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Created May 21, 2013 01:11
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bonus: Stealthed
primary: dexterity
- strength
- charisma
name: Cloud Of Steel
type: at_will
range: "60' range"
desc: "Toss a barrage of blades at your target, dealing medium damage. The longer you flurry a single target, the more damage Cloud of Steel will inflict."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 0
name: Sly Flourish
type: at_will
range: "2' cylinder"
desc: "A distracting flourish of your blades deals damage to your target."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 0
name: Dazing Strike
type: encounter
range: "3' cylinder"
cooldown: 10
desc: "Snap into the air, catching your opponent with a crushing blow to their head. The impact causes your opponent to be Dazed for several seconds."
bonus: "During Stealth, activation time reduced by 50%."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 0
name: Bloodbath
type: daily
range: "30' burst"
desc: "Flash around the battlefield, jumping from target to target. As you pass through an enemy, they are Slowed and are open to Combat Advantage."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 0
name: Sneak Attack
type: skill
desc: "Increase your Run Speed by 10% while Stealthed."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 0
name: Deft Strike
type: encounter
range: "60' range"
cooldown: 14
desc: "Dash behind your enemy and deliver a painful stab, Slowing your enemy for a short duration."
bonus: "During Stealth, range increased to 80' and allow you to teleport to friendly targets."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 5
name: Lashing Blade
type: encounter
range: "14' range, 3' cylinder"
cooldown: 20
desc: "Focus your strength into one furious attack, inflicting massive damage on your enemy."
bonus: "During Stealth, deals an additional 50% damage."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 5
name: Lurkers Assault
type: daily
desc: "Lurk through the shadows, adding +20% damage to your attacks and your Stealth meter regenerates very quickly in this state, allowing you to remain Stealthed for much longer."
rank_2: "Damage: +20%"
rank_3: "Damage: +20%"
level: 10
name: Whirlwind Of Blades
type: daily
range: "30' burst"
desc: "Whip your daggers out around you, dealing minor damage but gaining Power for each enemy you hit."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 10
name: Bait And Switch
type: encounter
range: "15' blast"
cooldown: 25
desc: "Jump backwards, dropping a decoy in your place. Any enemies that are near the decoy will attack it instead of you. Gain Action Points when the decoy is hit by an enemy."
bonus: "Refills your stealth bar and does not remove you from Stealth."
rank_2: "Decoy Hitpoints: +10%, Action Points from Decoy: +1%"
rank_3: "Decoy Hitpoints: +10%, Action Points from Decoy: +1%"
level: 15
name: First Strike
type: skill
desc: "Your first attack in combat deals 5% additional damage"
rank_2: "Damage: +5%"
rank_3: "Damage: +5%"
level: 15
name: Tenacious Concealment
type: skill
desc: "Reduces Stealth loss from incoming damage by 30%"
rank_2: "Stealth Loss: -30%"
rank_3: "Stealth Loss: -30%"
level: 15
name: Duelists Flurry
type: at_will
range: "2' cylinder"
desc: "Strike with two slashes followed by a flurry of attacks. Attacks from the flurry each have a chance to add a Bleed effect which can be stacked up to 10 times."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 20
name: Blitz
type: "encounter"
range: "40' range, 90' cone"
cooldown: 12
desc: "Throw a fan of blades out directly in front of you."
bonus: "During Stealth, slows all targets hit for 3 seconds."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 20
name: Tactics
type: skill
desc: "Increases your Action Point Gain by 5%"
rank_2: "Action Point Gain: +5%"
rank_3: "Action Point Gain: +5%"
level: 20
name: Impossible To Catch
paragon: "Inflitrator"
type: encounter
cooldown: 18
desc: "You break free from most control effects, and for several seconds you Deflect all incoming attacks and are immune to further control effects."
bonus: "You become completely untouchable to your enemies, dodging their attacks and receiving no damage."
rank_2: "Buff Duration: +1s"
rank_3: "Buff Duration: +1s"
level: 30
name: Infiltrators Action
type: skill
paragon: "Inflitrator"
desc: "Every time you do a daily, gain Combat Advantage for 5 secs."
rank_2: "Duration: +5"
rank_3: "Duration: +5"
level: 30
name: Path Of The Blade
type: encounter
cooldown: 25
desc: "Summon an upheaval of powerful blades around you, dealing damage to nearby enemies for the next several seconds."
bonus: "Pulses twice as fast for half of the duration."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 30
name: Impact Shot
type: encounter
range: "40' range"
cooldown: 0
desc: "Attack your opponent from a medium range, Pushing them slightly. This skill has 3 encounter charges."
bonus: "Briefly Stuns the target, and cost no charges."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 35
name: Gloaming Cut
type: at_will
paragon: "Inflitrator"
range: "20' range, 2' cylinder"
desc: "Dash forward with a shadowy cross slash that grants 25% of your Stealth bar if you kill a target with it."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 35
name: Skillful Infiltrator
type: skill
paragon: "Inflitrator"
desc: "Increase your base run speed by 5%, and your Deflect Chance and Crit Chane by 1%."
rank_2: "Run Speed: +5%, Crit Chance: +1%, Dodge Chance: +1%"
rank_3: "Run Speed: +5%, Crit Chance: +1%, Dodge Chance: +1%"
level: 40
name: Courage Breaker
type: daily
range: "45' range"
desc: "Shatter your enemy's courage, slowing their movement speed and lowering their attack damage by 30%. This effect goes through control immunities."
rank_2: "Damage Reduction: +30%"
rank_3: "Damage Reduction: +30%"
level: 40
name: Wicked Reminder
type: encounter
range: "3' cylinder"
cooldown: 4
desc: "Pierce your enemy's armor, cracking it for a period of time, lowering your target's Damage Resistance. This effect can stack up for 5 times."
bonus: "Applies 3 stacks."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 45
name: Shadow Strike
type: encounter
range: "40' range"
cooldown: 16
desc: "Strike your target from a medium range and fill your Stealth bar."
bonus: "Dazes target for a short duration, and does not remove Stealth."
rank_2: "Damage: +10%"
rank_3: "Damage: +10%"
level: 45
name: Invisible Infiltrator
type: skill
paragon: "Inflitrator"
desc: "After using a daily, refills your Stealth meter and grants a 5% damage bonus for 5 seconds."
level: 50
name: Shocking Execution
type: daily
paragon: "Inflitrator"
range: "30' range"
desc: "Leap up and strike with a vicious attack that ignores your targets' defense and deals additional damage based an how much health they are missing."
level: 50
name: Smoke Bomb
type: encounter
cooldown: 18
desc: "Drop a smoke bomb in front of you, Dazing opponents while inside of it."
bonus: "Now adds a Slow effect."
rank_2: "Duration: +1"
rank_3: "Duration: +1"
level: 50
name: Action Advantage
points: 5
desc: "2/4/6/8/10% additional Action Point for dealing Combat Advantage damage."
name: Weapon Mastery
points: 3
desc: "1/2/3% greater chance to land a critical hit."
name: Toughness
points: 3
desc: "Increase your Maximum Hit Points by 3/6/9%."
name: Swift Footwork
points: 5
desc: "Your Stamina regenerates 2/4/6/8/10% faster."
name: Battlewise
points: 3
desc: "You create 2/4/6% less threat."
name: Cunning Ambusher
points: 3
desc: "You deal 2/4/6% more damage for 6 seconds after leaving Stealth"
name: Endless Assault
points: 3
desc: "Your encounters deal 2/4/6% more damage."
name: Twilight Adept
points: 5
desc: "Restores 2/4/6/8/10% of your Stealth Meter when you Dodge Roll."
name: Lucky Skirmisher
points: 3
desc: "Increase your chance to Deflect by 1/2/3%."
name: Scoundrel Training
points: 3
desc: "Your At-Wills deal 3/6/9% more damage to foes not targeting you."
name: Disciple Of Strength
points: 3
desc: "Increase the amount of bonus damage Strength gives you by 5/10/15%."
name: Improved Cunning Sneak
points: 5
desc: "Your Stealth lasts 4/8/12/16/20% longer."
name: Speed Swindle
points: 5
desc: "When you crit a foe it loses 2/4/6/8/10% Run Speed, you gain 2/4/6/8/10%."
name: Cunning Stalker
points: 5
desc: "While Stealthed, you build 4/8/12/16/20% more Action Points."
name: Nimble Dodge
points: 5
desc: "Your dodge costs 2/4/6/8/10% less Stamina. This reduction is doubled while Stealthed."
name: Sneaky Stabber
points: 5
desc: "Your Gloaming Cut now grants 2/4/6/8/10% of your Stealth meter."
name: Baited Action
points: 5
desc: "Your Bait and Switch Dummy has 2/4/6/8/10% more health and reflects 1/2/3/4/5% of damage delt to it."
name: Expert Sneak
points: 5
desc: "While Stealthed, you gain 2/4/6/8/10% Run speed and your At Will Powers reduce your target’s damage by 1/2/3/4/5%"
name: Sneak Of Shadows
points: 5
desc: "Deal 2/4/6/8/10% more damage while Stealthed."
name: Unerring Ambush
points: 5
desc: "Strikes with Deft Strike, Dazing Strike and Blitz deal 4/8/12/16/20% more damage from Stealth."
name: Ruthless Efficiency
points: 1
desc: "When you land a killing blow, your Armor Pen is increased by 30% for 6 seconds."
name: Berserk Vitality
points: 5
desc: "Gain .5/1/1.5/2/2.5% of your Max Hit Points as Temporary Hit Points when you deal Combat Advantage damage to a foe. This can only occur once every 20 seconds."
name: Underhanded Tactics
points: 5
desc: "Increase the effectiveness of Combat Advantage for you by 4/8/12/16/20%"
name: Press The Advantage
points: 5
desc: "Your Impossible to Catch now also improves your Power by 2/4/6/8/10%"
name: Nimble Blade
points: 5
desc: "35% chance to deal an additional 4/8/12/16/20% damage on a non critical strike."
name: Mocking Knave
points: 5
desc: "Sly Flourish and Cloud of Steel deal 2/4/6/8/10% more damage. Additionally, Cloud of Steel’s damage bonus per stack is increased by .5/1/1.5/2/2.5%."
name: Catspaw Style
points: 5
desc: "Your Blitz and Dazing Strike reduce the target’s defenses by 2/4/6/8/10%. This effect can not stack."
name: Action Rush
points: 5
desc: "Your Encounter Powers have a 15% chance to grant 3/6/9/12/15% of your Action Point"
name: Brutal Wound
points: 5
desc: "Courage Breaker and Whirlwind of Blades also deal 50/100/150/200/250% of your weapon damage over 5 seconds."
name: Whirlwind Sneak Attack
points: 1
desc: "For 10 seconds after Stealth ends, the first time you hit with an encounter power it will deal 15% additional damage."
name: Dazzling Blades
points: 5
desc: "Your At-Will powers have a 3/6/9/12/15% chance to reduce the cooldown on recharging Encounter powers by 1 second."
name: Thrill Of The Kill
points: 5
desc: "When you land a killing blow, gain .2/.4/.6/.8/1% of your Action Points."
name: Crueltys Reward
points: 5
desc: "When you critically strike a foe you generate 2/4/6/8/10% less threat for 6 seconds."
name: Devastating Shroud
points: 5
desc: "Increase your critical strike chance and severity by 2/4/6/8/10% for 6 seconds after using Shocking Execution."
name: Brutal Backstab
points: 5
desc: "While Stealthed you critical with 5/10/15/20/25% more severity."
name: Critical Teamwork
points: 5
desc: "You and your nearby allies gain a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to crit."
name: Deadly Momentum
points: 5
desc: "Duelist’s Flurry has a 5/10/15/20/25% chance to apply ‘Deadly Momentum’ Deadly Momentum; Increases your critical severity by 5% per stack."
name: Sharpened Steel
points: 5
desc: "Blitz and Wicked Reminder have 2/4/6/8/10% more chance to crit."
name: Overrun Critical
points: 1
desc: "When you land a critical hit, one of your next attacks strikes with 30% of your crit severity."
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