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Created November 18, 2010 07:47
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Crunch posts and do some math
from urllib2 import urlopen
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup as Soup
1: 'AFK/Busy/Available Indicator (CSM)',
2: 'Accessibility Focus Group',
3: 'Account Security Enhancements (CSM)',
4: 'Add login history in your account managment (CSM)',
5: 'Add scan angle buttons to scanner window (CSM)',
6: 'Add the feature of switching characters without relogging. (CSM)',
7: 'Aggression timer length (CSM)',
8: 'Aggression timer on gate activation (CSM)',
9: 'Aggression timer problems (CSM)',
10: 'Alliance Logos, CSM Intervention Requested (CSM)',
11: 'Alliances and factional warfare (CSM)',
12: 'Alliances and factional warfare pt2 (CSM)',
13: 'Allow remote jumpclone removal (csm)',
14: 'Api improvements (CSM)',
15: 'Armaggedon Day 2.0 (CSM)',
16: 'Assault Frigates 4th Bonus (CSM)',
17: 'Assembly Array Improvements (CSM)',
18: 'Autopilot settings for Factional Warfare (CSM)',
19: 'BPO locking changes (CSM)',
20: 'Balance self-destruction (CSM)',
21: 'Battle Recorder (CSM)',
22: 'Black Ops Improvements (CSM)',
23: 'Black Ops Improvements Part 2 (CSM)',
24: 'Boost Nighthawk (CSM)',
25: 'Boost Warfare Links and Revisit Information Warfare (CSM)',
26: 'Bountyhunting Improvements (CSM)',
27: 'Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships (CSM)',
28: 'ERROR - Implemented - Do not vote for this: Bring back zoom buttons (CSM)',
29: 'Broadcast "In position" improvement (CSM)',
30: 'Buff Gallente EWAR (CSM)',
31: 'Cargo hold of ships in hangar (CSM)',
32: 'Character lock no resale possible (CSM)',
33: 'Colonies (CSM)',
34: 'ERROR - On Sisi - Do not vote for this: Colour Stars By: Systems I can jump to (CSM)',
35: 'Commit to Fixing the UI (CSM)',
36: 'Contract API (CSM)',
37: 'Contract Login Update Notification (CSM)',
38: 'Contract improvements (CSM)',
39: 'Contract issues (CSM)',
40: 'Corporation Bookmarks (CSM)',
41: 'Corporation and Alliance tool overhaul (CSM)',
42: 'Courier contract improvements (CSM)',
43: 'Courier contracts made more user-friendly (CSM)',
44: 'Covert cynosural fields in high security space (CSM)',
45: 'Destroyer Improvements (CSM)',
46: 'Destructible outposts (CSM)',
47: 'Directscan improvement (CSM)',
48: 'Display account expiration date on character selection screen (CSM)',
49: 'Docking games fix (CSM)',
50: 'Docking in Capital Ships (CSM)',
51: 'Drone implants (CSM)',
52: 'Drone improvements (CSM)',
53: 'Drone protocols (CSM)',
54: 'Drone quirky behaviour (CSM)',
55: 'Drone stance interface (CSM)',
56: 'Dynamic Missions (CSM)',
57: 'Dynamic Missions Part 2 (CSM)',
58: 'Dynamic agent qualities (CSM)',
59: 'Easy overloading toggle (CSM)',
60: 'ERROR - Implemented - Do not vote for this: End ghost (unpaid account) datacore production (CSM)',
61: 'Eve Nebula (CSM5)',
62: 'Eve font changes - Progress requested (CSM)',
63: 'Events and gathering forums (CSM)',
64: 'Experimental industry issues (CSM)',
65: 'FW Complex NPCs and Standings (CSM)',
66: 'Faction warfare - allied forces (CSM)',
67: 'Factional Warfare - CCP Inaction Towards Bugs/Exploits (CSM)',
68: 'Factional Warfare - Complex Spawning Part 2 (CSM)',
69: 'Factional Warfare - Lack of Development Part 2 (CSM)',
70: 'Factional Warfare - NPC Review (CSM)',
71: 'Factional Warfare - Request for Information (CSM)',
72: 'Factional Warfare \xe2\x80\x93 Focus & Goals (CSM)',
73: 'Factional warfare - complex spawning (CSM)',
74: 'ERROR - Duplicate - Vote for #72 instead - Factional warfare - focus and goals (CSM)',
75: 'Fix kill mails (CSM)',
76: 'Fix plex keys (CSM)',
77: 'Forum Censorship (CSM)',
78: 'Forum fixes (CSM)',
79: 'Forum option to toggle profanity filter (CSM)',
80: 'Forum profanity filter (CSM)',
81: 'Forum reworking (CSM)',
82: 'Funky POS recommendation (CSM)',
83: 'General discussion on mining (CSM)',
84: 'Giving carriers ability to repair drones',
85: 'Grouping of non-weapon systems (CSM)',
86: 'Heat Reduction Rigs (CSM)',
87: 'History of who added/kick character from Corporation',
88: 'Improve Overload User Interface (CSM)',
89: 'Improve People & Places search results for Solar Systems. (CSM)',
90: 'Improve refresh time on loading Corporate Hangar contents. (CSM)',
91: 'Improvements to the F11 navigation panel (CSM)',
92: 'In-Game Account Expiration Countdown (CSM)',
93: 'Increase forum signature file size limitations (CSM)',
94: 'Ingame Events Menu (CSM)',
95: 'Issue when Copying and pasting links in Chat (CSM)',
96: 'Kill rights should be transferable (CSM)',
97: 'Larger HUD bracket for caps and supercaps (CSM)',
98: 'Localise the CSM Output (CSM)',
99: "Looting from wreck you didn't create = looter flagged to (wreck) killer in Empire (CSM)",
100: 'MOTD for fleet/gang channels (CSM)',
101: 'Machinima support in Walking in Stations (CSM)',
102: 'Macro hauler solution (CSM)',
103: 'Make Advanced Ship Assembly Arrays useful (CSM)',
104: 'Make Certain Factions More Valid for Mission Running - Part 2 (CSM)',
105: 'Make More Faction Items Tradable on Market (CSM)',
106: 'Make guns continue firing at previous target after reload (CSM)',
107: 'Marks against acc',
108: 'Mercenary implementation (CSM)',
109: 'Mining crystals change color of mining laser beam (CSM)',
110: 'Mission monopoly on standing (CSM)',
111: 'Missions under review (CSM)',
112: 'Modifiable corporation orders (CSM)',
113: 'Modify or Remove Learning Skills (CSM)',
114: 'Modular Starbase (CSM)',
115: 'More Control Over Medals (CSM)',
116: 'More crossfaction ships (CSM)',
117: 'More orbit range options (CSM)',
118: 'Move Recover Probes Away From Analyze Button (CSM)',
119: 'Musical instruments in Ambulation (CSM)',
120: 'Neutral orcas in high sec wars (CSM)',
121: 'ORE Faction Control Tower (CSM)',
122: 'Outpost Dock Radii (CSM)',
123: 'Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system (CSM)',
124: 'Personal hangar improvements (CSM)',
125: 'Personal wallet divisions (CSM)',
126: 'Planetary Interaction Omnibus',
127: 'Possibly Practical POS Performance Proposal (CSM)',
128: 'Precision heavy missiles (CSM)',
129: 'Prevent cloaked ships in same gang/fleet from decloaking each other',
130: 'Public POS arrays (CSM)',
131: 'Redesign sensor booster and ECCM effects (CSM)',
132: 'Regular revi',
133: 'Remote jumpclone destruction (CSM)',
134: 'Remote repair issues (CSM)',
135: 'Remote repping and aggression (CSM)',
136: 'Remotely stack items in hangar (CSM)',
137: 'Remove pause for JC and implants (CSM)',
138: 'Re',
139: 'Replace agent avatar with corporate logo in standings ',
140: 'Retweak Minmatar Ewar Ship Web Abilities (CSM)',
141: 'Revamp magnetometric sites (CSM)',
142: 'Review destroyers (CSM)',
143: 'Revisit the standing matrix (CSM)',
144: 'Rigs need attention (CSM)',
145: 'Save and Reuse Scan Probe Patterns (CSM)',
146: 'Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager pr',
147: 'Scanner change has created an imbalance (CSM)',
148: 'Scanning Colors (CSM)',
149: 'Sell multiple items at once (CSM)',
150: 'Sell order issues (CSM)',
151: "Semi-permanently show pilot's name in space (CSM)",
152: 'Send ',
153: 'Share dividends payout value',
154: 'Shared Corporation Bookmark',
155: 'Shares, dividends and stocks (CSM)',
156: 'Ship Crews (CSM)',
157: 'Ship fittings visible via Show Info without boarding ship. (CSM)',
158: 'Ship maintenance bays revisited (CSM)',
159: 'Show Drone Damage in Logs (CSM)',
160: 'Show Implants on POD killmails (CSM)',
161: 'Show bookmarks with mark',
162: 'Show damaged drones in drone bay (CSM)',
163: 'Small anchorable structures (CSM)',
164: 'Smartbomb overhaul (CSM)',
165: 'Sort ctrl-tab window list by last activation instead of time created (CSM)',
166: 'Sound Issues (CSM)',
167: 'Sound engine woes (CSM)',
168: 'Sources of Mineral Investigation (CSM)',
169: 'Spanish localization (CSM)',
170: 'Split the show Effects setting into separate options. (CSM)',
171: 'Spreading Out Missionrunners (CSM)',
172: 'Standing recovery (CSM)',
173: 'Station Owners Unrent Offices (CSM)',
174: 'Store bookmark folders server-side. (CSM)',
175: 'Stuff about character tra',
176: 'Suicide Ganking Part 3 (CSM)',
177: 'ERROR - On Sisi - Do not vote for this: Targeting from Broadcast History (CSM)',
178: 'Third bloodline background (CSM)',
179: 'Titan bridge range (CSM)',
180: 'Toggle Logging On/Off for each Chat Channel (CSM)',
181: 'Tracking for Fighters lost in combat',
182: 'UI Add support for POS Module Status in Overview (CSM)',
183: 'UI Client remembers passwords between session changes. (CSM)',
184: 'UI Improvement to "Change Clone"',
185: 'UI chat channel pilot ',
186: 'UI combat notifications (CSM)',
187: 'UI import/UI distance status change (CSM)',
188: 'UI import/UI electro',
189: 'UI import/UI hotkeys (CSM)',
190: 'UI minium size of HUD elements (CSM)',
191: 'UI personal assets (CSM)',
192: 'UI skills page issues (CSM)',
193: 'UI slash commands (CSM)',
194: 'UI visibility status of modules (CSM)',
195: 'Unanchoring abandoned, offline POSses (CSM)',
196: 'Unnerf the bio length (CSM)',
197: 'User Interface - Big Wins, Fan Favorites and Low Hanging Fruit (CSM)',
198: 'Visible Aggression Indicat',
199: 'War-dec mechanics (CSM)',
200: 'Watch list and broadcasts (CSM)',
201: 'Whatever happened to the industry expansion (CSM)',
202: 'Wild 0.0 (CSM)',
203: 'Wreck outposts (CSM)'}
processed, unprocessed = 0, 0
poll = {}
for index in range(1, NUM_PAGES):
data = open('exitpoll.cache/%d.html' % index).read()
except IOError:
data = urlopen(BASE_URL % index).read()
open('exitpoll.cache/%d.html' % index, 'w').write(data)
posts = Soup(data).findAll('div', {'id': 'forumSignature'})
except Exception as e:
print "bad page:", index, e
for post in posts:
for piece in [post] if post.string else post.fetchText():
text = piece.string
if not text or ',' not in text:
parts = text.split(',')
if len(parts) == 1:
votes = []
for part in parts[1:]:
except ValueError:
author = parts[0]
gotcha = author.split()
votes.insert(0, int(gotcha[-1]))
author = " ".join(gotcha[:-1])
except ValueError:
if votes:
poll[author] = votes
processed += 1
except Exception as e:
print e, post
bad_post = post
unprocessed += 1
items = {}
for author, votes in poll.iteritems():
weight = min(3, 20.0 / len(votes))
for vote in votes:
items.setdefault(vote, 0)
items[vote] += weight
print "Item #\tVotes\tItem description"
for value, key in sorted(((value, key) for key, value in items.iteritems()), reverse=True):
print "%s\t%.1f\t%s" % (key, value, TITLES.get(key))
if unprocessed:
print 'good:', processed, 'bad:', unprocessed, 'ratio: %.2f' % unprocessed / float(processed)
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