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Created February 21, 2016 16:00
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module Room
( roomProcess
, roomService
-- Client API
, joinRoom
, partRoom
, sendRoom
, listRoom
-- Server API is private
) where
import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, ProcessId,
getSelfPid, register, send,
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras (Recipient (..))
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Time (Delay (..))
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe
type RoomState = HM.HashMap ProcessId BSL.ByteString
type RoomCastHandler a = RoomState -> a -> Process (ProcessAction RoomState)
type RoomCallHandler i o = RoomState -> i -> Process (ProcessReply o RoomState)
roomProcess :: String -> Process ()
roomProcess name = do
pid <- spawnLocal $ serve () initHandler roomService
register name pid
initHandler () = pure $ InitOk mempty NoDelay
roomService :: ProcessDefinition RoomState
roomService = defaultProcess
{ apiHandlers =
[ handleCast joinRoomHandler
, handleCast partRoomHandler
, handleCast sendRoomHandler
, handleCall listRoomHandler
, unhandledMessagePolicy = Log
joinRoom :: String -> BSL.ByteString -> Process ()
joinRoom room nick = do
pid <- getSelfPid
cast (Registered room) (pid, nick)
joinRoomHandler :: RoomCastHandler (ProcessId, BSL.ByteString)
joinRoomHandler state (pid, name) = do
-- TODO: monitor pid and kick automatically
let newState = HM.insert pid name state
continue newState
partRoom :: String -> Process ()
partRoom room = do
pid <- getSelfPid
cast (Registered room) pid
partRoomHandler :: RoomCastHandler ProcessId
partRoomHandler state pid = do
let newState = HM.delete pid state
continue newState
sendRoom :: String -> BSL.ByteString -> BSL.ByteString -> Process ()
sendRoom room nick msg =
cast (Registered room) (nick, msg)
sendRoomHandler :: RoomCastHandler (BSL.ByteString, BSL.ByteString)
sendRoomHandler state (name, msg) = do
-- TODO: put room name somewhere
mapM_ (`send` (BSL.pack "#roomname", name, msg)) (HM.keys state)
continue state
listRoom :: String -> Process [BSL.ByteString]
listRoom room = do
nicks <- tryCall (Registered room) ()
pure $ fromMaybe [] nicks
listRoomHandler :: RoomCallHandler () [BSL.ByteString]
listRoomHandler state () = reply (HM.elems state) state
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