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Created June 8, 2015 18:55
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CSS Selector Transforms in ClojureScript
(ns portal.util.template
(:require [goog.dom :as dom]
[domina :as domina]
[crate.core :as crate]
[clojure.string :as s]
(def data
"<html><body><div>hello <span id='moo' class='woo'>moo</span></div></body></html>")
;; Copied from Enfocus
(defn nodes->coll
"coverts a nodelist, node into a collection"
(if (identical? nl js/window)
(domina/nodes nl)))
(defn html-to-dom [html]
(let [dfa (nodes->coll (domina/html-to-dom html))
frag (. js/document (createDocumentFragment))]
(doseq [df dfa]
(dom/append frag df))
(def h (html-to-dom data))
(defprotocol ToHiccup
(to-hiccup [value]))
(extend-protocol ToHiccup
(to-hiccup [frag] (to-hiccup (-> frag .-children first))))
(extend-protocol ToHiccup
(to-hiccup [elem]
[(keyword (.-localName elem))
(to-hiccup (.-attributes elem))]
(map to-hiccup (.-childNodes elem))
;;; from
(defn string->tokens
"Takes a string with syles and parses it into properties and value tokens"
(->> (s/split style #";")
(mapcat #(s/split % #":"))
(map s/trim)))
(defn tokens->map
"Takes a seq of tokens with the properties (even) and their values (odd)
and returns a map of {properties values}"
(zipmap (keep-indexed #(if (even? %1) %2) tokens)
(keep-indexed #(if (odd? %1) %2) tokens)))
(defn style->map
"Takes an inline style attribute stirng and converts it to a React Style map"
(tokens->map (string->tokens style)))
;;; end-from
(extend-protocol ToHiccup
(to-hiccup [attrs]
(let [len (.-length attrs)]
(if (= 0 len)
(let [r (range 0 len)]
(fn [i]
(let [at (.item attrs i)
key (-> at .-name keyword)
value (-> at .-value)]
(if (= :style key)
[key (style->map value)]
[key value])
(extend-protocol ToHiccup
(to-hiccup [text]
(.-data text)))
(defn inner?
"Does this command refer to the inner node?"
(let [cmd (name cmd)]
(or (.includes cmd "inner")
(.includes cmd "*"))
(defn append?
"Is it an append command?"
(let [cmd (name cmd)]
(.endsWith cmd ">")))
(defn prepend?
"Is it a prepend command?"
(let [cmd (name cmd)]
(.endsWith cmd "<")))
(defn remove?
"Is it a remove command for attributes?"
(let [cmd (name cmd)]
(.endsWith cmd "--")))
(defn hiccup?
"tests to see if it's a Hiccup value"
(boolean val)
(vector? val)
(some-> val first keyword?)))
(defn node-from-hiccup
"Take a Hiccup data structure and turn it into a DOM node"
(crate/html hic))
(defn to-node
"takes a data structure and converts it to a node.
If it's a vec and not hiccup or a seq, then return
a seq full of converted nodes"
(instance? js/Node data) data
(nil? data) data
(string? data) (.createTextNode js/document data)
(hiccup? data) (node-from-hiccup data)
:else (throw (str "Can't create node from " (pr-str data)))
(defn to-doc-frag
"Takes the data structure and turns it into a DocumentFragment"
(let [to-frag (fn [x]
(let [frag (. js/document (createDocumentFragment))]
(dom/append frag x)
(instance? js/DocumentFragment data) data
(instance? js/Node data) (to-frag data)
(string? data) (html-to-dom data)
(hiccup? data) (to-frag (node-from-hiccup data))
:else (throw (str "Can't create document fragment from " (pr-str data)))
(declare alter)
(defn- alter-string
[str cmd node] (alter (to-node str) cmd node))
(defn- alter-vec
[vec cmd node]
(if (hiccup? vec)
(alter (to-node vec) cmd node)
(alter (seq vec) cmd node)
(defn- alter-seq
[the-seq cmd node]
(if (hiccup? the-seq)
(alter (to-node the-seq) cmd node)
(let [nodes (map to-node the-seq)]
(inner? cmd)
(append? cmd)
(doseq [new-node nodes]
(.appendChild node new-node))
(prepend? cmd)
(doseq [new-node (reverse nodes)]
(if (= 0 (count (.-childNodes node)))
(.appendChild node new-node)
(.insertBefore node new-node (.-firstChild node))
(set! (.-innerHTML node) "")
(doseq [new-node nodes]
(.appendChild node new-node))
(append? cmd)
(doseq [new-node (reverse nodes)]
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node (.-nextSibling node)))
(prepend? cmd)
(doseq [new-node nodes]
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node node))
(doseq [new-node nodes]
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node node))
(.remove node)
(defn- alter-nil
[_ cmd node]
(if (inner? cmd)
(set! (.-innerHTML node) "")
(.remove node))
(defn- alter-func
[the-fn cmd node]
(if (-> the-fn meta :raw)
(the-fn node cmd)
(let [res (the-fn node cmd)]
(true? res) node ;; no-op
(false? res) (alter nil cmd node)
:else (alter res cmd node)))
(defn- alter-node
[new-node cmd node]
(if (identical? new-node node)
node ;; no-op
(inner? cmd)
(append? cmd)
(.appendChild node new-node)
(prepend? cmd)
(if (= 0 (count (.-childNodes node)))
(.appendChild node new-node)
(.insertBefore node new-node (.-firstChild node))
(set! (.-innerHTML node) "")
(.appendChild node new-node)
(append? cmd)
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node (-.nextSibling node))
(prepend? cmd)
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node node)
(.insertBefore (.-parentElement node) new-node node)
(.remove node)
(defn- fixed-name
"Fixes the name of the attribute key"
(let [k (name k)
len (count k)]
(.endsWith k "--") (.substring k 0 (- len 2))
(.endsWith k ">")
(.endsWith k "<")) (.substring k 0 (- len 1))
:else k)
(defn- alter-map
"Deal with altering the attributes"
[the-map cmd node]
(let [attrs (.-attributes node)]
(doseq [[key v] the-map]
(let [k (fixed-name key)]
(if (nil? v)
(.removeNamedItem attrs k)
(let [at (or (.getNamedItem attrs k)
(let [new-at (.createAttribute js/document k)]
(.setNamedItem attrs new-at)
old-str (.-value at)
the-str (if (and (fn? v)
(not (.startsWith k "on")))
(v old-str) v)
the-str (if (= "class" k) (str " " the-str " ") the-str)
new-str (cond
(append? key) (str old-str the-str)
(prepend? key) (str the-str old-str)
(remove? key) (.replace old-str (.trim the-str) "")
:else the-str)]
(set! (.-value at) new-str)
(defn alter
"Given a value, a command, and a node, do the right thing"
[val cmd node]
(nil? val) (alter-nil val cmd node)
(string? val) (alter-string val cmd node)
(map? val) (alter-map val cmd node)
(vector? val) (alter-vec val cmd node)
(seq? val) (alter-seq val cmd node)
(instance? js/Node val) (alter-node val cmd node)
(fn? val) (alter-func val cmd node)
:else (throw (pr-str [val cmd node])))
(defn xform
"Runs a series of css transforms on the dom and returns a Hicup data structure
dom -- can be a String (converted into HTML), Hiccup (converted to html) or a js/Node
cmds -- a series of 2 or 3 element vectors with [css-selector operation] [css-selector :command operation]
Where css-selector is a string that contains a CSS selector
command is :* (replace the inner HTML), :*> (append inner), :*< prepend inner, :! replace (default), :> append, :< prepend
operation is string (text node), Hiccup template, DOM Node, map (keys and values are used to update the selected element's attributes, command ignored)
or a function that takes the command and the found node and returns a node to be run with the command
{:pre [(every? vector? funcs)]}
[dom & funcs]
(let [dom (to-doc-frag dom)]
(doseq [[css cmd op] funcs]
(let [[cmd op] (if (nil? op) [:! cmd] [cmd op])]
(doseq [node (.querySelectorAll dom css)] (alter op cmd node))
(to-hiccup dom)))
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