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Created July 24, 2014 16:52
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A Spray chunking marshaller for Play Enumerators
package com.vast.utils
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import spray.http._
import spray.httpx.marshalling.{MarshallingContext, Marshaller}
import akka.util.{ByteString, Timeout}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import spray.util.LoggingContext
import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
object Marshallers {
* Create a marshaller that can stream a sequence of objects from a Play Enumerator. This allows non-blocking stream
* processing of JSON responses of arbitrary length.
implicit def enumeratorMarshaller[T](implicit refFactory: ActorRefFactory,
marshaller: Marshaller[T],
ec: ExecutionContext,
timeout: Timeout): Marshaller[Enumerator[T]] =
Marshaller.of[Enumerator[T]](MediaTypes.`application/json`) { (enum, contentType, ctx) ⇒
val chunker = refFactory.actorOf(Props(new JsonChunker(ctx, contentType, marshaller)))
//pull the input through a buffer so that it starts being consumed/generated immediately
//this allows to pull things through the pipeline so they're ready to be consumed before
//the actual HTTP write starts happening.
val res = enum &> Concurrent.buffer(50) |>>> jsonChunkIteratee[T](chunker)
res.onFailure {
case NonFatal(e) =>
chunker ! ChunkError(e)
private def jsonChunkIteratee[T](chunker: ActorRef)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
refFactory: ActorRefFactory,
log: LoggingContext,
timeout: Timeout): Iteratee[T, Unit] = {
import akka.pattern._
def step(i: Input[T]): Iteratee[T, Unit] = {
i match {
case Input.EOF =>
chunker ! ChunkingFinished
Done((), Input.EOF)
case Input.Empty => Cont[T, Unit](step)
case Input.El(e) =>
// tell the chunk actor to send the chunk, and wait for it to respond
// before we send the next chunk
val next = chunker.ask(Chunk(e)).map( cw => Cont[T, Unit](step) )
Cont[T, Unit](step)
private class JsonChunker[T](ctx: MarshallingContext, contentType: ContentType, marshaller: Marshaller[T]) extends Actor {
private case class SentOk(respondTo: ActorRef)
private val startData = HttpData("[")
private val endData = HttpData("]")
private val comma = HttpData(",")
private var connectionActor: ActorRef = _
def receive: Receive = {
case Chunk(chunk) =>
import spray.httpx.marshalling.DelegatingMarshallingContext
val respondTo = sender
val chunkingCtx = new DelegatingMarshallingContext(ctx) {
override def marshalTo(entity: HttpEntity, headers: HttpHeader*): Unit = {
var data =
//insert a comma before each value if we've written more than one
if(connectionActor == null) {
connectionActor = ctx.startChunkedMessage(HttpEntity(contentType, startData))
} else {
//every chunk except the first gets a comma prepended
data = comma +: data
val ack = SentOk(respondTo)
connectionActor ! MessageChunk(data).withAck(ack)
override def handleError(error: Throwable): Unit = {
override def startChunkedMessage(entity: HttpEntity, sentAck: Option[Any], headers: Seq[HttpHeader])(implicit sender: ActorRef) =
sys.error("Cannot marshal a enumerator of enumerators")
marshaller(chunk.asInstanceOf[T], chunkingCtx)
case SentOk(respondTo) =>
respondTo ! ChunkWritten
case ChunkingFinished =>
if(connectionActor == null) {
//this means we haven't written any chunks - just send a simple empty non-chunked response
ctx.marshalTo(HttpEntity(contentType, startData +: endData))
} else {
connectionActor ! MessageChunk(endData)
connectionActor ! ChunkedMessageEnd
case ChunkError(t) =>
//if the response has yet to start streaming (i.e. we have an error before the first chunk has been generated)
//this will send a non-chunked response
//if we have started, not much we can do - the response will just end
//either way, we signal the error.
case _: Tcp.ConnectionClosed ⇒
private case object ChunkingFinished
private case class Chunk[T](chunk: T)
private case object ChunkWritten
private case class ChunkError(t: Throwable)
case class RawEntity(data: ByteString, contentType: MediaType)
implicit val entityUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[RawEntity] =
new Unmarshaller[RawEntity] {
def apply(entity: HttpEntity) = entity match {
case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(ct, data) => Right(RawEntity(data.toByteString, ct.mediaType))
case _ => Left(ContentExpected)
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