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Created September 29, 2014 04:00
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Examples of ScalaZ lenses and states
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import Lens._
Examples of Scalaz lenses
// Model
case class Address(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Int)
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, address: Address)
case class Department(name: String, numberOfEmployees: Int)
case class Company(departments: Map[Int, Department])
object ScalazLenses {
// creating lens with lensu
val streetL : Address @> String = lensu((a,s) => a.copy(street = s), _.street)
val zipL : Address @> Int = lensu((a,z) => a.copy(zip = z),
// alternative method to create lens: lensg
val addressL : Person @> Address = lensg( p => a => p.copy(address = a), _.address)
// composing lenses
// Person @> Int
val personZipL = addressL >=> zipL // same as andThen
val personZipL2 = addressL andThen zipL
// From Lens to State
// Set value :State[Person, Address]
def setAddress(a :Address) = addressL := a
// modify value
val incrementZipCode = addressL >=> zipL %= (_+1)
// same using numeric modify +=
val incrementZipCode2 = addressL >=> zipL += 1
// Lenses and Maps
val numberOfEmployeesL : Department @> Int = lensu((d,c) => d.copy(numberOfEmployees = c), _.numberOfEmployees)
val departmentsL: Company @> Map[Int, Department] = lensu((c,d) => c.copy(departments = d), _.departments)
// modify existing map entry. Will throw exception if key not found
def addEmployee(depId: Int) = >=> numberOfEmployeesL += 1
//same but using optional
def addEmployee2(depId: Int) = departmentsL.member(depId) %= {
case Some(d) => Some(numberOfEmployeesL.set(d, d.numberOfEmployees + 1))
case None => Some(Department("New Department", 1))
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