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Last active March 14, 2024 18:22
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Convert DTED to GeoTIFF for Mapbox tileset

Unzip DTED archive. This should contain one inner directory for every longitudinal band (e.g. w077).

Run the following script to convert to 8-bit GeoTIFF. Mapbox tilesets only support 8-bit.

# Convert all dt0 to GeoTIFF
for file in ../dtedlevel0/**/*.dt0; do
    output_file="./$(basename "$file" .dt0).tif"
    gdal_translate -of GTiff -ot Byte "$file" "$output_file"

Run the following script to combine all new *.tif files inside each longitudinal directory into a single *.tif.

# Combine all GeoTIFF files per degree band into one GeoTIFF
# Set the base directory
mkdir -p $output_dir

# Loop through all subdirectories
for dir in "$base_dir"/*/; do
    # Extract subdirectory name without path
    subdir_name=$(basename "$dir")
    # Find all GeoTIFF files in the subdirectory
    tif_files=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.tif")

    # Check if there are GeoTIFF files in the subdirectory
    if [ -n "$tif_files" ]; then
        # Combine GeoTIFF files into a single output file
        echo $output_file -o "$output_file" $tif_files

Upload one of these generated files (located in /dtedlevel0/all/) to Mapbox Studio as a Tileset.



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