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Created December 22, 2011 16:55
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> {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll, RankNTypes #-}
> import Control.Monad.Cont
An Eilenberg-Moore algebra for a monad t (a t-algebra) is one of these:
> type Algebra t x = t x -> x
satisfying these laws (page 3):
a . return = id
a . fmap a = a . join
Here's a simple example:
> h :: Algebra [] Int
> h = sum
For t=[], a t-algebra is a rule for reducing a list to a single element. The
laws say that this reduction can be performed by breaking the list up into
pieces which can be reduced in parallel and recombined. (Actually, a []-algebra
is just a monoid.)
The folklore theorem on page 7 is given by this pair of isomorphisms:
> iso :: (Monad t, Functor t) => Algebra t c -> (forall a . t a -> Cont c a)
> iso a u = cont $ \g -> a (fmap g u)
> iso' :: (forall a . t a -> Cont c a) -> Algebra t c
> iso' sigma = \u -> runCont (sigma u) id
For the case t=[] the isomorphism says that reduction rules satisfying the
Eilenberg-Moore rules are the same as a map-reduce operation satisfying certain
> mapReduce h f l = runCont (iso h l) f
> example = mapReduce h (^2) [1..10]
I'll leave monads other than [] as an exercise.
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