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fragile topological sort in c++ templates
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
struct nil { };
template <typename H, class T>
struct cons
using head = H;
using tail = T;
template <typename... Args>
struct mklist;
template <>
struct mklist<>
using list = nil;
template <typename First, typename... Args>
struct mklist<First, Args...>
using list = cons<First, typename mklist<Args...>::list>;
template <typename Target, typename List>
struct contains;
template <typename H, typename T>
struct contains<H, cons<H, T>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <typename NotH, typename H, typename T>
struct contains<NotH, cons<H, T>>
static constexpr bool value = contains<NotH, T>::value;
template <typename Value>
struct contains<Value, nil>
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <typename List, typename Value>
struct append;
template <typename Value>
struct append<nil, Value>
using value = cons<Value, nil>;
template <typename Head, typename Tail, typename Value>
struct append<cons<Head, Tail>, Value>
using value = cons<
typename append<Tail, Value>::value>;
template <typename Value, typename List>
struct remove_one;
// intentionally left undefined. Means value not found for removal
template <typename Value>
struct remove_one<Value, nil>;
template <typename Head, typename Tail>
struct remove_one<Head, cons<Head, Tail>>
using list = Tail;
template <typename Value, typename Head, typename Tail>
struct remove_one<Value, cons<Head, Tail>>
static_assert(!std::is_same<Head, Value>::value, "something went wrong");
using list = cons<Head, typename remove_one<Value, Tail>::list>;
template <typename List, ssize_t idx, ssize_t current = 0>
struct get_idx;
template <typename Head, typename Tail, ssize_t idx>
struct get_idx<cons<Head, Tail>, idx, idx>
using value = Head;
template <typename Head, typename Tail, ssize_t idx, ssize_t current>
struct get_idx<cons<Head, Tail>, idx, current>
static_assert(idx != current, "something is written incorrectly");
using value = typename get_idx<Tail, idx, current + 1>::value;
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct concat;
template <typename Head1, typename List2>
struct concat<cons<Head1, nil>, List2>
using list = cons<Head1, List2>;
template <typename Head1, typename Tail1, typename List2>
struct concat<cons<Head1, Tail1>, List2>
using list = cons<Head1, typename concat<Tail1, List2>::list>;
template <typename List2>
struct concat<nil, List2>
using list = List2;
namespace test {
struct A { }; struct B { }; struct C { };
cons<A, cons<B, nil>>,
mklist<A, B>::list
>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<append<nil, A>::value, cons<A, nil>>::value, "!");
append<cons<A, nil>, B>::value,
cons<A, cons<B, nil>>
>::value, "!");
append<cons<A, cons<B, nil>>, C>::value,
cons<A, cons<B, cons<C, nil>>>
>::value, "!");
using testlist = cons<A, cons<B, cons<C, nil>>>;
typename remove_one<C, testlist>::list,
cons<A, cons<B, nil>>
>::value, "!");
static_assert(std::is_same<get_idx<testlist, 2>::value, C >::value, "!");
concat<cons<A, nil>, cons<B, cons<C, nil>>>::list,
>::value, "!");
template <typename T>
struct FieldInfo;
template <typename T, size_t offset_>
struct Field
using type = T;
static constexpr size_t offset = offset_;
template <typename T>
struct View
using info = FieldInfo<T>;
View(T& s) : s_(s) { }
T& ref() { return s_; }
T& s_;
template <typename Dependencies, typename Done>
struct all_satisifed;
template <typename Done>
struct all_satisifed<nil, Done>
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <typename Dep, typename Rest, typename Done>
struct all_satisifed<cons<Dep, Rest>, Done>
static constexpr bool value =
contains<Dep, Done>::value && all_satisifed<Rest, Done>::value;
template <size_t i, typename PassList, typename Done>
struct find_satisfied_idx;
template <size_t i, typename Done>
struct find_satisfied_idx<i, nil, Done>
static constexpr ssize_t value = -1;
template <size_t i, typename Pass, typename PassList, typename Done>
struct find_satisfied_idx<i, cons<Pass, PassList>, Done>
static constexpr ssize_t value =
all_satisifed<typename Pass::depends, Done>::value ?
: find_satisfied_idx<i + 1, PassList, Done>::value;
template <typename PassList, typename Done = nil>
struct top_sort
static constexpr ssize_t current = find_satisfied_idx<0, PassList, Done>::value;
static_assert(current != -1, "Dependencies not satisfied");
using new_head = typename get_idx<PassList, current>::value;
using new_done = typename concat<Done, typename new_head::provides>::list;
using list_removed = typename remove_one<new_head, PassList>::list;
using sorted = cons<new_head, typename top_sort<list_removed, new_done>::sorted>;
template <typename Done>
struct top_sort<nil, Done>
using sorted = nil;
namespace top_sort_test
struct F1 {}; struct F2 {};
struct A {
using depends = nil;
using provides = mklist<F1>::list;
struct B {
using depends = mklist<F1>::list;
using provides = mklist<F2>::list;
static_assert(std::is_same<top_sort<nil>::sorted, nil>::value, "!");
using l1 = mklist<A, B>::list;
static_assert(std::is_same<top_sort<l1>::sorted, l1>::value, "!");
using l2 = mklist<B, A>::list;
static_assert(std::is_same<top_sort<l2>::sorted, l1>::value, "!");
template <typename Field, typename View>
typename std::enable_if_t<
contains<Field, typename View::writable>::value,
typename Field::type&>
get(View& v)
auto& ref = v.ref();
char* hack = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ref);
return *reinterpret_cast<typename Field::type*>(hack + Field::offset);
template <typename Field, typename View>
typename std::enable_if_t<
contains<Field, typename View::readonly>::value,
const typename Field::type&>
get(View& v)
auto& ref = v.ref();
const char* hack = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ref);
return *reinterpret_cast<const typename Field::type*>(hack + Field::offset);
#define GET(s, f, v) get<FieldInfo<s>::f>(v)
template <typename Data, typename Depends, typename Provides>
class Pass
using data_type = Data;
using depends = Depends;
using provides = Provides;
// must be public so the top sort can access it (unless I intern top sort)
struct MyView : public View<Data>
MyView(Data& s) : View<Data>(s) { }
using readonly = Depends;
using writable = Provides;
void run(Data& d)
MyView view(d);
virtual void runImpl(MyView&) = 0;
template <typename Data, typename PassList>
class PreparedPassList;
template <typename Data>
class PreparedPassList<Data, nil>
void run(Data&) { /* all done */ }
template <typename Data, typename Head, typename Tail>
class PreparedPassList<Data, cons<Head, Tail>>
void run(Data& d)
auto next = PreparedPassList<Data, Tail>();
Head pass;;;
template <typename Data, typename PassList = nil>
class PassManager
using data_type = Data;
using passes = PassList;
template <typename Pass>
std::is_same<typename Pass::data_type, Data>::value,
PassManager<Data, cons<Pass, PassList>>>
addPass() { return {}; }
template <typename PassManager>
typename PassManager::data_type,
typename top_sort<typename PassManager::passes>::sorted>
return {};
// example usage
struct MyStruct
int a;
double b;
std::string c;
template <>
struct FieldInfo<MyStruct>
using a = Field<int, offsetof(MyStruct, a)>;
using b = Field<double, offsetof(MyStruct, b)>;
using c = Field<std::string, offsetof(MyStruct, c)>;
class PassZero : public Pass<MyStruct,
// requires
// provides
mklist<FieldInfo<MyStruct>::a, FieldInfo<MyStruct>::b>::list>
void runImpl(MyView& v) override
std::cout << "Ran Zero" << std::endl;
GET(MyStruct, a, v) = 10;
GET(MyStruct, b, v) = 10.10;
// can't read (or write) c here
// GET(MyStruct, c, v);
class PassOne : public Pass<MyStruct,
// requires
mklist<FieldInfo<MyStruct>::a, FieldInfo<MyStruct>::b>::list,
// provides
void runImpl(MyView& v) override
std::cout << "Ran One" << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << GET(MyStruct, a, v) << " : " << GET(MyStruct, b, v);
GET(MyStruct, c, v) = ss.str();
// can only write to c
struct Empty { };
class PassEmpty : public Pass<Empty, nil, nil>
void runImpl(MyView& v) override { }
int main()
MyStruct s{12, 1.1, "cats and dogs"};
// create a pass builder and add the passes.
// Order doesn't matter! The pass manager reorders the passes so that all
// dependencies are satisfied before any passes which required them are needed
PassManager<MyStruct> start;
auto p1 = start.addPass<PassOne>();
// Cannot create prepared pass list at this point. Will error with
// "Dependencies not satisfied"
// auto prepared = createPrepared(p2);
auto p2 = p1.addPass<PassZero>();
// cannot add PassEmpty to the pass manager (wrong data type)
auto prepared = createPrepared(p2);;
// prints "PassZero", then "PassOne", even though passes added in a different
// order
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