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Created February 1, 2017 19:06
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Version 2.0
import Data.Ratio
(*!) _ 0 = 0
(*!) a b = a*b
(^+) a b = zipWith (+) a b
(^-) a b = zipWith (-) a b
~(a : as) `convolve` (b : bs) = (a *! b) :
((map (a *) bs) ^+ (as `convolve` (b : bs)))
compose (f : fs) (0 : gs) = f : (gs `convolve` (compose fs (0 : gs)))
integrate x = 0 : zipWith (/) x (map fromInteger [1..])
sin' = integrate cos'
cos' = let _ : cos'' = map negate (integrate sin') in 1 : cos''
delta (g : gs) h = let g' = delta gs h
in (0 : ((1 : h) `convolve` g')) ^+ gs
fsqrt (0 : 1 : fs) =
let gs = map (/ 2) $ fs ^- (0 : gs `convolve`
((0 : delta gs gs) ^+
((2 : gs) `convolve` (gs `compose` g))))
g = 0 : 1 : gs
in g
type Q = Ratio Integer
type R = Double
-- The function x -> x+x^2
f = 0 : 1 : 1 : repeat 0 :: [Rational]
sqrt' x = 1:rs where rs = map (/2) (xs ^- (rs `convolve` (0:rs)))
_ : xs = x
-- The inverse of x -> x+x^2, i.e. x -> (1/2)(-1 + sqrt(1+4x))
f' = fmap (/2) $ sqrt' (1 : 4 : repeat 0) ^- (1 : repeat 0)
church 0 f = id
church n f = church (n-1) f . f
n = 256
g, g' :: [Q]
g = church n fsqrt f ^- (0 : 1 : repeat 0)
g' = church n fsqrt f' ^- (0 : 1 : repeat 0)
main = do
print "'log' f"
mapM_ print $ take 20 (map (flip approxRational ((1/10)^20)) $ map ((2^n) *) g :: [Q])
print "'log' (inverse of f)"
mapM_ print $ take 20 (map (flip approxRational ((1/10)^20)) $ map ((2^n) *) g' :: [Q])
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