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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save dportabella/9388448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dportabella/9388448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ruby, converting an array of hashes to a hash based on hash key
def hasharray2hash(array, hash_key)
if (!array.kind_of?(Array) || !hash_key.kind_of?(String))
raise 'invalid parameters'
if !entry.kind_of?(Hash)
raise 'expecting a hash: ' + entry.to_s
key = entry[hash_key]
if key == nil
raise 'the entry ' + entry.to_s + " has not the required key " + hash_key
value = Hash[{|k,v| k != hash_key}]
cumulate[key] = value
servers = [
{ "name" => "server1", "address" => "", "port" => 8080},
{ "name" => "server2", "address" => ""}
hasharray2hash(servers, 'name')
# => {"server1"=>{"address"=>"", "port"=>8080}, "server2"=>{"address"=>""}}
hasharray2hash(servers, 'address')
# => {""=>{"name"=>"server1", "port"=>8080}, ""=>{"name"=>"server2"}}
hasharray2hash(servers, 'port')
# RuntimeError: the entry {"name"=>"server2", "address"=>""} has not the required key port
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