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Created November 11, 2019 07:15
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Understanding Pin for C and C++ developers

My initial impression of Pin was that it said “hey there’s something sitting at this memory location. Feel free to use it, even though, in this context, the compiler can’t lexically prove that it is actually still there.” My understanding of Pin was roughly that it was a backdoor through the lifetime system.

Opening up the documentation, the page starts with a discussion about Unpin. Unpin is weird. Basically, Unpin says “yeah I know this is pinned but you are free to ignore that.” My gut reaction to Unpin was “why would you need this at all?” Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of Pin? Why is everything Unpin by default???

Continuing on, hoping for some redemption further down the page, there’s a list of rules which must be adhered to in the unsafe constructor for Pin. I found this constraint for types which are !Unpin to be paricularly mysterious:

It must not be possible to obtain a &mut P::Target and then move out of that reference (using, for example mem::swap).

Other guides to Pin also noted that calling mem::replace, which also takes a mutable mutable reference, should not be allowed.

There’s a number of fantastic examples in the rust documentation, but I still was missing something. The rest of this post will be a walkthrough of where I went wrong.

Let’s look at this again:

It must not be possible to obtain a &mut P::Target and then move out of that reference (using, for example mem::swap).

Clearly moving is significant here, what does that mean exactly, and why is this such a big deal?


I’m more familar with C++ and my familiarty is probably where my misunderstandings are coming from. Let’s start by understanding what it means to move something in C++.

Consider the following struct:

struct Thing {
  Thing(uint64_t id)
    : id(id)
  { }

  // The move constructor is only required to leave the object in a
  // well defined state
  Thing(Thing&& other)
    : id(
  { = 0;

  Thing& operator=(Thing&& other)
    id       =; = 0;
    return *this;

  // non-copyable for clarity
  Thing(Thing const&)            = delete;
  Thing& operator=(Thing const&) = delete;

  uint64_t id;

C++ says that a move ctor must leave the object moved from in an undefined, but valid state.


int main() {
  Thing a(10);
  Thing const& ref = a;

  Thing c = std::move(a);      // moves a, but leave in defined state
  printf("ref %zu\n",; // prints 0

Next, consider this (probably wrong in some subtle way) implementation of swap, and it’s usage:


template <typename T>
void swap(T& a, T& b)
  T tmp = std::move(a); // lots of moves
  a = std::move(b);     // move again
  b = std::move(tmp);   // oh look, move again!

int main() {
  Thing a(1);
  Thing b(2);

  Thing& ref = a;
  swap(a, b);
  printf("ref %zu\n",; // prints 2

As far as I know, this is totally valid C++. The reference is just a pointer to some chunk of memory, and, all of the moves that we did are defined to leave the moved-from object in a “valid” state (you might just have to be careful with them).

Let’s consider one last struct.

template <typename T, size_t N>
struct ring_buffer {
  std::array<T, N+1> entries; // use one extra element for easy book-keeping

  // Store pointers. This is bad, there are better ways to make a ring
  // buffer, but the demonstration is useful.
  T* head = entries;
  T* tail = head+1;

  // ...

head and tail both point to elements of entries. C++ will generate a default move contructor for us, but the default is just a memcpy. If it runs, we’ll end up with pointers that point into the wrong array. We must write a custom move constructor.

ring_buffer(ring_buffer&& other)
  : entries( std::move(other.entries) )
  , head( + (other.head - // adjust pointer
  , tail( + (other.tail - // adjust pointer
  other.head =;
  other.tail = other.head + 1;

So, in C++, a move is just another user defined operation that you can take advantage of in some special places, perhaps to make code more efficient or provide some useful semantic for your users.


Let’s do the same exercises again in Rust, starting with the Thing struct.

struct Thing {
    pub id: u64

impl Thing {
    pub fn new(id: u64) -> Self {
        Self { id }

Trying to port the first example directly into Rust won’t work.

fn main() {
    let a = Thing::new(10);
    let r = &a;

    let c = a; // this is a move, but won't compile
    println!("ref {}",;

The compiler doesn’t like this. It says:

error[E0505]: cannot move out of `a` because it is borrowed
15 |     let r = &a;
   |             -- borrow of `a` occurs here
16 |     let c = a; // this is a move, but won't compile
   |             ^ move out of `a` occurs here
17 |
18 |     println!("ref {}",;
   |                        ---- borrow later used here

Rust is telling us that it knows we moved the value, and, since we moved it, we can’t use it anymore. What does this mean though? What is actually goig on in memory.

Let’s find out with some unsafe and undefined-behavior inducing Rust. Rhe first time I tried something like this, I wasn’t sure what to expect, so I’ve come up with a simpler example that’s hopefully a bit more clear. See if you can figure out what you think this will print:

fn main() {
    let a = Thing::new(1);
    let r: *const Thing = &a;

    let c = a;
    println!("ref {}", unsafe { (*r).id });

This prints “1” because the compiler reused the stack space used by the object named “a” to store the object named “b.” There was no “empty valid husk” left behind.

The operation that Rust used to do this “move” was just memcpy.

This behavior is very different from the C++ move. The Rust compiler knows about the move and can take advantage of the move to save some stack space. Without writing unsafe code, there is no way you’d ever be able to access fields from “a” again, so how the compiler wants to use that space occupied by a after the move is entirely the compiler’s decsion.

Rule number 1 of Rust move: The compiler knows you moved. The compiler can use this to optimize.

The next C++ example was a swap. In C++, swap calls some move constructors to shuffle the data around. In our C++ example, these move constructors where just memcpy.

Swap in Rust isn’t as straightforward as the C++ version. In the C++ version, we just call the user defined move constructor to do all of the hard work. In Rust, we don’t have this user defined function to call, so we’ll have to actually be explicit about what swap does.

fn swap<T>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {
    // a and b are both valid pointers
    unsafe {
        let tmp: T = std::ptr::read(a); // memcpy
        std::ptr::copy(b, a, 1);        // memcpy
        std::ptr::write(b, tmp);        // memcpy

Roaming into undefined-behavior territory to poke around:

fn main() {
    let mut a = Thing::new(1);
    let mut b = Thing::new(2);

    let r: *const Thing = &a;

    swap(&mut a, &mut b);

    println!("{}", unsafe { (*r).id }); // prints 2

This example is nice because it does what you’d expect, but it highlights something critical about Rust’s move semantics: move is always the same as memcpy. It couldn’t be anything other than a memcpy, since Rust doesn’t define anything else on the struct that would let us define any other kind of operation.

Rule number 2: Rust move is always just a memcpy.

Now, let’s think about the ring buffer. It is not even remotely idiomatic to write anything like the C++ version of the ring-buffer in Rust, but let’s do it anyway. I’m also going to pretend that const generics are finished for the sake of clarity.

struct RingBuffer<T, const N: usize> {
    entries: [T; N+1],
    head: *const T,   // next pop location, T is moved (memcpy) out
    tail: *mut T,     // next push location, T is moved (memcpy) in

The problem now is that we can’t define a custom move contructor. If this struct is ever moved (including the move-by-memcpy in swap/replace), the pointers stored will be point to the wrong piece of memory.

The rust solution to this is to mark your type as !Unpin.

Once something is marked as !Unpin, getting a mutable reference to it becomes unsafe. If you get a mutable reference to a pinned type which does not implement Unpin, you are supposed to promise to never call anything that moves out of the type. I have thoughts on the actual feasibility of following these rules, but that’s a topic for another time.


Hopefully now, we can understand why this is prerequisite for async/await support in Rust.

Consider this async function:

async fn foo() -> u32 {
    // First call to poll runs until the line with the await
    let x = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    let y = &x[1];
    let nxt_idx= make_network_request().await;
    // next call to poll runs the last line
    return y + x[nxt_idx];

The compiler will roughly translate this function into a state machine with 2 states. That state machine is represented by some struct, and the state is updated by calling the poll function. The struct used to store the data for this state machine will look something like this:

struct StateMachineData_State1 {
    x: [u32, 4],
    y: &u32,      // ignore lifetime. This will point into `x`

Since y is a reference (pointer), if we move (memcpy) the intermediate state, we’ll be messing up our pointers. This is why Pin matters for async.

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