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Created July 19, 2011 18:22
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jQuery ($) ->
window.Plant = Backbone.Model.extend
testFun: (name) ->
return "Hello, #{name}"
vitals: ->
return @get 'vitals'
window.PlantView = Backbone.View.extend
tag : 'li'
className : 'plant'
initialize: ->
#_.bindAll(this, 'render')
@model.bind('change', @render)
@template = _.template($('#plant-template').html())
render: =>
renderedContent = @template(@model.toJSON())
return this
console.log "Loaded!"
When I try to append a plant view to my page i get an error:
plant = new window.Plant({name: 'Carrot', values: [1,2,3,4]})
plantView = new window.PlantView({model:plant})
TypeError: Cannot call method 'toJSON' of undefined
jQuery ($) ->
window.Plant = Backbone.Model.extend
testFun: (name) ->
return "Hello, #{name}"
vitals: ->
return @get 'vitals'
window.PlantView = Backbone.View.extend
tag : 'li'
className : 'plant'
initialize: ->
_.bindAll(this, 'render')
@model.bind('change', @render)
@template = _.template($('#plant-template').html())
render: ->
renderedContent = @template(@model.toJSON())
return this
console.log "Loaded!"
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