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Last active October 31, 2018 16:46
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United States 4896 USA
China 1996 CHN
Germany 1930 DEU
Singapore 1059 SGP
Netherlands 813 NLD
France 713 FRA
Japan 639 JPN
Russia 594 RUS
Republic of Korea 554 KOR
United Kingdom 549 GBR
null 471 ATA
Canada 412 CAN
Ireland 271 IRL
Hong Kong 270 HKG
Australia 182 AUS
Italy 163 ITA
Finland 153 FIN
India 143 IND
Ukraine 118 UKR
Poland 114 POL
Republic of Lithuania 97 LTU
Taiwan 82 TWN
Switzerland 81 CHE
Bulgaria 77 BGR
Czechia 69 CZE
Spain 52 ESP
Vietnam 48 VNM
Sweden 42 SWE
Brazil 39 BRA
Turkey 35 TUR
Hungary 34 HUN
Romania 34 ROU
Thailand 30 THA
Austria 29 AUT
Argentina 29 ARG
Belarus 24 BLR
Slovenia 23 SVN
Malaysia 22 MYS
Croatia 21 HRV
South Africa 19 ZAF
Portugal 17 PRT
Belgium 15 BEL
New Zealand 15 NZL
Greece 14 GRC
Norway 14 NOR
Serbia 13 SRB
Israel 12 ISR
Estonia 11 EST
Mexico 11 MEX
United Arab Emirates 11 ARE
Indonesia 11 IDN
Slovakia 9 SVK
Latvia 8 LVA
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 BIH
Pakistan 7 PAK
Philippines 7 PHL
Denmark 7 DNK
Republic of Moldova 7 MDA
Saudi Arabia 6 SAU
Luxembourg 6 LUX
Egypt 5 EGY
Kazakhstan 5 KAZ
Nigeria 4 NGA
Panama 4 PAN
Iran 4 IRN
Macedonia 4 MKD
Venezuela 4 VEN
Malta 3 MLT
Morocco 3 MAR
Uruguay 3 URY
Chile 2 CHL
Kuwait 2 KWT
Colombia 2 COL
French Polynesia 2 PYF
Cyprus 2 CYP
Montenegro 1 MNE
Bolivia 1 BOL
Peru 1 PER
Georgia 1 GEO
Curaçao 1 undefined
Algeria 1 DZA
Mauritius 1 MUS
Dominican Republic 1 DOM
Tunisia 1 TUN
Cambodia 1 KHM
Trinidad and Tobago 1 TTO
Costa Rica 1 CRI
Lebanon 1 LBN
Guatemala 1 GTM
Kyrgyzstan 1 KGZ
Iceland 1 ISL
Armenia 1 ARM
Bangladesh 1 BGD
Paraguay 1 PRY
Kenya 1 KEN
Ghana 1 GHA
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