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Created November 2, 2014 13:09
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weibo crawler
#!/usr/bin/env python
Created on Mar 18, 2013
@author: yoyzhou
Updated on APril 16, 2014
@author: wanghaisheng
import os
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
import cookielib
import base64
import re
import hashlib
import json
import rsa
import binascii
import getpass
except ImportError:
print >> sys.stderr, """\
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required.
The error leading to this problem was:
Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.
It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python,
which is:
""" % (sys.exc_info(), sys.version)
__prog__= "weibo_login"
__site__= ""
__weibo__= "@pigdata"
def get_prelogin_status(username):
Perform prelogin action, get prelogin status, including servertime, nonce, rsakv, etc.
#prelogin_url = ''
prelogin_url = '' + get_user(username) + \
data = urllib2.urlopen(prelogin_url).read()
p = re.compile('\((.*)\)')
json_data =
data = json.loads(json_data)
servertime = str(data['servertime'])
nonce = data['nonce']
rsakv = data['rsakv']
return servertime, nonce, rsakv
print 'Getting prelogin status met error!'
return None
def login(username, pwd, cookie_file):
Login with use name, password and cookies.
(1) If cookie file exists then try to load cookies;
(2) If no cookies found then do login
#If cookie file exists then try to load cookies
if os.path.exists(cookie_file):
cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar(cookie_file)
cookie_jar.load(ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)
loaded = 1
except cookielib.LoadError:
loaded = 0
print 'Loading cookies error'
#install loaded cookies for urllib2
if loaded:
cookie_support = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookie_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler)
print 'Loading cookies success'
return 1
return do_login(username, pwd, cookie_file)
else: #If no cookies found
return do_login(username, pwd, cookie_file)
def do_login(username,pwd,cookie_file):
Perform login action with use name, password and saving cookies.
@param username: login user name
@param pwd: login password
@param cookie_file: file name where to save cookies when login succeeded
#POST data per LOGIN WEIBO, these fields can be captured using httpfox extension in Firefox
login_data = {
'entry': 'weibo',
'gateway': '1',
'from': '',
'savestate': '7',
'userticket': '1',
'vsnf': '1',
'su': '',
'service': 'miniblog',
'servertime': '',
'nonce': '',
'pwencode': 'rsa2',
'rsakv': '',
'sp': '',
'encoding': 'UTF-8',
'prelt': '45',
'url': '',
'returntype': 'META'
cookie_jar2 = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
cookie_support2 = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar2)
opener2 = urllib2.build_opener(cookie_support2, urllib2.HTTPHandler)
login_url = ''
servertime, nonce, rsakv = get_prelogin_status(username)
return 0
#Fill POST data
print 'starting to set login_data'
login_data['servertime'] = servertime
login_data['nonce'] = nonce
login_data['su'] = get_user(username)
login_data['sp'] = get_pwd_rsa(pwd, servertime, nonce)
login_data['rsakv'] = rsakv
login_data = urllib.urlencode(login_data)
http_headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0'}
req_login = urllib2.Request(
url = login_url,
data = login_data,
headers = http_headers
result = urllib2.urlopen(req_login)
text =
p = re.compile('location\.replace\(\'(.*?)\'\)')
#在使用httpfox登录调试时,我获取的返回参数 location.replace(' 这里使用的是单引号 原来的正则中匹配的是双引号# 导致没有login_url得到 单引号本身在re中无需转义
#p = re.compile('location\.replace\(\B'(.*?)'\B\)') 经调试,这样子是错误的 re中使用\'才能表达单引号
#Search login redirection URL
login_url =
data = urllib2.urlopen(login_url).read()
#Verify login feedback, check whether result is TRUE
patt_feedback = 'feedBackUrlCallBack\((.*)\)'
p = re.compile(patt_feedback, re.MULTILINE)
feedback =
feedback_json = json.loads(feedback)
if feedback_json['result']:,ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)
return 1
return 0
return 0
def get_pwd_wsse(pwd, servertime, nonce):
Get wsse encrypted password
pwd1 = hashlib.sha1(pwd).hexdigest()
pwd2 = hashlib.sha1(pwd1).hexdigest()
pwd3_ = pwd2 + servertime + nonce
pwd3 = hashlib.sha1(pwd3_).hexdigest()
return pwd3
def get_pwd_rsa(pwd, servertime, nonce):
Get rsa2 encrypted password, using RSA module from, documents can be accessed at
#n, n parameter of RSA public key, which is published by WEIBO.COM
#hardcoded here but you can also find it from values return from prelogin status above
weibo_rsa_n = 'EB2A38568661887FA180BDDB5CABD5F21C7BFD59C090CB2D245A87AC253062882729293E5506350508E7F9AA3BB77F4333231490F915F6D63C55FE2F08A49B353F444AD3993CACC02DB784ABBB8E42A9B1BBFFFB38BE18D78E87A0E41B9B8F73A928EE0CCEE1F6739884B9777E4FE9E88A1BBE495927AC4A799B3181D6442443'
#e, exponent parameter of RSA public key, WEIBO uses 0x10001, which is 65537 in Decimal
weibo_rsa_e = 65537
message = str(servertime) + '\t' + str(nonce) + '\n' + str(pwd)
#construct WEIBO RSA Publickey using n and e above, note that n is a hex string
key = rsa.PublicKey(int(weibo_rsa_n, 16), weibo_rsa_e)
#get encrypted password
encropy_pwd = rsa.encrypt(message, key)
#trun back encrypted password binaries to hex string
return binascii.b2a_hex(encropy_pwd)
def get_user(username):
username_ = urllib.quote(username)
username = base64.encodestring(username_)[:-1]
return username
if __name__ == '__main__':
username = '18817583755'
pwd = getpass.getpass()
# pwd = ''
cookie_file = 'weibo_login_cookies.dat'
if login(username, pwd, cookie_file):
print 'Login WEIBO succeeded'
html = urllib2.urlopen('').read()
pFollowItem = r"""
<li\ class=\\"follow_item[\s\S]*? # beginning of a fan
uid=(?P<uid>\d+)& # uid
fnick=(?P<nickname>[^&]+)& # nickname
sex=(?P<gender>[^\\]+)[\s\S]*? # gender
(?P<approved>微博个人认证) # approved person
(?P<approved_co>微博机构认证) # approved company
关注\ <em[^>]+?><a[^>]+?>(?P<follwing>\d+)[\s\S]*? # following
粉丝<em[^>]+?><a[^>]+?>(?P<fans>\d+)[\s\S]*? # fans number
微博<em[^>]+?><a[^>]+?>(?P<weibo>\d+)[\s\S]*? # weibo number
地址<\\/em><span>(?P<address>[^<]+)[\s\S]*? # weibo number
<\\/li> # end of a fan
r = re.compile(pFollowItem, re.X)
iter = r.finditer(html)
# print len(result)
# print result
for i in iter:
gDict = i.groupdict()
for (key, value) in gDict.items():
# sys.stdout.write(key + ': ' + value + ' | ')
print key, ': ', value
# print i.groups()
print '-' * 10
print 'Login WEIBO failed'
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