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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Scotty application skeleton
module Hedis
-- * Application classes
-- * App-wrapped redis runner
, redis
-- * Re-export other stuff from "Database.Redis"
, module R
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
import Database.Redis as R hiding (MonadRedis)
class (MonadIO m) => HasRedis m where
getRedis :: m Connection
redis :: HasRedis m => R.Redis r -> m r
redis q = getRedis >>= \c -> liftIO $ R.runRedis c q
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
import Web.Scotty.Trans
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Reader as CMR
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified PGSimple as PG
import qualified Hedis as R
-- * Application environment
data App = App { appFoo :: ()
, pg :: PG.Connection
, redis :: R.Connection
-- ** Scotty transformer aliases
type Scotty = ScottyT Text (ReaderT App IO)
type Handler = ActionT Text (ReaderT App IO)
-- ** Helpers
-- | Access application stuff (generic)
getApp :: (App -> a) -> Handler a
getApp = lift . asks
-- | Shortcut to get app record.
foo :: Handler ()
foo = getApp appFoo
-- ** Service instances
instance PG.HasPostgres Handler where
getPG = getApp pg
instance R.HasRedis Handler where
getRedis = getApp redis
-- * Setup
-- | Entry point
main :: IO ()
main = do
env <- setup ()
scottyT 3190 (flip runReaderT env) (flip runReaderT env) app
-- | Application initialization
setup :: () -> IO App
setup () = App <$> pure ()
<*> PG.connectPostgreSQL "host= dbname=maneuver user=maneuver password=maneuver"
<*> R.connect R.defaultConnectInfo
-- | Scotty initialization
app :: Scotty ()
app = do
get "/" index
-- * Handlers
-- | ActionT handler
index :: Handler ()
index = do
() <- foo
[PG.Only 42] <- PG.pgQuery_ "select 41" :: Handler [PG.Only Int]
Right _ <- R.redis
text "lol index"
module PGSimple
-- * Application classes
-- * Wrapped functions
, pgQuery, pgQuery_
, pgReturning
, pgExecute, pgExecute_, pgExecuteMany
-- * Some re-exports
, Connection, connect, defaultConnectInfo, connectPostgreSQL
, Query, Only(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import Data.Int (Int64)
class MonadIO m => HasPostgres m where
getPG :: m Connection
pgQuery :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q, FromRow r)
=> Query -> q -> m [r]
pgQuery q ps = getPG >>= \c -> liftIO $ query c q ps
pgQuery_ :: (HasPostgres m, FromRow r)
=> Query -> m [r]
pgQuery_ q = getPG>>= \c -> liftIO $ query_ c q
pgReturning :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q, FromRow r)
=> Query -> [q] -> m [r]
pgReturning q ps = getPG >>= \c -> liftIO $ returning c q ps
pgExecute :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q)
=> Query -> q -> m Int64
pgExecute q ps = getPG >>= \c -> liftIO $ execute c q ps
pgExecute_ :: (HasPostgres m)
=> Query -> m Int64
pgExecute_ q = getPG >>= \c -> liftIO $ execute_ c q
pgExecuteMany :: (HasPostgres m, ToRow q)
=> Query -> [q] -> m Int64
pgExecuteMany q ps = getPG >>= \c -> liftIO $ executeMany c q ps
-- Initial bounce.cabal generated by cabal init. For further
-- documentation, see
name: bounce
-- synopsis:
-- description:
-- license:
license-file: LICENSE
-- author:
-- maintainer:
-- copyright:
-- category:
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable bounce
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -threaded
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.8
, scotty >= 0.7.2
, mtl
, text
, bytestring
, postgresql-simple
, hedis
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dpwiz commented Jun 24, 2014

PostgreSQL should be wrapped with resource-pool:

initPG :: IO (Pool PG.Connection)
initPG = createPool create destroy 1 60 5
    create = PG.connectPostgreSQL Settings.pgConnStr
    destroy = PG.close

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