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auto clicker for steam summer game (wchill version)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Monster Minigame Auto-script
// @namespace
// @description A script that runs the Steam Monster Minigame for you. Modified from mouseas's original version to include autoclick.
// @version 1.0
// @match*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
// IMPORTANT: Update the @version property above to a higher number such as 1.1 and 1.2 when you update the script! Otherwise, Tamper / Greasemonkey users will not update automatically.
var clickRate = 15; // change to number of desired clicks per second
var isAlreadyRunning = false;
if (thingTimer !== undefined) {
function doTheThing() {
if (isAlreadyRunning || g_Minigame === undefined || !g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_bRunning || !g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree) {
isAlreadyRunning = true;
// TODO use abilities if available and a suitable target exists
// - Tactical Nuke on a Spawner if below 50% and above 25% of its health
// - Cluster Bomb and Napalm if the current lane has a spawner and 2+ creeps
// - Metal Detector if a boss, miniboss, or spawner death is imminent (predicted in > 2 and < 7 seconds)
// - Morale Booster if available and lane has > 2 live enemies
// - Decrease Cooldowns if another player used a long-cooldown ability < 10 seconds ago (any ability but Medics or a consumable)
// TODO purchase abilities and upgrades intelligently
isAlreadyRunning = false;
function goToLaneWithBestTarget() {
// We can overlook spawners if all spawners are 40% hp or higher and a creep is under 10% hp
var spawnerOKThreshold = 0.4;
var creepSnagThreshold = 0.1;
var targetFound = false;
var lowHP = 0;
var lowLane = 0;
var lowTarget = 0;
var lowPercentageHP = 0;
var ENEMY_TYPE = {
// determine which lane and enemy is the optimal target
var enemyTypePriority = [
var skippingSpawner = false;
var skippedSpawnerLane = 0;
var skippedSpawnerTarget = 0;
for (var k = 0; !targetFound && k < enemyTypePriority.length; k++) {
var enemies = [];
// gather all the enemies of the specified type.
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var enemy = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetEnemy(i, j);
if (enemy && enemy.m_data.type == enemyTypePriority[k]) {
enemies[enemies.length] = enemy;
// target the enemy of the specified type with the lowest hp
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
if (enemies[i] && !enemies[i].m_bIsDestroyed) {
if(lowHP < 1 || enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP < lowHP) {
targetFound = true;
lowHP = enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP;
lowLane = enemies[i].m_nLane;
lowTarget = enemies[i].m_nID;
var percentageHP = enemies[i].m_flDisplayedHP / enemies[i].m_data.max_hp;
if(lowPercentageHP == 0 || percentageHP < lowPercentageHP) {
lowPercentageHP = percentageHP;
// If we just finished looking at spawners,
// AND none of them were below our threshold,
// remember them and look for low creeps (so don't quit now)
if (enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.SPAWNER && lowPercentageHP > spawnerOKThreshold) {
skippedSpawnerLane = lowLane;
skippedSpawnerTarget = lowTarget;
skippingSpawner = true;
targetFound = false;
// If we skipped a spawner and just finished looking at creeps,
// AND the lowest was above our snag threshold,
// just go back to the spawner!
if (skippingSpawner && enemyTypePriority[k] == ENEMY_TYPE.CREEP && lowPercentageHP > creepSnagThreshold ) {
lowLane = skippedSpawnerLane;
lowTarget = skippedSpawnerTarget;
// go to the chosen lane
if (targetFound) {
if (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nExpectedLane != lowLane) {
//console.log('switching langes');
// target the chosen enemy
if (g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_nTarget != lowTarget) {
//console.log('switching targets');
function useMedicsIfRelevant() {
var myMaxHealth = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.max_hp;
// check if health is below 50%
var hpPercent = g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.hp / myMaxHealth;
if (hpPercent > 0.5 || g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.hp < 1) {
return; // no need to heal - HP is above 50% or already dead
// check if Medics is purchased and cooled down
if (hasPurchasedAbility(7)) {
if (isAbilityCoolingDown(7)) {
// Medics is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.
console.log('Medics is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.');
// Use Good Luck Charm if doable
function useGoodLuckCharmIfRelevant() {
// check if Good Luck Charms is purchased and cooled down
if (hasPurchasedAbility(6)) {
if (isAbilityCoolingDown(6)) {
// Good Luck Charms is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.
console.log('Good Luck Charms is purchased, cooled down, and needed. Trigger it.');
//If player is dead, call respawn method
function attemptRespawn() {
if ((g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_bIsDead) &&
((g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerData.time_died * 1000) + 5000) < (new Date().getTime())) {
function isAbilityCoolingDown(abilityId) {
return g_Minigame.CurrentScene().GetCooldownForAbility(abilityId) > 0;
function hasPurchasedAbility(abilityId) {
// each bit in unlocked_abilities_bitfield corresponds to an ability.
// the above condition checks if the ability's bit is set or cleared. I.e. it checks if
// the player has purchased the specified ability.
return (1 << abilityId) & g_Minigame.CurrentScene().m_rgPlayerTechTree.unlocked_abilities_bitfield;
function triggerAbility(abilityId) {
var elem = document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId);
if (elem && elem.childElements() && elem.childElements().length >= 1) {
g_Minigame.CurrentScene().TryAbility(document.getElementById('ability_' + abilityId).childElements()[0]);
var thingTimer = window.setInterval(doTheThing, 1000);
function clickTheThing() {
data: {
getLocalPosition: function() {
var enemy = g_Minigame.m_CurrentScene.GetEnemy(
laneOffset = enemy.m_nLane * 440;
return {
x: enemy.m_Sprite.position.x - laneOffset,
y: enemy.m_Sprite.position.y - 52
var clickTimer = window.setInterval(clickTheThing, 1000/clickRate);
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freqz commented Jun 13, 2015

Works like a charm. Thanks! :)

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You can rename autoclick.js to autoclick.user.js for Auto-install in Tampermonkey when clicking on RAW button.

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