2 objects, 5 objects).
    @type variants: 3-element C{sequence} of C{unicode}
        or C{unicode} (three variants with delimeter ',')

    @return: proper variant
    @rtype: C{unicode}

    @raise ValueError: variants' length lesser than 3
    if isinstance(variants, six.text_type):
        variants = split_values(variants)
    check_length(variants, 3)
    amount = abs(amount)
    if amount % 10 == 1 and amount % 100 != 11:
        variant = 0
    elif amount % 10 >= 2 and amount % 10 <= 4 and \
         (amount % 100 < 10 or amount % 100 >= 20):
        variant = 1
        variant = 2
    return variants[variant]

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