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Created June 13, 2014 03:13
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Genreate Charles Local Mapping Proxy File
#! /usr/bin/env node
var fs = require("fs")
, program = require('commander')
, prompt = require('prompt')
, path = require("path")
, first_root = process.cwd()
, root = process.cwd()
, out_file = 'MapLocal.xml'
var templateHeader =
"<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\' ?>" + "\n" +
"<?charles serialisation-version=\'2.0\' ?>" +"\n" +
"<mapLocal>" +"\n" +
" <toolEnabled>true</toolEnabled>" +"\n" +
" <mappings>" +"\n";
// host :
// remotePath: /htdocs/portal/main/status.js
// localPath: /Users/dqaria/Develop/ali01286856_CP_20140522_cschannel/htdocs/htdocs/portal/main/status.js
function generateXmlTemplate(host, remotePath, localPath) {
var template =
" <mapLocalMapping>" +"\n" +
" <sourceLocation>" +"\n" +
" <protocol>http</protocol>" +"\n" +
" <host>" + host + "</host>" + "\n" +
" <port>80</port>" +"\n" +
" <path>" + remotePath + "</path>" +"\n" +
" </sourceLocation>" +"\n" +
" <dest>" + localPath +"</dest>" +"\n" +
" <enabled>true</enabled>" +"\n" +
" <caseSensitive>true</caseSensitive>" +"\n" +
" </mapLocalMapping>" +"\n";
return template;
var templateFooter =
" </mappings>" +"\n" +
.option('-g --generate', 'generate MapLocal.xml File')
console.log("Hello wolrd! Please make sure your current working directory is " + root);
prompt.get(['host', 'directory'], function(err, result) {
console.log("Great! Wait for a second and I will generate this great file for you!");
var text = templateHeader + getFiles(, root + '/' + + templateFooter;
writeFile(root + "/" + out_file, text );
// getFiles output an array
function getFiles(host, root) {
var res = [], files = fs.readdirSync(root);
files.forEach(function(file) {
var pathname = root + '/' + file
, regex = new RegExp(first_root)
, remoatePath = pathname.replace(regex, "")
, lstat = fs.lstatSync(pathname)
, extname = path.extname(pathname)
if(!lstat.isDirectory() ) {
if( extname.length > 0 ) res.push(generateXmlTemplate(host , remoatePath, pathname)); // remove .DS_Store file
} else {
res = res.concat(getFiles(host, pathname));
return res;
function writeFile( file_path, text ) {
fs.writeFile(file_path , text , 'utf8', function(e) {
if(e) {
console.log("fail, Please check!");
} else {
console.log("done, check " + root + "/MapLocal.xml!");
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