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dqtweb / install-nvm-zsh.txt
Created January 10, 2024 10:33 — forked from mike-casas/install-nvm-zsh.txt
install nvm on mac with zsh shell
After install zsh
- brew update
- brew install nvm
- mkdir ~/.nvm
after in your ~/.zshrc or in .bash_profile if your use bash shell:
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
dqtweb /
Created January 2, 2024 04:47 — forked from denji/
HTTP(S) Benchmark Tools / Toolkit for testing/debugging HTTP(S) and restAPI (RESTful)
dqtweb / client.js
Created March 3, 2023 22:48 — forked from naoki-sawada/client.js
Simple room and auth example
const io = require('');
const socket = io('http://localhost:3000', {
transportOptions: {
polling: {
extraHeaders: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer abc',
dqtweb / jupyter.service
Created April 26, 2020 10:30 — forked from r-darwish/jupyter.service
Jupyterlab as a systemd service
Description=Jupyter Notebook
ExecStart=/home/roeyd/Notebook/.env/bin/jupyter lab --port 9090
dqtweb / ajax.js
Created January 26, 2020 12:09 — forked from xeoncross/ajax.js
Simple, cross-browser Javascript POST/GET xhr request object. Supports request data and proper AJAX headers.
* IE 5.5+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari XHR object
* @param string url
* @param object callback
* @param mixed data
* @param null x
function ajax(url, callback, data, x) {
try {
dqtweb /
Created January 16, 2020 07:54 — forked from stefanthoss/
Export/import a PySpark schema to/from a JSON file
import json
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Define the schema
schema = StructType(
[StructField("name", StringType(), True), StructField("age", IntegerType(), True)]
# Write the schema
with open("schema.json", "w") as f:
dqtweb / gist:30a0598875703e73431a85bc7a5c9267
Created October 25, 2019 07:15 — forked from mikeyk/gist:1329319
Testing storage of millions of keys in Redis
#! /usr/bin/env python
import redis
import random
import pylibmc
import sys
r = redis.Redis(host = 'localhost', port = 6389)
mc = pylibmc.Client(['localhost:11222'])

Migrate from Facebook scribe to Apache Flume (Part II)

In last article we talked about how to setup flume and write files HDFS. This article, we begin to change flume to write file in scribe like style category. Multiplexing Way?

The first thought is using source multiplex to distribute log to different destination. Flume distribute log events by event header. So we google to find out which field in header is referring to scribe header.

category in header will refer to scribe category. So we try to use multiplexing source:

Migrate from Facebook scribe to Apache Flume (Part I)


We use scribe as our logging server for a long time. At first, everything works fine. Easy to config, easy to manage. As data grows everyday, single scribe server can’t handle that. We have to migrate some category to second log server and attach a big disk. As data is keep growing, we want a big data storage for that instead of local disk. So we decide to use Scribe with HDFS plugin. It is as tough as we first compile scribe from source. Finally we complied the scribed with hdfs support. But after a short period usage, we find a bug that haven’t solved by facebook. (the project is deprecated several years ago). The bug cause scribe can’t write to hdfs if it accidently killed by SIG 9. So we start to test flume and find out ways to migrate.

Configure Flume

Flume is easy to deploy because it is written in Java. Install java and download jar package, we’ve done all the jobs

dqtweb / redis_cheatsheet.bash
Created October 22, 2018 09:51 — forked from LeCoupa/redis_cheatsheet.bash
Redis Cheatsheet - Basic Commands You Must Know --> UPDATED VERSION -->
# Redis Cheatsheet
# All the commands you need to know
redis-server /path/redis.conf # start redis with the related configuration file
redis-cli # opens a redis prompt
# Strings.