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Forked from mikesigs/DeleteExcludedFiles.ps1
Last active January 2, 2018 00:24
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PowerShell Script to Find (and delete) all excluded files in a Visual Studio Solution
Find all files excluded from a Visual Studio solution with options to delete.
Finds all excluded files in all projects in the provided Visual Studio solution with options to delete the files.
The path to the .sln file
The Visual Studio version (10, 11, 12) (Used to locate the tf.exe file)
Mark files as deleted in SVN
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[int] $VsVersion = 12,
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$solutionDir = Split-Path $Solution | % { (Resolve-Path $_).Path }
$projects = Select-String -Path $Solution -Pattern 'Project.*"(?<file>.*\.csproj)".*' `
| % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value } `
| % { Join-Path $solutionDir $_ }
$excluded = $projects | % {
$projectDir = Split-Path $_
Write-Host "Analyzing" $_
$projectFiles = Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern '<(Compile|None|Content|EmbeddedResource) Include="(.*)".*' `
| % { $_.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value } `
| % { Join-Path $projectDir $_ }
$diskFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $projectDir -Recurse `
| ? { !$_.PSIsContainer } `
| % { $_.FullName } `
| ? { $_ -match ".cs$" } `
| ? { $_ -notmatch "\\obj\\" }
(compare-object $diskFiles $projectFiles -PassThru) | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }
Write-Host "Found" $excluded.count "excluded files"
if ($SvnDelete)
Write-Host "SVN deleting excluded files..."
$excluded | % {
[Array]$arguments = @("delete", "`"$_`"")
& svn $arguments
Write-Host "SvnDelete was not specified. Listing excluded files only..."
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