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Created January 8, 2015 20:57
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#include "htslib/sam.h"
#include "htslib/bgzf.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
void process_alignment(bam1_t *b, bam_hdr_t *hdr, FILE *of, int length) {
int32_t pos = b->core.pos, apos = 0;
int i, j, op, op_len;
uint32_t *cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
char int2char[16] = {'N', 'A', 'C', 'N', 'G', 'N', 'N', 'N',
'T', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N'};
for(i=0; i<b->core.n_cigar; i++) {
op_len = bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[i]);
if(op != 4 || op_len < length) {
if(bam_cigar_type(op)&2) pos += op_len;
if(bam_cigar_type(op)&1) apos += op_len;
} else {
fprintf(of, ">%s_%s_%i_%"PRId32"_", bam_get_qname(b), hdr->target_name[b->core.tid], b->core.flag, pos+1);
for(j=0; j<b->core.n_cigar; j++)
fprintf(of, "%i%c", bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[j]), BAM_CIGAR_STR[bam_cigar_op(cigar[j])]);
fprintf(of, "\n");
for(j=0; j < op_len; j++) {
fprintf(of, "%c", int2char[bam_seqi(bam_get_seq(b), j+apos)]);
fprintf(of, "\n");
void usage(char *prog) {
printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] file.bam > reads.fastq.gz\n", prog);
This program iterates over alignments in a SAM/BAM file and looks for reads that\n\
have soft-clipped regions. It then takes those soft-clipped regions and outputs\n\
them in gzipped fastq format to the console (so that one can redirect to a new\n\
-q INT The minimum MAPQ of an alignment to be considered for inclusion\n\
(default 0).\n\
-l INT The minimum length of the soft-clipped segment (default 10 bases).\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
bam_hdr_t *header = NULL;
bam1_t *b = NULL;
htsFile *fp = NULL;
FILE *of = NULL;
int i, op, op_len, is_softclipped, length = 10, minMAPQ = 0;
uint32_t *cigar;
if(argc==1) {
return 0;
for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
return 0;
} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0) {
length = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) {
minMAPQ = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if(fp == NULL) {
fp = sam_open(argv[i], "rb");
header = sam_hdr_read(fp);
} else {
return -1;
if(fp == NULL) {
return -1;
of = popen("gzip -c", "w");
b = bam_init1();
while(sam_read1(fp, header, b) >= 0) {
if(b->core.n_cigar == 1) continue;
if(b->core.qual < minMAPQ) continue;
//Is it even soft-clipped?
is_softclipped = 0;
cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
for(i=0; i<b->core.n_cigar; i++) {
op_len = bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[i]);
if(op == 4 && op_len >= length) is_softclipped = 1;
if(is_softclipped) process_alignment(b, header, of, length);
return 0;
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