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Created October 30, 2012 22:11
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use \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query;
$locationService = $this->getRepository()->getLocationService();
$searchService = $this->getRepository()->getSearchService();
$urlAliasService = $this->getRepository()->getUrlAliasService();
$typeService = $this->getRepository()->getContentTypeService();
$identifiers = array( 'folder', 'page', 'contact' );
$ids = array();
foreach ( $identifiers as $identifier )
$ids[] = $typeService->loadByIdentifier( $identifier )->id;
$root = $locationService->loadLocation( 2 );
$query = new Query();
$query->criterion = new Criterion\LogicalAND(
new Criterion\Subtree( $root->pathString ),
new Criterion\ContentTypeId( $ids ),
new Criterion\Visibility( Criterion\Visibility::VISIBLE )
$query->sortClauses = array(
new SortClause\LocationPriority( Query::SORT_DESC )
$results = $searchService->findContent( $query );
$items = array( );
foreach ( $results->searchHits as $hit )
$location = $locationService->loadLocation(
$locationUrl = $urlAliasService->reverseLookup( $location )->path;
$items[$locationUrl] = $location;
foreach ( $items as $url => $location )
echo "url: {$url} name: {$location->contentInfo->name}\n";
$items = eZContentObject::subTreeByNodeID(
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => array( 'folder', 'page', 'contact' ),
'SortBy' => array( array( 'priority', false ) )
foreach ( $items as $node )
echo "url: {$node->attribute( 'url_alias' )} name: {$node->attribute( 'name' )}\n";
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Actually... There is much more code. But it's easier to extend and improves testability thanks to dependency injection. Here, you are building everything in the same script. But it's possible to have a set of defined queries:

$results = $searchService->findContent(  new MyArticlesQuery );


$results = $searchService->findContent(  new MyConfigurableQuery('articles') );


$results = $searchService->findContent(  new MockObjectForTestPurpose );

This was not possible with eZContentObject::subTreeByNodeID()

So... I'm still confident in this new API ;)

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