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Created July 13, 2020 15:24
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  • Save dpiparo/ac89c4303e622b1b307c6d6c04013cf0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Reproduce a memory usageissue present when merging histograms appeared in 6.20
Measured values on lxplus
source /cvmfs/
6.18 res memory = 1879.34 Mbytes
source /cvmfs/
6.20 res memory = 2951.23 Mbytes
source /cvmfs/
6.22 res memory = 2966.5 Mbytes
void memory()
ProcInfo_t info;
printf(" res memory = %g Mbytes\n",info.fMemResident/1024.);
// Utility function to check the consistency of the axis labels
// Taken from TH1::CheckBinLabels which is not public
static bool CheckBinLabels(const TAxis* a1, const TAxis* a2) {
// Check that axis have same labels
THashList* l1 = (const_cast<TAxis*>(a1))->GetLabels();
THashList* l2 = (const_cast<TAxis*>(a2))->GetLabels();
if (!l1 && !l2)
return true;
if (!l1 || !l2) {
return false;
// Check now labels sizes are the same
if (l1->GetSize() != l2->GetSize()) {
return false;
for (int i = 1; i <= a1->GetNbins(); ++i) {
std::string_view label1 = a1->GetBinLabel(i);
std::string_view label2 = a2->GetBinLabel(i);
if (label1 != label2) {
return false;
return true;
int repro() {
std::vector<std::string> infiles = {
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_10.root",
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_11.root",
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_12.root",
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_13.root",
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_14.root",
// "/eos/cms/store/user/srimanob/hlttdr/CMSSW_11_1_0/DQM/step1_WithValidation_inDQM_15.root",
std::vector<TFile*> tfiles;
for (auto f : infiles) {
TFile* tf = TFile::Open(f.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> treenames = {// TODO: there are more.
std::map<std::string, TH1*> store;
int totobjects = 0;
for (auto tname : treenames) {
for (auto tf : tfiles) {
std::cout << "Reading " << tname << " from " << tf->GetName() << "\n";
std::string* m_fullName = nullptr;
TH1* m_buffer = nullptr;
uint32_t m_tag = 0;
TTree* m_tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(tf->Get(tname.c_str()));
m_tree->SetBranchAddress("FullName", &m_fullName);
m_tree->SetBranchAddress("Flags", &m_tag);
m_tree->SetBranchAddress("Value", &m_buffer);
int min = 0;
int max = m_tree->GetEntries();
for (int i = min; i < max; i++) {
TH1*& existing = store[*m_fullName];
TH1* original = existing;
TH1* toAdd = m_buffer;
if (!existing) {
existing = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(m_buffer->Clone());
} else {
if (original->GetNbinsX() == toAdd->GetNbinsX() &&
original->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() == toAdd->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() &&
original->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() == toAdd->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() &&
original->GetNbinsY() == toAdd->GetNbinsY() &&
original->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() == toAdd->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() &&
original->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() == toAdd->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() &&
original->GetNbinsZ() == toAdd->GetNbinsZ() &&
original->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() == toAdd->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() &&
original->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() == toAdd->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() &&
CheckBinLabels(original->GetXaxis(), toAdd->GetXaxis()) &&
CheckBinLabels(original->GetYaxis(), toAdd->GetYaxis()) &&
CheckBinLabels(original->GetZaxis(), toAdd->GetZaxis())) {
} else {
std::cout << "Found histograms with different axis limits or different labels '" << original->GetName()
<< "' not merged.";
std::cout << "Read " << totobjects << " and merged them into " << store.size() << " objects.\n";
return 0;
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