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Created July 15, 2011 07:49
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xls stats from db
"""More specific helpers."""
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail.message import EmailMessage
from datetime import date, timedelta
import os
from core.extdb import ExtDB
from stats.xls import TABLE_DAILY, TABLE_WEEKLY
from stats.sql import RECIPIENT_STATS
def day(for_date=None):
"""Day range to be used with start >= date > finish
>>> title, start, finish = day()
Default is yesterday which is last full day range.
if for_date is None:
for_date = - timedelta(1)
return str(for_date), for_date, for_date + timedelta(1)
def week(for_date=None):
"""Week range to be used with start >= date > finish
>>> title, start, finish = week()
Default is previous week.
if for_date is None:
for_date = # TODO: check for off-by-one err
return (
str(for_date - timedelta(for_date.isoweekday())),
for_date - timedelta(for_date.isoweekday() + 6),
for_date - timedelta(for_date.isoweekday() - 1))
class Stats(object):
def __init__(self, db, sql):
self.db = db
self.sql = sql
def prepare(self, start, finish):
"""Grab some data for a range specified:
return [{'spam': 'sausage', 'bacon': 1, 'eggs': 2}, {...}]
return ExtDB(self.db).all(self.sql, start, finish)
def daily(self, for_day=None):
title, start, finish = day(for_day)
rows = self.prepare(start, finish)
doc = TABLE_DAILY.render(rows, start=start)
return "[%s] Daily stats for %s" % (self.db, title), doc
def weekly(self, for_day=None):
title, start, finish = week(for_day)
rows = self.prepare(start, finish)
doc = TABLE_WEEKLY.render(rows, start=start, finish=title)
return "[%s] " \
"Weekly stats for %s..%s" % (self.db, start, title), doc
def mail_stats(generator, to=None, fname=None):
title, doc = generator()
if fname is None:
fname = "/tmp/%s.xls" % '_'.join(
x for x in title.replace('..', '_').split()
if not x.startswith('['))
if to is None:
return title, doc, fname
msg = EmailMessage(
subject = title,
body = 'See attached file.',
to = to, bcc = settings.ADMINS)
"""Render summary reports to xls tables.
Latest verision:
Based on
import pyExcelerator as xl
str: "General",
int: "0",
float: "#,##0.00"
'<': xl.Alignment.HORZ_LEFT,
'|': xl.Alignment.HORZ_CENTER,
'>': xl.Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT,
'^': xl.Alignment.VERT_TOP,
'-': xl.Alignment.VERT_CENTER,
'v': xl.Alignment.VERT_BOTTOM,
'name', 'height',
'bold', 'italic',
'underline', 'struck_out', 'outline'
class StyleFactory(object):
_cache = {}
def __call__(self, **options):
"""Style factory with cache to minimize styles in document.
# Set font face
name = 'Times New Roman'
# Make the font bold, underlined and italic
bold = True
underline = True
italic = True
# To strike through the text
struck_out = True
# To add green color to the font object
colour_index = 3
# Other colors: 1- White, 2- Red, 3- Green, 4- Blue,
5- Yellow, 6- Magenta, 7- Cyan
# To outline the font
outline = True
# Set borders
borders = {'top': 1, 'right': 1, 'bottom': 1, 'left': 1}
# Set alignment
align = {'horz': '^', 'vert': '>'} # See ALIGNS for shortcuts
key = str(options)
if key in self._cache:
return self._cache[key]
style = xl.XFStyle()
if 'borders' in options:
borders = xl.Borders()
for attr, value in options['borders'].iteritems():
setattr(borders, attr, value)
style.borders = borders
del options['borders']
if 'align' in options:
align = xl.Alignment()
for attr, value in options['align'].iteritems():
setattr(align, attr, ALIGNS.get(value, value))
style.alignment = align
del options['align']
font = xl.Font()
for attr, value in options.iteritems():
setattr(font if attr in FONT_ATTRS else style, attr, value)
style.font = font
self._cache[key] = style
return style
style = StyleFactory()
class Table(object):
"""pyExcelerator helper to render data with cooked styles"""
title_style = style(height=220, borders={'bottom': 2})
header_style = style(bold=True)
total_style = style(
bold = True,
borders = {'top': 2},
align = {'horz': '>'}
def __init__(self, title="", *fields):
self.title = title
self.fields = fields
def render(self, data, **context):
title = self.title % context \
if '%' in self.title \
else self.title
doc = xl.Workbook()
sheet = doc.add_sheet(title.split()[-1])
cursor = 0
if title:
cursor, 0, 0, len(self.fields) - 1,
title, self.title_style)
cursor += 1
for pos, header in enumerate(x[1] for x in self.fields):
sheet.col(pos).width = 0x0d00 + 500
sheet.write(cursor, pos, header, self.header_style)
cursor += 1
data_start = cursor + 1
sheet.panes_frozen = True
sheet.horz_split_pos = cursor
for row in data:
for pos, (key, _, cast) in enumerate(self.fields):
value = cast(row[key])
cursor, pos, value,
style(num_format_str = STYLES[cast]))
cursor += 1
data_end = cursor
for pos, cast in enumerate(x[2] for x in self.fields):
if pos == 0:
sheet.write(cursor, 0, "Total:", self.total_style)
if cast in (int, float):
func = xl.Formula(
chr(65 + pos), data_start, data_end))
sheet.write(cursor, pos, func, self.total_style)
return doc
TABLE_WEEKLY = Table("Weekly stats for %(start)s..%(finish)s",
('recipient', "Recipient", str),
('count', "Count", int),
('amount', "Amount", float),
('avg_amount', "Avg. Amount", float),
('value', "Value", float),
('avg_value', "Avg. Value", float),
('commission', "Commission", float)
TABLE_DAILY = Table("Daily stats for %(start)s",
('recipient', "Recipient", str),
('count', "Count", int),
('amount', "Amount", float),
('value', "Value", float),
('commission', "Commission", float)
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