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Created January 9, 2017 05:04
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Source code for a blog post
import Data.List
type Program = [SExp]
-- Note that we are using Strings in our compiler to denote Lisp *symbols*;
-- The Lisp we are writing has no string primitives of its own.
data SExp = Literal Integer -- e.g. 5, 42
| Symbol String -- e.g. x, first, lambda, -
| SExp [SExp] -- e.g. (+ (* 3 2) 4), (define fact (lambda n (fact (- n 1))))
instance Show SExp where
show (Literal n) = show n
show (Symbol s) = s
-- show (SExp [Symbol "+", Literal 5, Literal 2]) == "(+ 5 2)"
show (SExp exprs) = "(" ++ (intersperse ' ' $ concat $ map show exprs) ++ ")"
data Value = Number Integer
| List [SExp]
| Lambda (Value -> Value)
instance Show Value where
show (Number n) = show n
show (List exp) = show exp
show (Lambda f) = "<Lisp function>"
type SymbolTable = [(String, Value)]
-- read :: [Char] -> Program
-- Each SExp in the Program might update the symbol table, and also returns a value.
-- Yes, a State monad is applicable here, but it's not really necessary
-- for this exposition.
eval :: SExp -> SymbolTable -> (Value, SymbolTable)
-- If the expression is just an integer, it has no effect on the symbol table
-- but we should print out that integer.
eval (Literal n) table = (Number n, table)
eval (Symbol s) table =
case (lookup s table) of
Just value -> (value, table)
Nothing -> error ("The value " ++ s ++ " is not defined! Aborting.")
-- "define" is primitive construct, not a function or even a value.
-- We need to handle this case in `eval` separately so that it is handled correctly.
-- In the interest of simplicity, we will specify that "define" should be a top-level
-- expression. Something like (+ (define x 3) 4) will not update the table.
eval (SExp (Symbol "define" : Symbol s : expr : [])) table =
let value = fst $ eval expr table
-- Return the new value and update the symbol table, overwriting the old definition.
(value, (s, value) : table)
-- "list" is also primitive, and is used to make lists.
-- Note that in real Lisps, the expression '(1 2 3) is a *reader shorthand*
-- that expands to (quote 1 2 3).
eval (SExp (Symbol "quote" : exprs)) table = (List exprs, table)
-- This one is a less straightforward!
-- To evaluate a term like `(lambda x (+ x 2))` we need to construct
-- a Haskell function of type `Value -> Value` which will associate the given
-- value with the symbol `x`. Luckily, `eval` does just that.
eval (SExp (Symbol "lambda" : Symbol s : expr : [])) table =
let fn = \value -> fst $ eval expr ((s, value) : table)
(Lambda fn, table)
-- This is the general case, where the first value evaluates to some function
-- and we do curried function application.
eval (SExp (car : cdr)) table =
let (fn, _) = eval car table
args = map fst $ map (\expr -> eval expr table) cdr
(applyRecursive fn args, table)
-- This will get us Curried function application.
applyRecursive :: Value -> [Value] -> Value
applyRecursive f args = foldr next f args where
next (Lambda fn) value = fn value
next not_a_function _ = error ("Cannot apply non-function " ++ (show not_a_function))
-- The expression `([], [])` corresponds to the fact that we are starting
-- with no values printed out and an empty symbol table.
repl :: Program -> [Value]
repl prog = fst $ foldr eval_and_print ([], []) prog where
eval_and_print :: SExp -> ([Value], SymbolTable) -> ([Value], SymbolTable)
eval_and_print expr (values, table) =
let (newval, newtable) = eval expr table
(newval : values, newtable)
main = putStrLn $ show $ repl [Literal 5]
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