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Created March 6, 2018 22:46
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$('.js-sticky').each(function(i, sticky){
$el, elHeight, parent, parentDimensions, wHeight,
scrollPastBottom, scrollStart, scrollEnd, pastScroll = 0,
fixedByMarginTop = 0, fixedByMarginBottom = 0
function stickyParse(){
// general selectors and params get's cached
$el = $(sticky);
elHeight = $el.height();
parent = $el.parent();
parentDimensions = {
'top': parent.offset().top,
'left': parent.offset().left,
'height': parent.height(),
'width': parent.outerWidth()
wHeight = _window.height();
// we need parent top offset because $el would be fixed
scrollStart = Math.floor(
scrollPastBottom = Math.floor(( + elHeight) - wHeight)
scrollEnd = Math.floor(scrollStart + parentDimensions.height - wHeight)
// stick in parent emulation
function stickyScroll(){
// parse scroll and do manupilations based on it
var wScroll = _window.scrollTop();
var scrollDirection = pastScroll >= wScroll ? 'up' : 'down'
// debug
// console.log(
// 'wScroll', wScroll, scrollDirection,
// 'scrollStart', scrollStart,
// 'scrollPastBottom', scrollPastBottom,
// 'scrollEnd', scrollEnd,
// 'fixedByMarginTop', fixedByMarginTop
// )
// styles object
var elStyles = {
'position': "",
'bottom': "",
'top': "",
'width': "",
'marginTop': "",
'classFixed': ""
// calculate which styles to apply
if ( wScroll > scrollStart ){
// element at the top of viewport, start monitoring
elStyles.classFixed = "is-fixed"
elStyles.width = parentDimensions.width // prevent fixed/abs jump
if ( wScroll > scrollPastBottom ){
// element at the bottom of viewport
// stick it !
elStyles.position = "fixed"
elStyles.bottom = 0
// but monitor END POINT and absolute it
if ( wScroll > scrollEnd ){
elStyles.position = "absolute"
elStyles.classFixed = ""
} else {
elStyles.position = "static"
// make scrollable to the up dir
if (scrollDirection == "up" && wScroll < scrollEnd) {
// if fixed is zero - than it's a first time
if ( fixedByMarginTop == 0 ){
fixedByMarginTop = pastScroll // store the point when it's fixed with margin
} else {
// fixedByMarginTop = pastScroll
// if momentum is kept
if ( wScroll < fixedByMarginTop){
elStyles.position = "static"
elStyles.marginTop = ( fixedByMarginTop + wHeight ) - scrollStart - elHeight
} else {
// momentum is broken
console.log( wScroll, fixedByMarginTop - (elHeight - wHeight) )
if ( wScroll < fixedByMarginTop - (elHeight - wHeight) ){
// scrolled all with margin fixed
elStyles.position = "fixed" = 0
elStyles.marginTop = 0
elStyles.bottom = "auto"
} else if ( scrollDirection == "down" ){
} else {
// scrilling somewhere above sticky el
elStyles.classFixed = ""
// apply styles
// $el.addClass(elStyles.classFixed)
// required for scroll direction
pastScroll = wScroll
// event bindings
_window.on('scroll', throttle(stickyScroll, 5)) // just a minor delay
_window.on('resize', debounce(stickyParse, 250))
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