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Created December 24, 2020 22:53
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Branch relaxation with monotonic time travel
Here's a block of code in some imaginary assembly language:
jmp A
jmp A
jmp A
.A ...
If "jmp A" branches more than 127 bytes it's a 3 byte instruction, otherwise 2 bytes.
But the size of the branch instruction depends on the branch displacement which depends
on the instruction size circularly. We want a fixed point of
> {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
> import Control.Applicative
> import Data.Function
> infixr :<
> assemble7 :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
> assemble7 (shortJump1, shortJump2, shortJump3) =
> let jmpSize1 = if shortJump1 then 2 else 3
> jmpSize2 = if shortJump2 then 2 else 3
> jmpSize3 = if shortJump3 then 2 else 3
> shortJump1' = jmpSize1 + blockSize1 + jmpSize2 + blockSize2 + jmpSize3 + blockSize3 < 128
> shortJump2' = jmpSize2 + blockSize2 + jmpSize3 + blockSize3 < 128
> shortJump3' = jmpSize3 + blockSize3 < 128
> blockSize1 = 64
> blockSize2 = 30
> blockSize3 = 28
> in (shortJump1', shortJump2', shortJump3')
Sometimes this might cause non-termination. How can we impose a policy on the programmer to make sure
this never happens?
Note that `shortJump[123]` are effectively forward references. If we use `fix` on `assemble7` then
it basically picks up the values generated on the previous iteration. One way to ensure convergence
is to impose this condition: all forward references are going to go through an operator `box` which
actually computes the minimum (considering `Bool` as an instance of `Ord`) value of its argument seen
on any iteration, starting optimistically with `True`. Because all forward references go through
a monotonic function like this we're guaranteed convergence. There are a few ways of doing this but
I'm going to replace our logical variables with streams:
> data Stream a = a :< Stream a deriving Show
> instance Functor Stream where
> fmap f (x :< xs) = f x :< fmap f xs
> instance Applicative Stream where
> pure x = x :< pure x
> liftA2 f (x :< xs) (y :< ys) = f x y :< liftA2 f xs ys
> assemble longJump =
> let branchLocation = 0
> codeLength = 125 + if longJump then 3 else 2
> destination = branchLocation + codeLength
> in destination - branchLocation > 127
> streamScanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Stream b -> Stream a
> streamScanl f a ~(x :< xs) = a :< streamScanl f (f a x) xs
> streamHead (a :< _) = a
> streamTake 0 _ = []
> streamTake n (x :< xs) = x : streamTake (n - 1) xs
Here is `box` doing a delay of 1 and computing the "cumulative" min:
> box :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool
> box = streamScanl (&&) True
Sorry it's ugly, I couldn't get `ApplicativeDo` to do this. I hope you see that
conceptually it's `assemble7` "lifted" to streams.
> assemble8 :: Stream (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> Stream (Bool, Bool, Bool)
> assemble8 shortJumps =
> let shortJump1 = (\(a, _, _) -> a) <$> shortJumps
> shortJump2 = (\(_, b, _) -> b) <$> shortJumps
> shortJump3 = (\(_, _, c) -> c) <$> shortJumps
> jmpSize1 = (\s -> if s then 2 else 3) <$> box shortJump1
> jmpSize2 = (\s -> if s then 2 else 3) <$> box shortJump2
> jmpSize3 = (\s -> if s then 2 else 3) <$> box shortJump3
The crucial thing to note here is that we'd prefer `shortJump[123]'` to be `True` but we can accept both `False` and
`True` so this code is compatible with `box`:
> shortJump1' = (\j1 j2 j3 -> j1 + blockSize1 + j2 + blockSize2 + j3 + blockSize3 < 128) <$> jmpSize1 <*> jmpSize2 <*> jmpSize3
> shortJump2' = (\j2 j3 -> j2 + blockSize2 + j3 + blockSize3 < 128) <$> jmpSize2 <*> jmpSize3
> shortJump3' = (\j3 -> j3 + blockSize3 < 128) <$> jmpSize3
> blockSize1 = 64
> blockSize2 = 30
> blockSize3 = 30
> in (\a b c -> (a, b, c)) <$> shortJump1' <*> shortJump2' <*> shortJump3'
Now we walk our stream until we find convergence:
> solve :: (Eq a) => (Stream a -> Stream a) -> a
> solve f =
> let findEqual (x :< y :< ys) | x == y = x
> findEqual (x :< xs) = findEqual xs
> in findEqual (fix f)
This example is trivial and converges in one step
> main = do
> print $ solve assemble8
Anyway, this is a convoluted way of doing all this. But here's my main point: there's a logic lurking here. Consider
code like
f (a, b, c) =
let a' = a || b || c
b' = a || c
c' = not a && not b
in (a', b', c')
A fixed point solves a system of logical equations
a = a ∨ b ∧ c
b = a ∧ c
c = ¬ a ∧ ¬ b
Now introduce boxes. I'm too lazy to lift by hand so here's unlifted pseudocode:
f (a, b, c) =
let a' = box (a || b || c)
b' = box (a || c)
c' = box (not a && not b)
in (a', b', c')
We're solving equations like:
a = □ (a ∨ b ∧ c)
b = □ (a ∨ c)
c = □ (¬ a ∧ ¬ b)
But what does □ mean in a purely logical context?
Well, I'm pretty sure □ is the modal operator from provability logic (GL).
See for one angle on this.
See my own blog post for another.
(That post also gives examples that take longer to converge.)
The stream interpretation is (disguised) in Boolos' book on Provability Logic.
So my claim is this: provability logic is the logic of convergent monotonic time
travel à la @ezyang as suggested here:
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