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Created September 12, 2011 14:58
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Save draeton/1211480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery.schema - Ported from dojox.json.schema release 1.6.1 (based on draft-zyp-json-schema-02)
// jQuery.schema
// Ported from dojox.json.schema release 1.6.1
// Based on draft-zyp-json-schema-02
(function ($) {
var schema;
$.schema = schema = {};
schema.validate = function ( /*Any*/ instance, /*Object*/ schema) {
// summary:
// To use the validator call this with an instance object and an optional schema object.
// If a schema is provided, it will be used to validate. If the instance object refers to a schema (self-validating),
// that schema will be used to validate and the schema parameter is not necessary (if both exist,
// both validations will occur).
// instance:
// The instance value/object to validate
// schema:
// The schema to use to validate
// description:
// The validate method will return an object with two properties:
// valid: A boolean indicating if the instance is valid by the schema
// errors: An array of validation errors. If there are no errors, then an
// empty list will be returned. A validation error will have two properties:
// property: which indicates which property had the error
// message: which indicates what the error was
return this._validate(instance, schema, false);
schema.checkPropertyChange = function ( /*Any*/ value, /*Object*/ schema, /*String*/ property) {
// summary:
// The checkPropertyChange method will check to see if an value can legally be in property with the given schema
// This is slightly different than the validate method in that it will fail if the schema is readonly and it will
// not check for self-validation, it is assumed that the passed in value is already internally valid.
// The checkPropertyChange method will return the same object type as validate, see $.schema.validate for
// information.
// value:
// The new instance value/object to check
// schema:
// The schema to use to validate
// return:
// see $.schema.validate
return this._validate(value, schema, property || "property");
schema.mustBeValid = function (result) {
// summary:
// This checks to ensure that the result is valid and will throw an appropriate error message if it is not
// result:
// The result returned from checkPropertyChange or validate
if (!result.valid) {
throw new TypeError($.map(result.errors, function (error) {
return "for property " + + ': ' + error.message;
}).join(", "));
schema._validate = function ( /*Any*/ instance, /*Object*/ schema, /*Boolean*/ _changing) {
var errors = [];
// validate a value against a property definition
function checkProp(value, schema, path, i) {
var l;
path += path ? typeof i == 'number' ? '[' + i + ']' : typeof i == 'undefined' ? '' : '.' + i : i;
function addError(message) {
property: path,
message: message
if ((typeof schema != 'object' || schema instanceof Array) && (path || typeof schema != 'function')) {
if (typeof schema == 'function') {
if (!(Object(value) instanceof schema)) {
addError("is not an instance of the class/constructor " +;
} else if (schema) {
addError("Invalid schema/property definition " + schema);
return null;
if (_changing && schema.readonly) {
addError("is a readonly field, it can not be changed");
if (schema['extends']) { // if it extends another schema, it must pass that schema as well
checkProp(value, schema['extends'], path, i);
// validate a value against a type definition
function checkType(type, value) {
if (type) {
if (typeof type == 'string' && type != 'any' && (type == 'null' ? value !== null : typeof value != type) && !(value instanceof Array && type == 'array') && !(type == 'integer' && value % 1 === 0)) {
return [{
property: path,
message: (typeof value) + " value found, but a " + type + " is required"
if (type instanceof Array) {
var unionErrors = [];
for (var j = 0; j < type.length; j++) { // a union type
if (!(unionErrors = checkType(type[j], value)).length) {
if (unionErrors.length) {
return unionErrors;
} else if (typeof type == 'object') {
var priorErrors = errors;
errors = [];
checkProp(value, type, path);
var theseErrors = errors;
errors = priorErrors;
return theseErrors;
return [];
if (value === undefined) {
if (!schema.optional) {
addError("is missing and it is not optional");
} else {
errors = errors.concat(checkType(schema.type, value));
if (schema.disallow && !checkType(schema.disallow, value).length) {
addError(" disallowed value was matched");
if (value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Array) {
if (schema.items) {
if (schema.items instanceof Array) {
for (i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
errors.concat(checkProp(value[i], schema.items[i], path, i));
} else {
for (i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
errors.concat(checkProp(value[i], schema.items, path, i));
if (schema.minItems && value.length < schema.minItems) {
addError("There must be a minimum of " + schema.minItems + " in the array");
if (schema.maxItems && value.length > schema.maxItems) {
addError("There must be a maximum of " + schema.maxItems + " in the array");
} else if ( {
errors.concat(checkObj(value,, path, schema.additionalProperties));
if (schema.pattern && typeof value == 'string' && !value.match(schema.pattern)) {
addError("does not match the regex pattern " + schema.pattern);
if (schema.maxLength && typeof value == 'string' && value.length > schema.maxLength) {
addError("may only be " + schema.maxLength + " characters long");
if (schema.minLength && typeof value == 'string' && value.length < schema.minLength) {
addError("must be at least " + schema.minLength + " characters long");
if (typeof schema.minimum !== undefined && typeof value == typeof schema.minimum && schema.minimum > value) {
addError("must have a minimum value of " + schema.minimum);
if (typeof schema.maximum !== undefined && typeof value == typeof schema.maximum && schema.maximum < value) {
addError("must have a maximum value of " + schema.maximum);
if (schema['enum']) {
var enumer = schema['enum'];
l = enumer.length;
var found;
for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
if (enumer[j] === value) {
found = 1;
if (!found) {
addError("does not have a value in the enumeration " + enumer.join(", "));
if (typeof schema.maxDecimal == 'number' && (value.toString().match(new RegExp("\\.[0-9]{" + (schema.maxDecimal + 1) + ",}")))) {
addError("may only have " + schema.maxDecimal + " digits of decimal places");
return null;
// validate an object against a schema
function checkObj(instance, objTypeDef, path, additionalProp) {
if (typeof objTypeDef == 'object') {
if (typeof instance != 'object' || instance instanceof Array) {
property: path,
message: "an object is required"
for (var i in objTypeDef) {
if (objTypeDef.hasOwnProperty(i) && !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_')) {
var value = instance[i];
var propDef = objTypeDef[i];
checkProp(value, propDef, path, i);
for (i in instance) {
if (instance.hasOwnProperty(i) && !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_') && objTypeDef && !objTypeDef[i] && additionalProp === false) {
property: path,
message: (typeof value) + "The property " + i + " is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties"
var requires = objTypeDef && objTypeDef[i] && objTypeDef[i].requires;
if (requires && !(requires in instance)) {
property: path,
message: "the presence of the property " + i + " requires that " + requires + " also be present"
value = instance[i];
if (objTypeDef && typeof objTypeDef == 'object' && !(i in objTypeDef)) {
checkProp(value, additionalProp, path, i);
if (!_changing && value && value.$schema) {
errors = errors.concat(checkProp(value, value.$schema, path, i));
return errors;
if (schema) {
checkProp(instance, schema, '', _changing || '');
if (!_changing && instance && instance.$schema) {
checkProp(instance, instance.$schema, '', '');
return {
valid: !errors.length,
errors: errors
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