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Created January 2, 2019 14:40
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Asmjit unwind info registration and stack walking code for Windows, Linux and macOS
Asmjit unwind info registration and stack walking code for Windows, Linux and macOS
Copyright (c) 2018, Magnus Norddahl
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications.
Note: this is an extract from GZDoom's asmjit-based JIT implementation that I did.
The code doesn't compile as-is because of this. However, it does fully implement
registering unwind info for asmjit on the three major desktop operating systems.
It also shows how to walk the stack when asmjit frames are present.
I'm releasing it as effectively public domain in the hope that it will be useful
for other people or perhaps the asmjit project itself.
#ifdef WIN32
#include <DbgHelp.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
struct JitLineInfo
ptrdiff_t InstructionIndex = 0;
int32_t LineNumber = -1;
asmjit::Label Label;
struct JitFuncInfo
FString name;
FString filename;
TArray<JitLineInfo> LineInfo;
void *start;
void *end;
static TArray<JitFuncInfo> JitDebugInfo;
static TArray<uint8_t*> JitBlocks;
static TArray<uint8_t*> JitFrames;
static size_t JitBlockPos = 0;
static size_t JitBlockSize = 0;
asmjit::CodeInfo GetHostCodeInfo()
static bool firstCall = true;
static asmjit::CodeInfo codeInfo;
if (firstCall)
asmjit::JitRuntime rt;
codeInfo = rt.getCodeInfo();
firstCall = false;
return codeInfo;
static void *AllocJitMemory(size_t size)
using namespace asmjit;
if (JitBlockPos + size <= JitBlockSize)
uint8_t *p = JitBlocks[JitBlocks.Size() - 1];
p += JitBlockPos;
JitBlockPos += size;
return p;
size_t allocatedSize = 0;
void *p = OSUtils::allocVirtualMemory(1024 * 1024, &allocatedSize, OSUtils::kVMWritable | OSUtils::kVMExecutable);
if (!p)
return nullptr;
JitBlockSize = allocatedSize;
JitBlockPos = size;
return p;
#ifdef WIN32
#define UWOP_SET_FPREG 3
#define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128 8
#define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR 9
static TArray<uint16_t> CreateUnwindInfoWindows(asmjit::CCFunc *func)
using namespace asmjit;
FuncFrameLayout layout;
Error error = layout.init(func->getDetail(), func->getFrameInfo());
if (error != kErrorOk)
I_Error("FuncFrameLayout.init failed");
// We need a dummy emitter for instruction size calculations
CodeHolder code;
X86Assembler assembler(&code);
X86Emitter *emitter = assembler.asEmitter();
// Build UNWIND_CODE codes:
TArray<uint16_t> codes;
uint32_t opoffset, opcode, opinfo;
// Note: this must match exactly what X86Internal::emitProlog does
X86Gp zsp = emitter->zsp(); // ESP|RSP register.
X86Gp zbp = emitter->zsp(); // EBP|RBP register.
X86Gp gpReg = emitter->zsp(); // General purpose register (temporary).
X86Gp saReg = emitter->zsp(); // Stack-arguments base register.
uint32_t gpSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindGp);
if (layout.hasPreservedFP())
// Emit: 'push zbp'
// 'mov zbp, zsp'.
gpSaved &= ~Utils::mask(X86Gp::kIdBp);
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opinfo = X86Gp::kIdBp;
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
emitter->mov(zbp, zsp);
if (gpSaved)
for (uint32_t i = gpSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++)
if (!(i & 0x1)) continue;
// Emit: 'push gp' sequence.
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opinfo = regId;
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
uint32_t stackArgsRegId = layout.getStackArgsRegId();
if (stackArgsRegId != Globals::kInvalidRegId && stackArgsRegId != X86Gp::kIdSp)
if (!(layout.hasPreservedFP() && stackArgsRegId == X86Gp::kIdBp))
// Emit: 'mov saReg, zsp'.
emitter->mov(saReg, zsp);
if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment())
// Emit: 'and zsp, StackAlignment'.
emitter->and_(zsp, -static_cast<int32_t>(layout.getStackAlignment()));
if (layout.hasStackAdjustment())
// Emit: 'sub zsp, StackAdjustment'.
emitter->sub(zsp, layout.getStackAdjustment());
uint32_t stackadjust = layout.getStackAdjustment();
if (stackadjust <= 128)
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opinfo = stackadjust / 8 - 1;
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
else if (stackadjust <= 512 * 1024 - 8)
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opinfo = 0;
codes.Push(stackadjust / 8);
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opinfo = 1;
codes.Push((uint16_t)(stackadjust >> 16));
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment() && layout.hasDsaSlotUsed())
// Emit: 'mov [zsp + dsaSlot], saReg'.
X86Mem saMem = x86::ptr(zsp, layout._dsaSlot);
emitter->mov(saMem, saReg);
uint32_t xmmSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindVec);
if (xmmSaved)
X86Mem vecBase = x86::ptr(zsp, layout.getVecStackOffset());
X86Reg vecReg = x86::xmm(0);
bool avx = layout.isAvxEnabled();
bool aligned = layout.hasAlignedVecSR();
uint32_t vecInst = aligned ? (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovaps : X86Inst::kIdMovaps) : (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovups : X86Inst::kIdMovups);
uint32_t vecSize = 16;
for (uint32_t i = xmmSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++)
if (!(i & 0x1)) continue;
// Emit 'movaps|movups [zsp + X], xmm0..15'.
emitter->emit(vecInst, vecBase, vecReg);
if (vecBase.getOffsetLo32() / vecSize < (1 << 16))
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opcode = UWOP_SAVE_XMM128;
opinfo = regId;
codes.Push(vecBase.getOffsetLo32() / vecSize);
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset();
opcode = UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR;
opinfo = regId;
codes.Push((uint16_t)(vecBase.getOffsetLo32() >> 16));
codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12));
// Build the UNWIND_INFO structure:
uint16_t version = 1, flags = 0, frameRegister = 0, frameOffset = 0;
uint16_t sizeOfProlog = (uint16_t)assembler.getOffset();
uint16_t countOfCodes = (uint16_t)codes.Size();
TArray<uint16_t> info;
info.Push(version | (flags << 3) | (sizeOfProlog << 8));
info.Push(countOfCodes | (frameRegister << 8) | (frameOffset << 12));
for (unsigned int i = codes.Size(); i > 0; i--)
info.Push(codes[i - 1]);
if (codes.Size() % 2 == 1)
return info;
void *AddJitFunction(asmjit::CodeHolder* code, JitCompiler *compiler)
using namespace asmjit;
CCFunc *func = compiler->Codegen();
size_t codeSize = code->getCodeSize();
if (codeSize == 0)
return nullptr;
#ifdef _WIN64
TArray<uint16_t> unwindInfo = CreateUnwindInfoWindows(func);
size_t unwindInfoSize = unwindInfo.Size() * sizeof(uint16_t);
size_t functionTableSize = sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION);
size_t unwindInfoSize = 0;
size_t functionTableSize = 0;
codeSize = (codeSize + 15) / 16 * 16;
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)AllocJitMemory(codeSize + unwindInfoSize + functionTableSize);
if (!p)
return nullptr;
size_t relocSize = code->relocate(p);
if (relocSize == 0)
return nullptr;
size_t unwindStart = relocSize;
unwindStart = (unwindStart + 15) / 16 * 16;
JitBlockPos -= codeSize - unwindStart;
#ifdef _WIN64
uint8_t *baseaddr = JitBlocks.Last();
uint8_t *startaddr = p;
uint8_t *endaddr = p + relocSize;
uint8_t *unwindptr = p + unwindStart;
memcpy(unwindptr, &unwindInfo[0], unwindInfoSize);
RUNTIME_FUNCTION *table = (RUNTIME_FUNCTION*)(unwindptr + unwindInfoSize);
table[0].BeginAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(startaddr - baseaddr);
table[0].EndAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(endaddr - baseaddr);
#ifndef __MINGW64__
table[0].UnwindInfoAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(unwindptr - baseaddr);
table[0].UnwindData = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(unwindptr - baseaddr);
BOOLEAN result = RtlAddFunctionTable(table, 1, (DWORD64)baseaddr);
if (result == 0)
I_Error("RtlAddFunctionTable failed");
JitDebugInfo.Push({ compiler->GetScriptFunction()->PrintableName, compiler->GetScriptFunction()->SourceFileName, compiler->LineInfo, startaddr, endaddr });
return p;
extern "C"
void __register_frame(const void*);
void __deregister_frame(const void*);
static void WriteLength(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, unsigned int pos, unsigned int v)
*(uint32_t*)(&stream[pos]) = v;
static void WriteUInt64(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, uint64_t v)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
stream.Push((v >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
static void WriteUInt32(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, uint32_t v)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
stream.Push((v >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
static void WriteUInt16(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, uint16_t v)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
stream.Push((v >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
static void WriteUInt8(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, uint8_t v)
static void WriteULEB128(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, uint32_t v)
while (true)
if (v < 128)
WriteUInt8(stream, v);
WriteUInt8(stream, (v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
v >>= 7;
static void WriteSLEB128(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, int32_t v)
if (v >= 0)
WriteULEB128(stream, v);
while (true)
if (v > -128)
WriteUInt8(stream, v & 0x7f);
WriteUInt8(stream, v);
v >>= 7;
static void WritePadding(TArray<uint8_t> &stream)
int padding = stream.Size() % 8;
if (padding != 0)
padding = 8 - padding;
for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) WriteUInt8(stream, 0);
static void WriteCIE(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, const TArray<uint8_t> &cieInstructions, uint8_t returnAddressReg)
unsigned int lengthPos = stream.Size();
WriteUInt32(stream, 0); // Length
WriteUInt32(stream, 0); // CIE ID
WriteUInt8(stream, 1); // CIE Version
WriteUInt8(stream, 'z');
WriteUInt8(stream, 'R'); // fde encoding
WriteUInt8(stream, 0);
WriteULEB128(stream, 1);
WriteSLEB128(stream, -1);
WriteULEB128(stream, returnAddressReg);
WriteULEB128(stream, 1); // LEB128 augmentation size
WriteUInt8(stream, 0); // DW_EH_PE_absptr (FDE uses absolute pointers)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cieInstructions.Size(); i++)
WriteLength(stream, lengthPos, stream.Size() - lengthPos - 4);
static void WriteFDE(TArray<uint8_t> &stream, const TArray<uint8_t> &fdeInstructions, uint32_t cieLocation, unsigned int &functionStart)
unsigned int lengthPos = stream.Size();
WriteUInt32(stream, 0); // Length
uint32_t offsetToCIE = stream.Size() - cieLocation;
WriteUInt32(stream, offsetToCIE);
functionStart = stream.Size();
WriteUInt64(stream, 0); // func start
WriteUInt64(stream, 0); // func size
WriteULEB128(stream, 0); // LEB128 augmentation size
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fdeInstructions.Size(); i++)
WriteLength(stream, lengthPos, stream.Size() - lengthPos - 4);
static void WriteAdvanceLoc(TArray<uint8_t> &fdeInstructions, uint64_t offset, uint64_t &lastOffset)
uint64_t delta = offset - lastOffset;
if (delta < (1 << 6))
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, (1 << 6) | delta); // DW_CFA_advance_loc
else if (delta < (1 << 8))
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, 2); // DW_CFA_advance_loc1
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, delta);
else if (delta < (1 << 16))
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, 3); // DW_CFA_advance_loc2
WriteUInt16(fdeInstructions, delta);
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, 4); // DW_CFA_advance_loc3
WriteUInt32(fdeInstructions, delta);
lastOffset = offset;
static void WriteDefineCFA(TArray<uint8_t> &cieInstructions, int dwarfRegId, int stackOffset)
WriteUInt8(cieInstructions, 0x0c); // DW_CFA_def_cfa
WriteULEB128(cieInstructions, dwarfRegId);
WriteULEB128(cieInstructions, stackOffset);
static void WriteDefineStackOffset(TArray<uint8_t> &fdeInstructions, int stackOffset)
WriteUInt8(fdeInstructions, 0x0e); // DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset
WriteULEB128(fdeInstructions, stackOffset);
static void WriteRegisterStackLocation(TArray<uint8_t> &instructions, int dwarfRegId, int stackLocation)
WriteUInt8(instructions, (2 << 6) | dwarfRegId); // DW_CFA_offset
WriteULEB128(instructions, stackLocation);
static TArray<uint8_t> CreateUnwindInfoUnix(asmjit::CCFunc *func, unsigned int &functionStart)
using namespace asmjit;
// Build .eh_frame:
// The documentation for this can be found in the DWARF standard
// The x64 specific details are described in "System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement"
// See appendix D.6 "Call Frame Information Example" in the DWARF 5 spec.
// The CFI_Parser<A>::decodeFDE parser on the other side..
// Asmjit -> DWARF register id
int dwarfRegId[16];
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdAx] = 0;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdDx] = 1;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdCx] = 2;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdBx] = 3;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdSi] = 4;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdDi] = 5;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdBp] = 6;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdSp] = 7;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR8] = 8;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR9] = 9;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR10] = 10;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR11] = 11;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR12] = 12;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR13] = 13;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR14] = 14;
dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdR15] = 15;
int dwarfRegRAId = 16;
int dwarfRegXmmId = 17;
TArray<uint8_t> cieInstructions;
TArray<uint8_t> fdeInstructions;
uint8_t returnAddressReg = dwarfRegRAId;
int stackOffset = 8; // Offset from RSP to the Canonical Frame Address (CFA) - stack position where the CALL return address is stored
WriteDefineCFA(cieInstructions, dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdSp], stackOffset);
WriteRegisterStackLocation(cieInstructions, returnAddressReg, stackOffset);
FuncFrameLayout layout;
Error error = layout.init(func->getDetail(), func->getFrameInfo());
if (error != kErrorOk)
I_Error("FuncFrameLayout.init failed");
// We need a dummy emitter for instruction size calculations
CodeHolder code;
X86Assembler assembler(&code);
X86Emitter *emitter = assembler.asEmitter();
uint64_t lastOffset = 0;
// Note: the following code must match exactly what X86Internal::emitProlog does
X86Gp zsp = emitter->zsp(); // ESP|RSP register.
X86Gp zbp = emitter->zsp(); // EBP|RBP register.
X86Gp gpReg = emitter->zsp(); // General purpose register (temporary).
X86Gp saReg = emitter->zsp(); // Stack-arguments base register.
uint32_t gpSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindGp);
if (layout.hasPreservedFP())
// Emit: 'push zbp'
// 'mov zbp, zsp'.
gpSaved &= ~Utils::mask(X86Gp::kIdBp);
stackOffset += 8;
WriteAdvanceLoc(fdeInstructions, assembler.getOffset(), lastOffset);
WriteDefineStackOffset(fdeInstructions, stackOffset);
WriteRegisterStackLocation(fdeInstructions, dwarfRegId[X86Gp::kIdBp], stackOffset);
emitter->mov(zbp, zsp);
if (gpSaved)
for (uint32_t i = gpSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++)
if (!(i & 0x1)) continue;
// Emit: 'push gp' sequence.
stackOffset += 8;
WriteAdvanceLoc(fdeInstructions, assembler.getOffset(), lastOffset);
WriteDefineStackOffset(fdeInstructions, stackOffset);
WriteRegisterStackLocation(fdeInstructions, dwarfRegId[regId], stackOffset);
uint32_t stackArgsRegId = layout.getStackArgsRegId();
if (stackArgsRegId != Globals::kInvalidRegId && stackArgsRegId != X86Gp::kIdSp)
if (!(layout.hasPreservedFP() && stackArgsRegId == X86Gp::kIdBp))
// Emit: 'mov saReg, zsp'.
emitter->mov(saReg, zsp);
if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment())
// Emit: 'and zsp, StackAlignment'.
emitter->and_(zsp, -static_cast<int32_t>(layout.getStackAlignment()));
if (layout.hasStackAdjustment())
// Emit: 'sub zsp, StackAdjustment'.
emitter->sub(zsp, layout.getStackAdjustment());
stackOffset += layout.getStackAdjustment();
WriteAdvanceLoc(fdeInstructions, assembler.getOffset(), lastOffset);
WriteDefineStackOffset(fdeInstructions, stackOffset);
if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment() && layout.hasDsaSlotUsed())
// Emit: 'mov [zsp + dsaSlot], saReg'.
X86Mem saMem = x86::ptr(zsp, layout._dsaSlot);
emitter->mov(saMem, saReg);
uint32_t xmmSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindVec);
if (xmmSaved)
int vecOffset = layout.getVecStackOffset();
X86Mem vecBase = x86::ptr(zsp, layout.getVecStackOffset());
X86Reg vecReg = x86::xmm(0);
bool avx = layout.isAvxEnabled();
bool aligned = layout.hasAlignedVecSR();
uint32_t vecInst = aligned ? (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovaps : X86Inst::kIdMovaps) : (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovups : X86Inst::kIdMovups);
uint32_t vecSize = 16;
for (uint32_t i = xmmSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++)
if (!(i & 0x1)) continue;
// Emit 'movaps|movups [zsp + X], xmm0..15'.
emitter->emit(vecInst, vecBase, vecReg);
WriteAdvanceLoc(fdeInstructions, assembler.getOffset(), lastOffset);
WriteRegisterStackLocation(fdeInstructions, dwarfRegXmmId + regId, stackOffset - vecOffset);
vecOffset += static_cast<int32_t>(vecSize);
TArray<uint8_t> stream;
WriteCIE(stream, cieInstructions, returnAddressReg);
WriteFDE(stream, fdeInstructions, 0, functionStart);
WriteUInt32(stream, 0);
return stream;
void *AddJitFunction(asmjit::CodeHolder* code, JitCompiler *compiler)
using namespace asmjit;
CCFunc *func = compiler->Codegen();
size_t codeSize = code->getCodeSize();
if (codeSize == 0)
return nullptr;
unsigned int fdeFunctionStart = 0;
TArray<uint8_t> unwindInfo = CreateUnwindInfoUnix(func, fdeFunctionStart);
size_t unwindInfoSize = unwindInfo.Size();
codeSize = (codeSize + 15) / 16 * 16;
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)AllocJitMemory(codeSize + unwindInfoSize);
if (!p)
return nullptr;
size_t relocSize = code->relocate(p);
if (relocSize == 0)
return nullptr;
size_t unwindStart = relocSize;
unwindStart = (unwindStart + 15) / 16 * 16;
JitBlockPos -= codeSize - unwindStart;
uint8_t *baseaddr = JitBlocks.Last();
uint8_t *startaddr = p;
uint8_t *endaddr = p + relocSize;
uint8_t *unwindptr = p + unwindStart;
memcpy(unwindptr, &unwindInfo[0], unwindInfoSize);
if (unwindInfo.Size() > 0)
uint64_t *unwindfuncaddr = (uint64_t *)(unwindptr + fdeFunctionStart);
unwindfuncaddr[0] = (ptrdiff_t)startaddr;
unwindfuncaddr[1] = (ptrdiff_t)(endaddr - startaddr);
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On macOS __register_frame takes a single FDE as an argument
uint8_t *entry = unwindptr;
while (true)
uint32_t length = *((uint32_t *)entry);
if (length == 0)
if (length == 0xffffffff)
uint64_t length64 = *((uint64_t *)(entry + 4));
if (length64 == 0)
uint64_t offset = *((uint64_t *)(entry + 12));
if (offset != 0)
entry += length64 + 12;
uint32_t offset = *((uint32_t *)(entry + 4));
if (offset != 0)
entry += length + 4;
// On Linux it takes a pointer to the entire .eh_frame
JitDebugInfo.Push({ compiler->GetScriptFunction()->PrintableName, compiler->GetScriptFunction()->SourceFileName, compiler->LineInfo, startaddr, endaddr });
return p;
void JitRelease()
#ifdef _WIN64
for (auto p : JitFrames)
#elif !defined(WIN32)
for (auto p : JitFrames)
for (auto p : JitBlocks)
asmjit::OSUtils::releaseVirtualMemory(p, 1024 * 1024);
JitBlockPos = 0;
JitBlockSize = 0;
static int CaptureStackTrace(int max_frames, void **out_frames)
memset(out_frames, 0, sizeof(void *) * max_frames);
#ifdef _WIN64
// RtlCaptureStackBackTrace doesn't support RtlAddFunctionTable..
CONTEXT context;
memset(&history, 0, sizeof(UNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE));
ULONG64 establisherframe = 0;
PVOID handlerdata = nullptr;
int frame;
for (frame = 0; frame < max_frames; frame++)
ULONG64 imagebase;
PRUNTIME_FUNCTION rtfunc = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context.Rip, &imagebase, &history);
memset(&nvcontext, 0, sizeof(KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS));
if (!rtfunc)
// Leaf function
context.Rip = (ULONG64)(*(PULONG64)context.Rsp);
context.Rsp += 8;
RtlVirtualUnwind(UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER, imagebase, context.Rip, rtfunc, &context, &handlerdata, &establisherframe, &nvcontext);
if (!context.Rip)
out_frames[frame] = (void*)context.Rip;
return frame;
#elif defined(WIN32)
// JIT isn't supported here, so just do nothing.
return 0;//return RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(0, MIN(max_frames, 32), out_frames, nullptr);
return backtrace(out_frames, max_frames);
#ifdef WIN32
class NativeSymbolResolver
NativeSymbolResolver() { SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), nullptr, TRUE); }
~NativeSymbolResolver() { SymCleanup(GetCurrentProcess()); }
FString GetName(void *frame)
FString s;
unsigned char buffer[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + 128];
IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 *symbol64 = reinterpret_cast<IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64*>(buffer);
memset(symbol64, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + 128);
symbol64->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64);
symbol64->MaxNameLength = 128;
DWORD64 displacement = 0;
BOOL result = SymGetSymFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)frame, &displacement, symbol64);
if (result)
DWORD displacement = 0;
memset(&line64, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64));
line64.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);
result = SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)frame, &displacement, &line64);
if (result)
s.Format("Called from %s at %s, line %d\n", symbol64->Name, line64.FileName, (int)line64.LineNumber);
s.Format("Called from %s\n", symbol64->Name);
return s;
class NativeSymbolResolver
FString GetName(void *frame)
FString s;
char **strings;
void *frames[1] = { frame };
strings = backtrace_symbols(frames, 1);
// Decode the strings
char *ptr = strings[0];
char *filename = ptr;
const char *function = "";
// Find function name
while (*ptr)
if (*ptr == '(') // Found function name
*(ptr++) = 0;
function = ptr;
// Find offset
if (function[0]) // Only if function was found
while (*ptr)
if (*ptr == '+') // Found function offset
*(ptr++) = 0;
if (*ptr == ')') // Not found function offset, but found, end of function
*(ptr++) = 0;
int status;
char *new_function = abi::__cxa_demangle(function, nullptr, nullptr, &status);
if (new_function) // Was correctly decoded
function = new_function;
s.Format("Called from %s at %s\n", function, filename);
if (new_function)
return s;
int JITPCToLine(uint8_t *pc, const JitFuncInfo *info)
int PCIndex = int(pc - ((uint8_t *) (info->start)));
if (info->LineInfo.Size () == 1) return info->LineInfo[0].LineNumber;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < info->LineInfo.Size (); i++)
if (info->LineInfo[i].InstructionIndex >= PCIndex)
return info->LineInfo[i - 1].LineNumber;
return -1;
FString JitGetStackFrameName(NativeSymbolResolver *nativeSymbols, void *pc)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < JitDebugInfo.Size(); i++)
const auto &info = JitDebugInfo[i];
if (pc >= info.start && pc < info.end)
int line = JITPCToLine ((uint8_t *)pc, &info);
FString s;
if (line == -1)
s.Format("Called from %s at %s\n",, info.filename.GetChars());
s.Format("Called from %s at %s, line %d\n",, info.filename.GetChars(), line);
return s;
return nativeSymbols ? nativeSymbols->GetName(pc) : FString();
FString JitCaptureStackTrace(int framesToSkip, bool includeNativeFrames)
void *frames[32];
int numframes = CaptureStackTrace(32, frames);
std::unique_ptr<NativeSymbolResolver> nativeSymbols;
if (includeNativeFrames)
nativeSymbols.reset(new NativeSymbolResolver());
FString s;
for (int i = framesToSkip + 1; i < numframes; i++)
s += JitGetStackFrameName(nativeSymbols.get(), frames[i]);
return s;
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