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Created August 29, 2022 05:17
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PowerShell :: Configure Hyper-V replication between a set of host servers.
Configures Hyper-V replication between a set of host servers.
v1.0 - DPO - Aug. 2022
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Requires -Version 5.1
param (
[string]$HostReplicaFolderPath = 'D:\ReplicaVMs',
$hvHosts = @(
# Prepare variables for internal use.
$HostReplicaFolderPath = $HostReplicaFolderPath -replace '\\$'
$hostReplicaFolderAdminUNC = $HostReplicaFolderPath -replace '^(.):\\','$1$\'
foreach ($hvHost in $hvHosts) {
# Configure and enable HyperV replication on current server.
Set-VMReplicationServer -ComputerName $hvHost `
-ReplicationEnabled $true `
-AllowedAuthenticationType Kerberos `
-ReplicationAllowedFromAnyServer $false `
-KerberosAuthenticationPort 80 `
-CertificateAuthenticationPort 443
# Create folder on host server to hold replica VMs.
mkdir ('\\{0}\{1}' -f $hvHost, $hostReplicaFolderAdminUNC ) -Force
if (!$LeaveExistingAllowedServers) {
# Wipe all existing Allowed Servers.
Get-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntry -ComputerName $hvHost `
| Remove-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntry
# Populate Allowed Servers list with other host servers.
foreach ($allowedHvHost in $hvHosts) {
if ($allowedHvHost -ne $hvHost) {
# Create a subfolder to hold the replica VMs from other host server.
mkdir ('\\{0}\{1}\From_{2}' -f $hvHost, $hostReplicaFolderAdminUNC, $allowedHvHost) -Force
# Add host server to the Allowed Servers list.
New-VMReplicationAuthorizationEntry -ComputerName $hvHost `
-AllowedPrimaryServer $allowedHvHost `
-TrustGroup 'Our Company HV Host Servers' `
-ReplicaStorageLocation ('{0}\From_{1}' -f $HostReplicaFolderPath, $allowedHvHost)
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