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Created May 31, 2020 19:16
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get a fresh void linux install up and ready for work in less than ten minutes
# Luke's Auto Rice Boostrapping Script (LARBS)
# by Adrian Claridge <>
# License: GNU GPLv3
while getopts ":a:r:b:p:h" o; do case "${o}" in
h) printf "Optional arguments for custom use:\\n -r: Dotfiles repository (local file or url)\\n -p: Dependencies and programs csv (local file or url)\\n -h: Show this message\\n" && exit ;;
r) dotfilesrepo=${OPTARG} && git ls-remote "$dotfilesrepo" || exit ;;
b) repobranch=${OPTARG} ;;
p) progsfile=${OPTARG} ;;
*) printf "Invalid option: -%s\\n" "$OPTARG" && exit ;;
esac done
[ -z "$dotfilesrepo" ] && dotfilesrepo=""
[ -z "$progsfile" ] && progsfile=""
[ -z "$repobranch" ] && repobranch="master"
installpkg(){ xbps-install -y "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;}
error() { clear; printf "ERROR:\\n%s\\n" "$1"; exit;}
welcomemsg() { \
dialog --title "Welcome!" --msgbox "Welcome to Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Script!\\n\\nThis script will automatically install a fully-featured Linux desktop, which I use as my main machine.\\n\\n-Adrian" 10 60
getuser() { \
# Prompts user for their username.
name=$(dialog --inputbox "First, please enter the username you created during the Void Linux install process." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1) || exit
repodir="/home/$name/repos"; sudo -u $name mkdir -p "$repodir"
while ! echo "$name" | grep "^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*$" >/dev/null 2>&1; do
name=$(dialog --no-cancel --inputbox "Username not valid. Be sure your username contains valid characters: lowercase letters, - or _." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
done ;}
preinstallmsg() { \
dialog --title "Enter The Void..." --yes-label "Let's go!" --no-label "No, nevermind!" --yesno "The rest of the installation will now be totally automated, so you can sit back and relax.\\n\\nIt will take some time, but when done, you can relax even more with your complete system.\\n\\nNow just press <Let's go!> and the system will begin installation!" 13 60 || { clear; exit; }
maininstall() { # Installs all needed programs from main repo.
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$1\` ($n of $total). $1 $2" 5 70
installpkg "$1"
gitmakeinstall() {
progname="$(basename "$1")"
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$progname\` ($n of $total) via \`git\` and \`make\`. $(basename "$1") $2" 5 70
sudo -u "$name" git clone --depth 1 "$1" "$dir" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { cd "$dir" || return ; sudo -u "$name" git pull --force origin master;}
cd "$dir" || exit
make >/dev/null 2>&1
make install >/dev/null 2>&1
cd /tmp || return ;}
pipinstall() { \
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing the Python package \`$1\` ($n of $total). $1 $2" 5 70
command -v pip || installpkg python-pip >/dev/null 2>&1
yes | pip install "$1"
installationloop() { \
([ -f "$progsfile" ] && cp "$progsfile" /tmp/progs.csv) || curl -Ls "$progsfile" | sed '/^#/d' | eval grep "$grepseq" > /tmp/progs.csv
total=$(wc -l < /tmp/progs.csv)
while IFS=, read -r tag program comment; do
echo "$comment" | grep "^\".*\"$" >/dev/null 2>&1 && comment="$(echo "$comment" | sed "s/\(^\"\|\"$\)//g")"
case "$tag" in
"G") gitmakeinstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
"P") pipinstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
*) maininstall "$program" "$comment" ;;
done < /tmp/progs.csv ;}
putgitrepo() { # Downloads a gitrepo $1 and places the files in $2 only overwriting conflicts
dialog --infobox "Downloading and installing config files..." 4 60
[ -z "$3" ] && branch="master" || branch="$repobranch"
dir=$(mktemp -d)
[ ! -d "$2" ] && mkdir -p "$2"
chown -R "$name:wheel" "$dir" "$2"
sudo -u "$name" git clone -b "$branch" --depth 1 "$1" "$dir" >/dev/null 2>&1
sudo -u "$name" cp -rfT "$dir" "$2"
finalize(){ \
dialog --infobox "Preparing welcome message..." 4 50
dialog --title "All done!" --msgbox "Congrats! Provided there were no hidden errors, the script completed successfully and all the programs and configuration files should be in place.\\n\\nTo run the new graphical environment, log out and log back in as your new user, then run the command \"startx\" to start the graphical environment (it will start automatically in tty1).\\n\\n.t Adrian" 12 80
### This is how everything happens in an intuitive format and order.
# Check if user is root on Arch distro. Install dialog.
installpkg dialog || error "Are you sure you're running this as the root user and have an internet connection?"
# Welcome user and pick dotfiles.
welcomemsg || error "User exited."
# Get and verify username and password.
getuser || error "User exited."
# Last chance for user to back out before install.
preinstallmsg || error "User exited."
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`Void nonfree repo\`, \`basedevel\` and \`git\`. These are required for the installation of other software." 5 70
installpkg void-repo-nonfree
xbps-install -Su >/dev/null
installpkg base-devel
installpkg git
installpkg curl
# The command that does all the installing. Reads the progs.csv file and
# installs each needed program using either xbps or git.
# Install the dotfiles in the user's home directory
putgitrepo "$dotfilesrepo" "/home/$name" "$repobranch"
# Make zsh the default shell for the user
chsh -s /bin/zsh $name
# Fix firefox's problem rendering fonts with antialiasing
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf
# Enable services
ln -s /etc/sv/cronie /var/service/
ln -s /etc/sv/isc-ntpd /var/service/
# Disable ttys 3-6
rm /var/service/agetty-tty6
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty6/down
rm /var/service/agetty-tty5
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty5/down
rm /var/service/agetty-tty4
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty4/down
rm /var/service/agetty-tty3
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty3/down
# Create basic home directories
sudo -u $name mkdir /home/$name/Documents /home/$name/Downloads /home/$name/Pictures/ /home/$name/Pictures/screenshots /home/$name/Videos /home/$name/Music
# Last message! Install complete!
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