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Created February 29, 2024 17:05
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import { Prisma } from "../prisma.js";
import { DatabaseClient } from "../prisma/DatabaseClient.js";
export type IdType = string
export type CreateInput = Prisma.DiscoveryCallCreateInput
export type UpdateInput = Prisma.DiscoveryCallUpdateInput
export type WhereInput = Prisma.DiscoveryCallWhereInput
export type WhereUniqueInput = Prisma.DiscoveryCallWhereUniqueInput
export type OrderByInput = Prisma.DiscoveryCallOrderByWithRelationInput | Prisma.DiscoveryCallOrderByWithRelationInput[]
export class DiscoveryCallRepository {
private model: Prisma.DiscoveryCallDelegate
constructor() {
this.model = DatabaseClient.getInstance().prisma.discoveryCall
async findById(id: IdType) {
return this.model.findFirst({ where: { id: { equals: id } } })
async findMany({ orderBy, where, skip, take, cursor }: { orderBy?: OrderByInput, where?: WhereInput, skip?: number, take?: number, cursor?: WhereUniqueInput }) {
return this.model.findMany({ orderBy, where, skip, take, cursor })
async create(args: CreateInput) {
return this.model.create({ data: args })
async delete(id: IdType) {
return this.model.delete({ where: { id } })
async update(id: IdType, data: Omit<UpdateInput, "id">) {
return this.model.update({ where: { id: id }, data })
async upsert(where: WhereUniqueInput, update: UpdateInput, create: CreateInput) {
return this.model.upsert({ where, update, create })
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