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Last active April 22, 2018 20:59
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Software taught on physics - Code and cleaned data used.

This gist includes some code using pandas to visualise the data from the results in the survey and the "cleaned" version of such dataset (partly done with OpenRefine - lost script - and some bits were done manually).

import itertools
from cycler import cycler
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import as shpreader'fivethirtyeight')
morecolors = ['#348ABD', '#A60628', '#7A68A6', '#467821', '#D55E00', '#CC79A7', '#56B4E9', '#009E73', '#F0E442', '#0072B2']
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].concat(cycler('color', reversed(morecolors)))
all_colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
table = pd.read_csv('TPAResponseClean.csv')
table['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(table['Year'], format='%Y')
# Countries covered
countries = table.groupby('Country')['University'].count()
shapename = 'admin_0_countries'
countries_shp = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='110m',
category='cultural', name=shapename)
cmap =
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.90, 0.83, 0.05])
for country in shpreader.Reader(countries_shp).records():
name = country.attributes['NAME_LONG']
if name in countries:
ax.add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(),
facecolor=cmap(countries[name] / countries.max(), 1),
ax.add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(),
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=countries.max())
cb1 = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=cmap,
# Years covered
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Define languages to group
proclangs = ['Fortran', 'C', 'Pascal']
oolangs = ['C++', 'Java']
interplangs = ['IDL', 'Matlab', 'Python']
tools = ['Excel', 'IRAF']
langs = proclangs + oolangs + interplangs + tools
# programming / #year vs year
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table.groupby('Year').count()[langs].div(table.groupby('Year').count()['Country'], axis=0).resample('Y').mean().fillna(0).plot(ax=ax)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
count = 0
for name, langs_i in zip(['procedural', 'oo', 'interp', 'tools'], [proclangs, oolangs, interplangs, tools]):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', all_colors[count:]))
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
table.groupby('Year').count()[langs_i].div(table.groupby('Year').count()['Country'], axis=0).resample('Y').mean().fillna(0).plot(ax=ax)
count += len(langs_i)
programming = proclangs + oolangs + interplangs
langs_hours = [n + ' (Hours)' for n in langs]
table['sumhours'] = table[langs_hours].sum(axis=1).fillna(0)
programming_hours = [n + ' (Hours)' for n in programming]
table['progsumhours'] = table[programming_hours].sum(axis=1).fillna(0)
programming_class = [n + ' (Class)' for n in programming]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table.sort_values('sumhours')[langs_hours].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, width=1)
print(' Number of entries with no 0 programming {}'.format(table['sumhours'].where(table['sumhours'] > 0).count()))
#Remove tools
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table.sort_values('sumhours')[programming_hours].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, width=1)
# Without numerical methods
def no_opt(x):
langs = ['Fortran', 'IDL', 'C', 'C++', 'Matlab', 'Python', 'Java', 'Pascal']
programming_hours = [n + ' (Hours)' for n in langs]
programming_class = [n + ' (Class)' for n in langs]
total = 0
for hour,subj in zip(programming_hours, programming_class):
if isinstance(x[subj], str):
if 'CS' not in x[subj] and 'Computer Science' not in x[subj] and 'COMP' not in x[subj]:
if 'optional' not in x[subj].lower():
if 'summer' not in x[subj].lower():
total += x[hour]
return total
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table['progsum_nonumeric'] = table.apply(no_opt, axis=1)
table.sort_values('sumhours')['progsum_nonumeric'].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, width=1, color=all_colors[0])
def no_opt_numeric(x):
function to be applied to a pandas dataframe. It adds hours across the rows.
langs = ['Fortran', 'IDL', 'C', 'C++', 'Matlab', 'Python', 'Java', 'Pascal']
programming_hours = [n + ' (Hours)' for n in langs]
programming_class = [n + ' (Class)' for n in langs]
total = 0
for hour,subj in zip(programming_hours, programming_class):
if isinstance(x[subj], str) and 'numeric' not in x[subj].lower():
if 'CS' not in x[subj] and 'Computer Science' not in x[subj] and 'COMP' not in x[subj]:
if 'optional' not in x[subj].lower():
if 'summer' not in x[subj].lower():
total += x[hour]
return total
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table['progsum_noextra'] = table.apply(no_opt_numeric, axis=1).fillna(0)
table.sort_values('sumhours')['progsum_noextra'].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, width=1, color=all_colors[0])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table.sort_values('progsum_noextra')['progsum_noextra'].plot.barh(stacked=True, ax=ax, width=1, color=all_colors[0])
print(' Number of entries with no 0 programming {}'.format(table['progsum_noextra'].where(table['progsum_noextra'] > 0).count()))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
table.groupby('Year')['progsum_noextra'].sum().div(table.groupby('Year').count()['Country'], axis=0).resample('Y').mean().fillna(0).plot(ax=ax)
# For how long F77 has been taught?
years77 = []
years95 = []
for y,f in table[['Year', 'Fortran']].values:
if not f is np.nan and '77' in f:
if y >= y95:
print('{} for F77, {} after 95. Latest on {:%Y}'.format(len(years77), len(years95), sorted(years77)[-1]))
Country University Name degree Year Fortran Fortran (Hours) Fortran (Class) IDL IDL (Hours) IDL (Class) IRAF IRAF (Hours) IRAF (Class) C C (Hours) C (Class) C++ C++ (Hours) C++ (Class) Matlab Matlab (Hours) Matlab (Class) Python Python (Hours) Python (Class) Unix Unix (Hours) Unix (Class) Excel Excel (Hours) Excel (Class) Mathematica Mathematica (Hours) Mathematica (Class) Java Java (Hours) Java (Class) Pascal Pascal (Hours) Pascal (Class) LabView LabView (Hours) LabView (Class) Basic Basic (Hours) Basic (Class) Others Notes
Argentina University Of Buenos Aires MSc in Physics 2007 Fortran (77) 80 Computational Physics (optional) Matlab 10 Numerical Methods
Germany University Of Heidelberg Physics 2001 C++ 60
United States Arizona State university Physics 2001 Matlab 20 Numerical Methods
Netherlands Groningen University PhD 1976 ALGOL68/20/Numerical Methods
United States University Of Rochester Physics and Astronomy 1992 mathcad stellar physics
United States University Of Chicago Astronomy and Astrophysics 1996 Matlab Fluid dynamics
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Astrofísica 2005 IRAF 10 Observational Astronomy C++ 90 Introduction to Programming Matlab 30 Numerical Methods
United Kingdom University Of Cambridge Natural Sciences (Astrophysics) 2010 C++ 12 Computational physics Matlab 4 Numerical Methods Excel 4 Numerical Methods Java 15 OOP (CS)
United Kingdom University Of York Masters in Physics 2005 Fortran (95) 8 Intro to Fortran C++ 9 Introduction to Programming (optional) Python 27 Intro to Python/Numerical Methods with Python Excel/Origin 4 Physics Lab OpenMP and MPI/18/HPC
United States San Diego State University Masters of Astronomy 2006 Fortran (77) 6 Intro to data analysis
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 2000 Fortran (90) 140 Computational Calculus
United Kingdom Aberystwyth University Physics with Planetary and Space Physics 2008 Fortran (90) 60 Numerical Methods IDL 2 mathcad 6
Ireland Trinity College Dublin PhD in Solar Astrophysics 2003 Mathematica 30 Physics Labs
United Arab Emirates New York University Abu Dhabi Physics 2013
Spain Universidade De Santiago De Compostela Physics 1993 Fortran (77) 60 Numerical Methods C 60 Computational methods for physics
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Astrophysics 1997
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Master en Teoría y Computación 2006 IDL 50 MPI/40/NA
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Grado en Física 2011 C++ 150 Computation II Matlab 60 Computation
United Kingdom Queen Mary MEng Aerospace Engineering 2010 Matlab
United Kingdom Imperial College Of Science And Technology, University Of London B.Sc. Physics 1976 Fortran (IV) 4
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Grado en Física 2014 C++ 22 Numerical Methods Matlab 14 Numerical Methods Python 20 Numerical Methods Origin 1 data analysis
United Kingdom University Of Warwick Physics 2005 Fortran 10 Numerical Methods C 30 C Programming; Numerical Methods
Netherlands Utrecht Astrophysics 1971
Canada Acadia University Biology 2010 R/NA/NA
Ireland Trinity College Dublin Physics with Astrophysics 2009 IDL 6 Labs C++ 9 Labs
United States Harvey Mudd College B.Sc. Physics 2004 Java 30 Intro to CS
United States San Diego State University MS Astronomy 2008
Spain Zaragoza Licenciatura en Física 1988 Fortran 120 Numerical Methods
United States University Of Arkansas B.Sc. Physics 2006 Excel 2 Intro to Physics Maple 10 Intro to quantum physics
United States University Of Arkansas MSc - Physics 2011 Matlab 5 Scientific Computation Bash 10 HPC computing
Romania Bucharest University Bsc in Nuclear Physics 1992 Fortran 20 Numerical Methods C 20 C Programming
Ireland Trinity College Dublin Theoretical Physics 2002 C 30 Introduction to Programming
Italy Torino Univ. Astrophysics 1997
Spain Universidad De Cantabria Licenciatura en Física 1988 Fortran (77) 10 Numerical Methods Turbopascal 75 Calculator programming
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 2003 Fortran (77)(90) IRAF
United Kingdom City University Aeronautical Engineering 2002 Fortran (77)(95) 20 catia/40/NA; autocad/20/NA
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Master Astrophysics 2005 IRAF 10 C 10 C Programming
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Degree in Physics 2001 Fortran (77) 2 Mathematical Methods IDL 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) IRAF 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) Linux 20 Computing Astrophysics (optional)
United States Embry-riddle Aeronautical University B.S. Engineering Physics 2001 C 40 Introduction to Programming Matlab 10 Numerical Methods
Spain University Of Seville And University Of Granada Licenciado en Física. Master en Físicas y Matemáticas 2002 Fortran (77) 5 Basic tools Mathematica 3 basic tools
Germany Bonn University MSc - Physics 2003
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Astrophysics 1999 Fortran (77) 5 Numerical Methods IDL 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) IRAF 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) Linux 20 Computing Astrophysics (optional) Excel 1 Intro to Physics
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Astrophysics 2003 Fortran (95) 8 Advanced numerical Methods in Astrophysics
Ireland University College Dublin Engineering 1998 Fortran 24 C 24
Spain Universitat De Barcelona Physics 1998 Fortran (77) 30 Numerical Methods
Ireland Trinity College Dublin Solar physics 2010 C++ 10 HTML/10/NA
Cuba La Habana Licenciatura en Física 2004 C++ Mathematica
Spain Universitat De Barcelona Physics degree 1999 Fortran (77) 30 Numerical Methods
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Física especialidad Astrofísic 1993 Fortran (77) 30 Numerical Methods IRAF 30 Astronomy Matlab 10 Numerical Methods SuperMongo/4/Stellar systems
France Université De Bordeaux Master in Physics, PhD in astrophysics 1992 Fortran (90) 20 Numerical Methods IRAF 5 Scheme/NA/NA;Midas/5/NA
Mexico Unison/ Master Uam-madrid Bachelor's degree in Physics-astronomy 2002 Fortran 60 Thermal (statistics mechanics) IRAF 30 Astronomy C++ 30 Programming Gadget/40/Galaxy formation
Spain Zaragoza Physics degree 1996
Spain Universidad de Granada Fisymat (master degree) 2004
Germany Ludwig—maximilians—universität Diploma in Geophysics 1993
United Kingdom Imperial College London MSc - Physics 1999 C++ 20 Labs
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Física (Teórica) 2001
United States University Of California At Berkeley PhD 1974 Fortran (IV) 60
Spain Universidad De La Laguna PhD Physics 1997 Fortran (77) 4 Numerical Methods
United States Purdue University Bachelor of Science in Physics 2011 Python 4 Programming with Python
United States University Of Arkansas Astrophysics 2016
India University Of Kerala In India B.Sc. Physics 2004 C++
India Vit University MSc - Physics 2007 C++ Matlab LabView
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Astrophysics 1998 Fortran (77) 32
United Kingdom Umist MPhys with Study in Europe 2000 C++ 5
Spain Universidad De Cantabria Licenciatura en Física 1987
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Degree in Mathematics, specialised in Applied Mathematics 2011 Matlab 180 Numerical Methods Python 60
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Master in Astrophysics 2015 IRAF 40
Spain Universidad De Valencia Licenciatura en Física 1987
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 1975 Fortran (77) Numerical Methods
Spain Zaragoza Physics (Fundamental Physics) 1995 C 20 Numerical Methods
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 2006 Fortran (77) 60 Computation
United Kingdom University Of St Andrews Astrophysics 2012 Fortran (90) 18 Computational Astrophysics Python 18 Computational Astrophysics Excel 2 Physics Lab Mathematica 36 computational physics Arduino/6/Physics lab
Spain Universitat De Barcelona Grau en Física, Màster en Astrofísica 2011 Fortran (77) 60 Computational Physics Octave 30 Image analysis Javascript/60/Introduction to programming
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Physics 2009 Matlab 50 R/50/Statistical methods
Sweden Uppsala University Engineering Physics 1982 Fortran (77) Pascal
United Kingdom University Of Cambridge BA Natural Sciences (Astrophysics) 2009 Excel 1 Numerical Methods
United Kingdom Imperial College London MSc - Physics 2008 C++ 72 Computation Matlab 10 Medical Imaging Labview 8 Instrumentation
United Kingdom University Of Aberdeen Physics 2011 Matlab 6 Labs
Spain Universidad De Valencia Licenciatura en Física 1993 Fortran (77) 100 Numerical Methods
United Kingdom University College London MSc Astrophysics 2012 Fortran (77) 3 Cosmology Matlab 3 cosmology PS. I think the above was enough. I believe that more 'formal' training in computing/programming would have been a waste of time. The focus of the course was astrophysics/physics, with programming/computational methods introduced as one of many tools to help, but not as a focus in it's own right... It wasn't a computer science course. I would strongly disagree that this focus should change to be more coding/programming-oriented... considering programming/coding as one of many tools, alongside mathematical methods, phenomenology and physical insight is a much more useful approach than overly focussing on the computational side (as appears to be the case in some degree courses).
United Kingdom University Of Southampton Astrophysics with a Year Abroad 2011 Python 20 Physics From Evidence I: Computing Module/Computer Techniques in Physics,
United Kingdom University Of Manchester Mphys Physics 2011 C++ 14 Introduction to OOP Matlab 6
United Kingdom Imperial College London Physics 2009 C++ 30
United Kingdom University Of Oxford Master of Physics 2008 C 24 Numerical Methods Excel 8 Physics Lab
United Kingdom University Of Birmingham Physics with Astrophysics 1987 Fortran (77) 20 C 20
Ireland Trinity College Dublin Physics with Astrophysics 2005 IDL 9
United Kingdom University Of Birmingham Physics with Astrophysics 1990 Fortran (77) 40 Numerical Methods; Programming
United Kingdom Lancaster University Physics with Astrophysics and Space Science 2013 Java 30 Programming and modelling LaTeX/10/Vectors and Vector algebra
Spain Universitat De Barcelona Doctor en física 1987 Fortran (77) 10
Spain Universidad De Cantabria Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas (Física Fundamental) 1974 Fortran (77) 5 Numerical Methods Basic 5 Numerical methods
Ireland Trinity College Dublin BA Physics and Astrophysics 2003 Mathematica 9 Mathematics for scientists HTML/3/Mathematics for scientists
United Kingdom University Of Surrey physics with satellite technology 2000 Fortran (90) 20
United Kingdom University College London MSc Space Science 2007
Colombia National University Of Colombia Physics and Magister in Science-Astronomy 2007 IDL 6 Modern trends and technique (summer) IRAF 4 Observational Astronomy Python 10 Programming and Introduction to Numerical Methods/Computational tools
United Kingdom Ucl Astronomy and Astrophysics 1987 Fortran (77) 30
Croatia University Of Zagreb physics engineering graduate 2002 Fortran (90) 22 Numerical Methods Mathematica 1 Physics Labs
Ireland Trinity College Dublin Physics and Astrophysics 2013 IDL 54 Computational labs Python 15 Computer simulation Origin 1 Physics Lab
United Kingdom Armagh Observatory/university Of Leeds Astrophysics PhD 2017 Python 40 Computing I + II
United Kingdom University College London Physics and Astronomy 1985 Fortran (77) 60
Ireland Maynooth University Physics with Astrophysics 2004 IRAF 20 Observational Astronomy C 20 Numerical Methods Java 20 Computer Science Labview 20 Computer Interfacing
Ireland Trinity College Dublin M.Sc. in High-performance Computing 2011 C 80 MPI/40/NA
Ireland Trinity College Dublin BA Mod in Physics and Astrophysics 2003 IDL 20 Matlab 6 HTML/10/NA
Germany Berlin University Of Technology Dipl.-Phys. (diploma in physics) 1999 Python 4 Numerical Methods Mathematica 20 Theoretical physics Labview 10 Experimental Physics
Spain Universidad De Cádiz Licenciado en Matemáticas 1997 C 64 C Programming Matlab 20 Labs
United Kingdom University Of Cambridge Physics 2011 C++ GNUPlot/NA/NA
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 2005 IRAF 10 Astrophysical technique Matlab 30 Numerical Methods
Spain Universidad De Granada Licenciatura en Física 1997 Fortran (77) 2 Numerical Methods
Spain Universidad Autónoma De Madrid Licenciatura en Física 2001 Fortran (77)(90) 64 Computation I + II
Hong Kong Chinese University Of Hong Kong BSc 1979 Fortran 30 Basic 30
United States Mit, Boston BSc 2012 Python 260 Lab Physics
United States Lsu MSc 1983 REDUCE/NA/Nuclear Physics
United States Grove City College Physics 1996 Fortran (77) 45 Numerical Methods
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Astrophysics 2005 Fortran (77) 30 Numerical Methods IDL 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) IRAF 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) C++ 30 Linux 20 Computing Astrophysics (optional)
United Kingdom Imperial College London MSc - Physics 2001 C++ 20 Numerical modelling
Spain Universidad De La Laguna Licenciatura en Física 1995 Fortran (77) 30 Numerical Methods IDL 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) IRAF 20 Computational Astrophysics (optional) Linux 20 Computing Astrophysics (optional)
United States University Of Minnesota Twin Cities B.S. in Astrophysics 1993 Excel 1
United States Brown University Sc.M. Ph.D. Geological Sciences 1998
United States University Of Arkansas Master of Science in Physics 2009 Maple 2 Math methods
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Licenciatura en ciencias físicas/ Máster en astrofísica 2008 Matlab 30 Introduction to programming Excel 3 Physics Lab R/60/Data analysis and statistics
Venezuela Universidad Central De Venezuela Licenciatura en Física 2002 IRAF 20 Computational Astrophysics C (Ansi) 60 Numerical Methods
United States Lewis And Clark College Physics 1999 C 45 CS2 Java 45 CS 1 Basic 45 Computational physics
Spain Universidad De Valencia, U. La Laguna Fisica, Astrofisica 1976 Fortran (IV)(77) 60 Numerical Methods
United Kingdom University Of Sussex BSc Physics with Astrophysics 2014 Python 80 Excel 40
United States University Of Arkansas Ph. D. in Physics 2009 Matlab 48 Computational Physics
Hungary Eotvos Lorand University Astrophysics 2007 IDL 30 Computation C++ 30 Programming
United Kingdom University Of Cambridge BA maths 1984 Basic 40 Numerical methos; BBC microcomputer
United Kingdom University Of Edinburgh MSc Artificial Intelligence 1992 Lisp/30/Programming in Lisp; Prolog/30/Programming in Prolog
Germany University Of Applied Sciences Optics and Photonics 2004 C++ 20 C++ for PIC microcontrollers Matlab 20 Delphi/40/NA
Ireland Trinity College Dublin PhD Physics 2008 Python 10 Sunpy
United States Berkeley PhD 2009 IDL 40
Australia Macquarie University Bachelor of Advanced Science with Honours in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2009 Fortran (77)(90) 10 Astrophysics IDL 1 (summer) C++ 234 3 classes from COMP Matlab 6 Physics II Shell 3 Astrophysics I Excel 6 Physics IA Labview 12 Physics II LaTeX/1/Research skills
Ireland Trinity College Dublin PhD Solar Physics 2014 C 10 C++ 15
Bulgaria University Of Sofia MSc in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2012 Fortran Programming for physics IRAF Observational Astronomy Excel Programming and IT/Programming for Physics
United Kingdom University Of Leicester Physics with Astrophysics 2001 IDL 30 Labs C 4 Introduction to Programming Maple 2 Statistics
France Bordeaux Quantum Physics 2004 Python 20 Applications for scientific computing
Italy Federico Ii Of Naples Master's degree in Physics 1997
United States Caltech Caltech 1983 C 20 Numerical Methods Pascal 40 Introduction to programming
Russia Moscow State University diploma in astronomy 1988
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Physics 1999 Matlab 20 Numerical Methods Maple 5 computational physics Pascal 20 Programming fundamentals
United Kingdom Imperial College Of Science, Technology And Medicine MSc 1994 Fortran (77)(90) 60 Computational Physics
Spain Universidad Complutense De Madrid Astrophysics 1988
Spain Universidad De Cantabria Licenciatura en Física 1986 Fortran (77) 6
Spain Universidad De Granada Degree on Physics and Master's degree on astrophysics 2011 Fortran (77) 60 Numerical Methods C++ 60 Introduction to Programming Python 10 Introduction to observational techniques
United Kingdom Ucl Maths and Astronomy 1990 Fortran (77) 5
United States University Of Illinois At Urbana-champaign BS in Physics 2015 C++ 60 Computational physics Origin 40 Physics Lab Ladder Logic 60 Programmable logic controller R/40/Data Science
Greece Aristotle University Physics 1996 Turbopascal 20 Computation
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