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Created April 13, 2019 20:33
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#* Copyright(c) 2018 by Artelys */
#* This source code is subject to the terms of the */
#* MIT Expat License (see */
# This example demonstrates how to use Knitro to solve the following
# simple nonlinear optimization problem. This model is test problem
# HS40 from the Hock & Schittkowski collection.
# max x0*x1*x2*x3 (obj)
# s.t. x0^3 + x1^2 = 1 (c0)
# x0^2*x3 - x2 = 0 (c1)
# x3^2 - x1 = 0 (c2)
# This example also shows show to use the "newpt" callback, which
# can be used to perform some user-defined task every time Knitro
# iterates to a new solution estimate(e.g. it can be used to define
# a customized stopping condition).
using KNITRO, Test
#* FUNCTION callbackEvalFC *
# The signature of this function matches KNITRO.KN_eval_callback in knitro.h.
# Only "obj" and "c" are set in the KNITRO.KN_eval_result structure.
function callbackEvalFC(kc, cb, evalRequest, evalResult, userParams)
x = evalRequest.x
# Evaluate nonlinear term in objective
evalResult.obj[1] = x[1] * x[2] * x[3] * x[4]
# Evaluate nonlinear terms in constraints
evalResult.c[1] = x[1] * x[1] * x[1]
evalResult.c[2] = x[1] * x[1] * x[4]
return 0
#* FUNCTION callbackEvalGA *
# The signature of this function matches KNITRO.KN_eval_callback in knitro.h.
# Only "objGrad" and "jac" are set in the KNITRO.KN_eval_result structure.
function callbackEvalGA(kc, cb, evalRequest, evalResult, userParams)
x = evalRequest.x
# Evaluate nonlinear term in objective gradient
evalResult.objGrad[1] = x[2] * x[3] * x[4]
evalResult.objGrad[2] = x[1] * x[3] * x[4]
evalResult.objGrad[3] = x[1] * x[2] * x[4]
evalResult.objGrad[4] = x[1] * x[2] * x[3]
# Evaluate nonlinear terms in constraint gradients(Jacobian)
evalResult.jac[1] = 3.0 * x[1] * x[1] # derivative of x0^3 term wrt x0
evalResult.jac[2] = 2.0 * x[1] * x[4] # derivative of x0^2 * x3 term wrt x0
evalResult.jac[3] = x[1] * x[1] # derivative of x0^2 * x3 terms wrt x3
return 0
#* FUNCTION callbackEvalH *
# The signature of this function matches KNITRO.KN_eval_callback in knitro.h.
# Only "hess" or "hessVec" are set in the KNITRO.KN_eval_result structure.
function callbackEvalH(kc, cb, evalRequest, evalResult, userParams)
x = evalRequest.x
lambda_ = evalRequest.lambda
# Scale objective component of hessian by sigma
sigma = evalRequest.sigma
# Evaluate nonlinear term in the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
# Note: If sigma=0, some computations can be avoided.
if sigma > 0.0 # Evaluate the full Hessian of the Lagrangian
evalResult.hess[1] = lambda_[1] * 6.0 * x[1] + lambda_[2] * 2.0 * x[4]
evalResult.hess[2] = sigma * x[3] * x[4]
evalResult.hess[3] = sigma * x[2] * x[4]
evalResult.hess[4] = sigma * x[2] * x[3] + lambda_[2] * 2.0 * x[1]
evalResult.hess[5] = sigma * x[1] * x[4]
evalResult.hess[6] = sigma * x[1] * x[3]
evalResult.hess[7] = sigma * x[1] * x[2]
else # sigma=0, do not include objective component
evalResult.hess[1] = lambda_[1] * 6.0 * x[1] + lambda_[2] * 2.0 * x[4]
evalResult.hess[2] = 0.0
evalResult.hess[3] = 0.0
evalResult.hess[4] = lambda_[2] * 2.0 * x[1]
evalResult.hess[5] = 0.0
evalResult.hess[6] = 0.0
evalResult.hess[7] = 0.0
return 0
#* FUNCTION callbackNewPoint *
# The signature of this function matches KNITRO.KN_user_callback in
# knitro.h. Nothing should be modified. This example printlns out
# that Knitro has iterated to a new point(x, lambda) that it
# considers an improvement over the previous iterate, and printlns
# out the current feasibility error and number of evaluations.
# To exercise it, edit "knitro.opt" and set the the "newpoint"
# option to "user". The demonstration looks best if the "outlev"
# option is set to 5 or 6.
function callbackNewPoint(kc, x, lambda_, userParams)
if KNITRO.KN_get_number_iters(userParams) > 1
return 0
#* main *
# Create a new Knitro solver instance.
kc = KNITRO.KN_new()
# Initialize Knitro with the problem definition.
# Add the variables and specify initial values for them.
# Note: any unset lower bounds are assumed to be
# unbounded below and any unset upper bounds are
# assumed to be unbounded above.
xIndices = KNITRO.KN_add_vars(kc, 4)
for x in xIndices
KNITRO.KN_set_var_primal_init_values(kc, x, 0.8)
# Add the constraints and set the rhs and coefficients
KNITRO.KN_add_cons(kc, 3)
KNITRO.KN_set_con_eqbnds(kc, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Coefficients for 2 linear terms
lconIndexCons = Int32[1, 2]
lconIndexVars = Int32[2, 1]
lconCoefs = [-1.0, -1.0]
KNITRO.KN_add_con_linear_struct(kc, lconIndexCons, lconIndexVars, lconCoefs)
# Coefficients for 2 quadratic terms
# 1st term: x1^2 term in c0
# 2nd term: x3^2 term in c2
qconIndexCons = Int32[0, 2]
qconIndexVars1 = Int32[1, 3]
qconIndexVars2 = Int32[1, 3]
qconCoefs = [1.0, 1.0]
KNITRO.KN_add_con_quadratic_struct(kc, qconIndexCons, qconIndexVars1, qconIndexVars2, qconCoefs)
# Add callback to evaluate nonlinear(non-quadratic) terms in the model:
# x0*x1*x2*x3 in the objective
# x0^3 in first constraint c0
# x0^2*x3 in second constraint c1
#= cb = KNITRO.KN_add_eval_callback(kc, evalObj = True, indexCons = [0, 1], callbackEvalFC) =#
cb = KNITRO.KN_add_eval_callback(kc, true, Int32[0, 1], callbackEvalFC)
# Set obj. gradient and nonlinear jac provided through callbacks.
# Mark objective gradient as dense, and provide non-zero sparsity
# structure for constraint Jacobian terms.
cbjacIndexCons = Int32[0, 1, 1]
cbjacIndexVars = Int32[0, 0, 3]
KNITRO.KN_set_cb_grad(kc, cb, callbackEvalGA, jacIndexCons=cbjacIndexCons, jacIndexVars=cbjacIndexVars)
# Set nonlinear Hessian provided through callbacks. Since the
# Hessian is symmetric, only the upper triangle is provided.
# The upper triangular Hessian for nonlinear callback structure is:
# # lambda0*6*x0 + lambda1*2*x3 x2*x3 x1*x3 x1*x2 + lambda1*2*x0
# 0 0 x0*x3 x0*x2
# 0 x0*x1
# 0
#(7 nonzero elements)
cbhessIndexVars1 = Int32[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
cbhessIndexVars2 = Int32[0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3]
#= KNITRO.KN_set_cb_hess(kc, cb, hessIndexVars1 = cbhessIndexVars1, hessIndexVars2 = cbhessIndexVars2, hessCallback = callbackEvalH) =#
KNITRO.KN_set_cb_hess(kc, cb, length(cbhessIndexVars1), callbackEvalH,
hessIndexVars1=cbhessIndexVars1, hessIndexVars2=cbhessIndexVars2)
# Set minimize or maximize(if not set, assumed minimize)
# Demonstrate setting a "newpt" callback. the callback function
# "callbackNewPoint" passed here is invoked after Knitro computes
# a new estimate of the solution.
KNITRO.KN_set_newpt_callback(kc, callbackNewPoint)
# Set option to println output after every iteration.
# Solve the problem.
# Return status codes are defined in "knitro.h" and described
# in the Knitro manual.
nStatus = KNITRO.KN_solve(kc)
println("Knitro converged with final status = ", nStatus)
# An example of obtaining solution information.
nStatus, objSol, x, lambda_ = KNITRO.KN_get_solution(kc)
println(" optimal objective value = ", objSol)
println(" optimal primal values x = ", x)
println(" feasibility violation = ", KNITRO.KN_get_abs_feas_error(kc))
println(" KKT optimality violation = ", KNITRO.KN_get_abs_opt_error(kc))
# Delete the Knitro solver instance.
@testset "Exemple HS40 nlp2" begin
@test nStatus == 0
@test objSol ≈ 0.25
@test x ≈ [0.793701, 0.707107, 0.529732, 0.840896] atol=1e-5
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