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Created February 10, 2014 23:29
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truncate table controllers;
INSERT INTO `controllers` (`id`, `uniqid`, `module`, `controller`, `description`, `disabled`, `is_hidden`, `created_ts`, `modified_ts`)
(1, 'default_cron', 'default', 'cron', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(2, 'default_error', 'default', 'error', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(3, 'default_user', 'default', 'user', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(4, 'default_cargo', 'default', 'cargo', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(5, 'default_index', 'default', 'index', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(6, 'admin_acl', 'admin', 'acl', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(7, 'admin_users', 'admin', 'users', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(8, 'admin_privileges', 'admin', 'privileges', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(9, 'admin_index', 'admin', 'index', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(10, 'admin_actions', 'admin', 'actions', '', 0, 0, '2013-04-17 00:30:00', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(11, 'default_index_staff', 'default', 'cargo', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-20 05:10:43'),
(12, 'default_cargo_viewstaff', 'default', 'cargo', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-20 13:44:24'),
(13, 'admin_wiki', 'admin', 'wiki', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 00:20:00'),
(19, 'default_wiki', 'default', 'wiki', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-26 14:13:21');
truncate table actions;
INSERT INTO `actions` (`id`, `uniqid`, `module`, `controller`, `action`, `description`, `disabled`, `is_hidden`, `created_ts`, `modified_ts`)
(1, 'default_cron_acl', 'default', 'cron', 'acl', '', 0, 1, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(2, 'default_error_error', 'default', 'error', 'error', '', 0, 1, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(3, 'default_user_index', 'default', 'user', 'index', 'The same as the login page, only used for redirection.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(4, 'default_user_login', 'default', 'user', 'login', 'The login page. All users should be granted access including guests.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(5, 'default_user_register', 'default', 'user', 'register', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(6, 'default_user_update', 'default', 'user', 'update', 'Gives the user the ability to update their personal information. In the case of employees, this may trigger a change request email.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(7, 'default_user_logout', 'default', 'user', 'logout', 'Gives the user the ability to logout of the system.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(8, 'default_user_forgot', 'default', 'user', 'forgot', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(9, 'default_user_reset', 'default', 'user', 'reset', '', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(10, 'default_user_delete', 'default', 'user', 'delete', 'Give\'s the user the ability to delete themselves from the system. ', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(11, 'default_cargo_index', 'default', 'cargo', 'index', 'The default landing page for non-administrative users (user/employee/manager).', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(12, 'default_index_index', 'default', 'index', 'index', 'The default landing page of the site. The login page.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(13, 'admin_acl_index', 'admin', 'acl', 'index', 'Gives the ability to view all existing and assigned access control rules.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(16, 'admin_acl_delete', 'admin', 'acl', 'delete', 'Gives the ability to delete an existing access control rule, removing the rule association to a given role.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(18, 'admin_users_create', 'admin', 'users', 'create', 'Gives the ability to create a new user. This should only be used to create other admins as users should be imported via the CSV file.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(19, 'admin_users_update', 'admin', 'users', 'update', 'Gives the ability to edit a user.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(20, 'admin_users_delete', 'admin', 'users', 'delete', 'Gives the ability to delete a user. ', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(21, 'admin_privileges_index', 'admin', 'privileges', 'index', 'Gives the ability to view all existing privileges.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(22, 'admin_privileges_create', 'admin', 'privileges', 'create', 'Gives the ability to create a new privilege.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(23, 'admin_privileges_update', 'admin', 'privileges', 'update', 'Gives the ability to update an existing privilege.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(24, 'admin_privileges_delete', 'admin', 'privileges', 'delete', 'Gives the ability to delete an existing privilege.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(25, 'admin_index_index', 'admin', 'index', 'index', 'Grants access to the default administrative landing page that a user is redirected to after login.', 0, 0, '2012-10-01 07:36:13', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(26, 'admin_users_index', 'admin', 'users', 'index', 'Gives the ability to list all users.', 0, 0, '2012-10-09 06:55:06', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(27, 'admin_acl_create', 'admin', 'acl', 'create', 'Gives the ability to create a new access control rule based on the list of available and unassigned rules.', 0, 0, '2012-10-12 07:50:44', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(28, 'admin_acl_update', 'admin', 'acl', 'update', 'Gives the ability to edit an access control rule description.', 0, 0, '2012-10-12 07:50:44', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(29, 'admin_acl_add', 'admin', 'acl', 'add', 'Gives the user the ability to add a new access control rule (a relation between a user role and an action).', 0, 0, '2012-10-20 07:38:42', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(30, 'admin_acl_decline', 'admin', 'acl', 'decline', 'Gives the ability to decline suggested access control rules so they no longer show up on the list of suggested rules for a given role.', 0, 0, '2012-10-20 07:38:42', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(31, 'default_cron_userimport', 'default', 'cron', 'userimport', '', 0, 0, '2012-11-12 13:11:27', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(32, 'default_cron_updatepw', 'default', 'cron', 'updatepw', '', 0, 0, '2012-11-12 13:11:27', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(33, 'default_user_password', 'default', 'user', 'password', 'Gives the user the ability to change their password.', 0, 0, '2012-11-12 13:11:27', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(34, 'default_user_email', 'default', 'user', 'email', 'Gives the user the ability to change their own email address.', 0, 0, '2012-11-12 13:11:27', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(35, 'admin_users_completed', 'admin', 'users', 'completed', 'Gives the ability to mark a user\'s profile change request as completed. Completed could mean either approved or rejected; there\'s nothing to distinguish.', 0, 0, '2012-11-12 13:11:27', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(36, 'admin_actions_userimport', 'admin', 'actions', 'userimport', '', 0, 0, '2013-04-17 00:30:00', '2013-05-25 05:30:00'),
(37, 'cargo_index_staff', 'default', 'cargo', 'staff', 'The staff index', 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-20 05:10:05'),
(38, 'cargo_viewstaff', 'default', 'cargo', 'viewstaff', 'The staff view page', 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-20 13:44:00'),
(39, 'admin_wiki_index', 'admin', 'wiki', 'index', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 00:19:51'),
(40, 'admin_wiki_create', 'admin', 'wiki', 'create', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 00:24:05'),
(41, 'admin_wiki_view', 'admin', 'wiki', 'view', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 15:08:28'),
(42, 'admin_wiki_delete', 'admin', 'wiki', 'delete', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 15:57:48'),
(43, 'admin_wiki_edit', 'admin', 'wiki', 'edit', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-23 16:06:27'),
(44, 'wiki_index', 'default', 'wiki', 'index', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-24 16:09:47'),
(45, 'wiki_view', 'default', 'wiki', 'view', NULL, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2013-07-26 14:12:18');
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