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Last active February 12, 2021 06:29
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Save dpsutton/25f3119158887da65d5781d00bfd15da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; use a heap to keep only the max N (here 10) items in memory at a time. imagine reducing over a
;; quite large result set. don't want to realize it all, sort, and then take N. Just keep discarding
;; compared to our heap's min item.
(let [threshold 10
cmp (reify java.util.Comparator
(compare [_ x y]
;; score is second so want to compare [score item]
(compare (vec (reverse x)) (vec (reverse y)))))
xf (comp (map (fn [{:keys [name]}] [name (count name)]))
(filter (fn [[name length]] (> length 5))))
rf (fn queue-accumulator
([] (PriorityQueue. 30 cmp))
([^PriorityQueue q]
(loop [acc []]
(if-let [x (.poll q)]
(recur (conj acc x))
([^PriorityQueue q item]
(if (>= (.size q) threshold)
(let [smallest (.peek q)]
(if (pos? (.compare cmp item smallest))
(doto q
(.offer item))
(doto q
(.offer item)))))]
(transduce xf rf (db/reducible-query {:select [:name]
:from [:metabase_field]})))
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