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Last active May 8, 2023 19:47
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\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}
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\title{Danny Grove}
\author{Danny Grove}
\section*{Danny Grove}
DevOps and System Security Engineer
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Builder of things. Co-founder of Hashbang, a virtual hackerspace and provider of shell services. Owner of DR Grove Software LLC, a software, security and infrastructure consulting company. Dog Dad. Amateur landscape photographer
\textit{April 2022 – April 2023}
\textbf{Manager, DevOps}
\item Managed team of remote workers across multiple timezones and contintents
\item Spearheaded modernization of infrastructure to reduce costs
\item Reduced deployment cycle from 1--2x a month to 2x a day
\item Migrated logging and monitoring stack from DataDog to Grafana
(self-hosted). Decreased costs by over 10x while increasing data retention by 3x
\textit{Nov 2018 – April 2022}
\textbf{Senior Systsems Security Engineer}
\item Decreased engineering iteration interval by modernizing the build, release, and test infrastructure and services
\item Architected and Imlemented GitOps solution using ArgoCD and Drone CI
\item Implemented BeyondCorp-type solution to increase security posture across all employees
\item Architected and developed mTLS solution integrating with employees Yubikeys
\item Created tooling to eas e the migration from a monolith to microservices-based devleoper pattern
\item Assisted in decreasing onboarding time for new developers from 2--3 days to less than 4 hours -- measured in time of "first time turning on computer" to "signed commits in pull request on GitHub"
\item Provided workshops and facilitated technical discussions as a security leader in the organization
\item Enjoyed mentoring Junior Developers and Systems Engineers
\textbf{Left Field Labs @ Google}
\textit{Febuary 2016 – October 2018}
\textbf{Senior Software Engineer}
\item Implemented Automated Testing infrastructure reducing code release timeline from 2 weeks to 6 hours and automated tests from 0 to 80k
\item Individual contributor to Major launches: 2016 redesign, 404 Page, Nougat landing page, My Android, Android is for Everyone
\item Developed landing and referral pages for Google Tez
\item Ensured code consistency and readability following Google style guides as an Agency Technical Liaison
\item Full-stack developer on Google Gather - A Digital Events Platform
\textit{September 2015 – February 2016}
\textbf{Software Engineer}
\item Front-end development on Performance Manager, a dashboard for advertisers to check the progress of, and manage B2B marketing campaigns.
\item Decreased page load times on key pages by up to 27x
\item Designed and implemented proof-of-concept docker development flow and integration with Jenkins CI
\textit{November 2014 – September 2015}
\textbf{Web Developer}
\item Developed and assisted with the open sourcing of WhereHows, a database metadata and downstream analysis system
\item Generated initial open source documentation including API documentation, new developer getting started guide and laid out community contribution guide
\item Designed and implemented proof-of-concept docker development flow
\textbf{Earlier Experience}
\textit{April 2010 – October 2014}
\item Clariture Health - Fullstack (MEAN) Engineer
\item Accesso - UI Engineer (Angular.JS)
\item Vacation Innovations - Senior PHP Developer
\item Total Marketing Concepts - Senior PHP Developer
\item RK Frantz Software Inc - PHP Developer
\item PGP web of trust based Client Certificate generation for Zero Trust Authentication
\item A wearable device library that allows for rapid prototyping on a multitude of wearable electronics including Google Glass, Myo, Pebble and Android.
\item Created Wearscript Playground, An Ace Editor based development suite that tied with GitHub Gists to allow users to create, edit and upload their scripts directly to their Google Glass and other peripherals
\textbf{Languages:} Python, NodeJS, Javscript, Tyepscript, Java, Golang
\textbf{Databases:} Postgresql, MySQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, Datastore, Firestore, Redis, Memcache, Solr
\textbf{Build:} make, Drone CI, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Travis, packer, AWS CodeBuild
\textbf{Config:} ansible, yaml, jsonnet
\textbf{Deploy:} AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker (OCI), Terraform, Helm, Kustomize
\textbf{Secrets:} PGP, sops
\textbf{Monitoring:} Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, Mimir, Tempo, OpenTracing, OpenTelemetry
\textbf{Zero Trust Netowrking:} mtls, Cloudflare Zero Trust
Upon Request.
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