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Created April 8, 2018 19:22
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type SchemaEntry<A, B extends keyof A> =
| Validator<A[B]>
| ((obj: Id<A>) => Validator<A[B]>);
type Schema<A extends object> = { [k in keyof A]: SchemaEntry<A, k> };
class Result<T> {}
export class Validator<A> {
private _validate: (
obj: A,
schema: A extends object ? Schema<A> : undefined
) => Result<A>
) {}
function validator<A extends object>(
v:(object: A, schema: Schema<A>) => Result<A>
) :Validator<A>
function validator<A>(
v:(object: A) => Result<A>
) :Validator<A>
function validator<A>(
v:(object: A, schema: any) => Result<A>
) {
return new Validator<A>(v);
const object = <A extends object>(schema: Schema<A>) => {
return validator<A>((o, s) => {
// option 1
for (const k in <Schema<A>>s) {
if (s.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
const v = s[k]; // ok
// option 2
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(s)) {
// v has expected type
return null as any as Result<A>;
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