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Last active February 28, 2023 18:56
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Serialize and deserialize circular objects to/from JSON
import { fromJSON, toJSON } from ./circular-json';
describe('toJSON', () => {
it('handles ordinary objects', () => {
const inputs = [
{ a: 1, b: { c: 3 }, d: [4, 5, 6], e: undefined },
[1, 2, 3],
inputs.forEach((input) => {
it('handles circular objects', () => {
const a: { a?: unknown; b: number } = { b: 2 };
a.a = a;
const c = { d: 1, e: [4, 5, a], f: undefined };
import _ from 'lodash';
// exports
export function toJSON(raw: unknown) {
return JSON.stringify(circularToRefs(raw));
export function fromJSON(json: string) {
const result = JSON.parse(json);
return result;
// internals
// a ref is a placeholder for a value that has already been seen
// the _refId is a path to the value in some reference object
type Ref = {
_refId: string;
// a function that tracks values and returns a ref when a value is repeated
// (if the value is an object or an array)
// otherwise returns the value
type RefSaver = (path: string, value: unknown) => unknown;
function getRefSaver(): RefSaver {
const seen: Record<string, object> = {};
return (path, value) => {
if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') return value;
const found = Object.entries(seen).find(([, v]) => v === value);
if (found) return { _refId: found[0] };
seen[path] = value;
return value;
function circularToRefs(raw: unknown) {
return valueToRefs(raw, '$', getRefSaver());
function valueToRefs(rawValue: unknown, path: string, refSaver: RefSaver): unknown {
const value = refSaver(path, rawValue);
// if value is not raw, we have a ref, so return it
if (value !== rawValue) return value;
if (_.isArray(value)) return, i) => valueToRefs(v, `${path}.${i}`, refSaver));
if (_.isObject(value))
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(value).map(([k, v]) => [k, valueToRefs(v, `${path}.${k}`, refSaver)])
return value;
function refsToCircular(value: unknown) {
if (!_.isObject(value)) return;
valueToCircular(value, '$', value);
function valueToCircular(rawValue: unknown, path: string, context: object): unknown {
if (rawValue === null || typeof rawValue !== 'object') return;
const { _refId } = rawValue as Ref;
if (_refId) {
const referent = getPath(context, _refId);
setPath(context, path, referent);
if (_.isArray(rawValue)) {
rawValue.forEach((v, i) => valueToCircular(v, `${path}.${i}`, context));
if (_.isObject(rawValue)) {
Object.entries(rawValue).forEach(([k, v]) => valueToCircular(v, `${path}.${k}`, context));
function getPath(context: object, rawPath: string) {
const path = rawPath.replace(/^\$\.?/, '');
return path ? _.get(context, path) : context;
function setPath(context: object, rawPath: string, value: unknown) {
const path = rawPath.replace(/^\$\.?/, '');
if (!path) throw new Error('Cannot set root path');
return _.set(context, path, value);
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